The Troublesome Angel. Valerie Hansen

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The Troublesome Angel - Valerie  Hansen

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and covered it with his other, looking at her warmly.

      Stacy’s pulse quickened. Short of breath, she tried to pull away. “What are you doing?”

      “Trying to show my appreciation.” His thumb grazed her wrist, setting up a tingle that shot up her arm and did a tap dance along her spine.

      “A simple ‘Thank you’ would suffice.”

      “I don’t think that’s enough. You showed up here as soon as you were called and performed with great professionalism and skill. I’m indebted to you. Aren’t all the people you help grateful?”

      “Not so you’d notice,” Stacy said truthfully.

      “Most of the time they’re too caught up in what’s happened to even realize I’m there.”

      Graydon continued to hold her hand. “That’s too bad. You deserve more praise.”

      “I’m not in this business for the glory, which is why I’m trying to dodge all those reporters,” she said, glancing back at the crowd. “And stop that.”

      “Stop what?”

      “That.” Stacy clasped her free hand over his and stilled his casual caress. To her surprise, he released her as if he were dropping a red-hot coal. Not only that, he looked like he might actually be blushing under his perfect tan.

      “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize—”

      “That I’m not the impressionable girl I used to be?” She smiled coolly. “You don’t owe me a thing, Mr. Payne. Neither does anyone else in your family. No one could pay me enough to cover the long hours, sweat and tears I put into my job.”

      “Then why do you do it?”

      It would have been simple to give him a pat answer. It would also have been a sin. Stacy knew better than to pass up the chance to offer an honest statement of her faith. Such opportunities didn’t come every day. They were far too precious to be wasted.

      “Because I’m trying to follow God’s leading for my life,” she said, “to stay in His will, to be the person He expects me to be.”

      “That’s very noble.”

      “No, it isn’t. It’s hard. And scary. And sometimes it breaks my heart.” Stacy’s voice softened.

      “If I were in charge of the universe, no one would ever fail. Or be lost. Or lonely. Or die. I don’t understand why things happen the way they do. I never did. All I can do is give it my best and put my faith in Jesus.”

      “Even when you fail?” he asked quietly.

      “Oh, yes.” She looked up at him, willing him to understand. “Especially when I fail.”

      Chapter Three

      By nine that night the campground had quieted down. Too tired to go home, Stacy had showered, eaten, borrowed a pink sweat suit from Judy and was sprawled in a comfy chair by the fireplace in the main cabin. Lewis and Clark both lay napping by her bare feet.

      She pushed up the oversize sleeves of the sweatshirt and hugged herself. “Umm, this feels so good. Thanks again. I was in such a big hurry to get here and begin the search I came straight from the seminar in Atlanta. I wish now I’d gone home to get different clothes.”

      “No problem. Too bad I don’t have something more your size. You should let me wake Angela and ask her.”

      “No way. I know what her migraines are like. She needs to sleep it off.”

      “You’re right. So what’s Plan B? Do you need to go back to Atlanta and finish up there or what?”

      Stacy picked up her mug of hot cocoa, wrapped both hands around it to enjoy the warmth and took a sip. “No. I’m all done. The last of my tracking demonstrations were over by late yesterday. That’s one of the reasons I was free to respond when we got your call. Everybody else is still committed to wrapping up their classes.”

      “I’ll bet that was no accident. I was sure praying you’d be the one they sent.”

      “I’m glad, too. I’ve been so busy lately I haven’t taken time for my friends. I’ve really missed you guys.”

      “We understand how it is. I’m just sorry it turned out to be the Paynes who needed your help.”

      Thoughtful, Stacy nodded and sighed. “Yeah. Me, too. For more reasons than one.” Ever since she’d stepped off the plane and encountered Graydon she’d been feeling an uncomfortable pricking at the edges of her conscience. “I’m afraid the Lord may be trying to nudge me about something.”

      “Like what?” Leaning closer, Judy added, “Forgiveness?”

      That insight took Stacy by surprise. Her eyes widened. “How did you know what I was thinking?”

      “I didn’t. But I know you. It’s not like you to hold a grudge or be unfriendly toward anybody. I think it’s possible the Lord threw Graydon Payne in your path to get you to face the old hostility you’ve hung on to for so long.”

      The idea did not sit well with Stacy. Caught up in the pathos and excitement of Missy’s rescue, she’d managed to temporarily set aside her intense, long-standing dislike for Graydon and his stuffy family. Now it was back.

      She knew it was wrong to harbor resentment. She also knew she wasn’t ready to lower her guard and give up the protection those hostile feelings provided. They were necessary for her emotional well-being.

      Purposely changing the subject, Stacy said, “I was hoping you or Angela could spare an hour or so to drive me home in the morning.”

      “Sure.” Judy relaxed, leaned back. “Anything for a hero.”

      “Cut that out. I’m not—”

      The dogs perked up and stared at the door. A loud knock sounded. Lewis growled. Clark jumped up, tail wagging.

      “If that’s more reporters, please don’t let them in.” Stacy yawned. “I’m too tired to make good sense.”

      “Right.” Judy’s outlandish bunny slippers made a swishing sound as she padded to the door, followed closely by the younger dog. “Who is it?”

      A man’s voice said, “Special delivery for Ms. Lucas.”

      “Try again,” Judy countered. “In case you haven’t noticed, we’re in the middle of nowhere. The post office has enough trouble delivering our regular mail. No way is there a special delivery at this time of night.”

      In spite of her weariness, Stacy joined her, and pressed her ear to the door. “Who is it?”

      “Santa Claus?” the voice ventured. He waited, then tried again. “How about Howard Hughes?”

      “It’s Graydon Payne,” Stacy deduced, scowling. “It has to be. Look how Clark’s tail is wagging.” Louder, she called, “What do you want?”

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