Midnight Blue: A gripping historical novel about the birth of Delft pottery, set in the Dutch Golden Age. Литагент HarperCollins USD

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Midnight Blue: A gripping historical novel about the birth of Delft pottery, set in the Dutch Golden Age - Литагент HarperCollins USD

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       Chapter 23


       Chapter 24


       Chapter 25


       Chapter 26


       Chapter 27


       Chapter 28


       Chapter 29


       Chapter 30


       Chapter 31


       Chapter 32


       Chapter 33


       Chapter 34


       Chapter 35


       Chapter 36


       Chapter 37


       Chapter 38


       Chapter 39


       Chapter 40


       Chapter 41


       Chapter 42


       Chapter 43


       Chapter 44


       Chapter 45


       Chapter 46


       Chapter 47


       Chapter 48






       Suggested Further Reading


       Reading Group Questions




       About the Author


       About the Publisher


       De Rijp, March 1654

      The funeral was a week ago and I still feel more relieved than anything else. I know that’s indefensible, that I should be grieving, but it’s impossible.

      I stand with my arms folded, gazing out of the top half of the kitchen door at the fields and meadows surrounding the farm, but don’t really see them.

      It should never have come to this. Looking back, I can’t understand what came over me that night. For years I’d thought of Govert as just another man from the village, not someone I paid any particular attention to. I never gave him much thought at all. Not that he wasn’t an attractive man, in a certain way he was. The first time I noticed him was at the village fair, when he pulled me up to dance and held me to him. I’d been drinking, of course I had been drinking, but not so much that I couldn’t hear his heavy breathing or feel his body pressing against mine, his muscular arms clasping me so tentatively.

      With every turn our hips brushed and the grip with which he steered me through the other dancing couples tightened. It was an exciting feeling. I realised he was in love with me. The off-putting way he stared

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