Classics fantasy – 7. Stories-2. A. Belyaev

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Classics fantasy – 7. Stories-2 - A. Belyaev

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      Light of temporary power plant flashed. The bright arc lamp was lit by “Condor”. It stood on a mooring scaffold. Huge “coil” – a vingrotor – fastening as an axis, all device was the center of all construction. On the ends of an axis the huge planes in the form of semi-holes were strengthened. They have to give side stability to “dragon”. Under the coil the deck also was located on it a small cabin with two rooms – Miller and Zoya’s future dwelling. Behind “Condor” through all glade almost on kilometer the huge tail was stretched. On some distance from the mooring platform there was a collar with the reeled-up thin cable. Nearby the building of the small gas plant which produced hydrogen for filling of internal cavities of “Condor” was seen.

      Miller rushed in work as if in fight. Its young energy was transferred to all. The human ant hill began to move.

      Zoya did not notice how morning crept. Lamps went out. The pink beam of the sun lit horns of the side planes.

      – We climb, Zoya! – Miller shouted.

      Mooring planked footway already had him and quickly clambered on a steep ladder. Zoya followed it, easily and surely climbing up above and above. Not without reason she was the awarded fizkulturnitsa.

      In two minutes they were on the deck.

      – Wind in three points. You hear how tops of trees rustle? – Miller told. It surely turned the lever. Blades of a rotor were started turning. – Three points – quite sufficient wind to help us to fly up. You remember “Magnus’s effect”, Zoya?

      Miller disappeared behind a cabin and told from there:

      – Turn the switch near a cabin door.

      Za turned. Noise of the motor was heard. In a cabin the electric bulb was lit.

      – Here you see, our power plant also earned. Years of tens would not be without celebration back. Now it would seem to triumph in view of that as strange, as concerning conducting of a house electric call. Down I do not give current yet. You should look after the motor. It is established behind a cabin indoors.

      Miller approached the region of the deck and, having bent down over an iron fencing, shouted as the real captain:

      – Kick off!

      The collar was started turning, unwinding a wire, “Condor” began to rise up. The first beams of a rising sun lit Zoya’s face, and still shadows of night below lay. Miller looked at Zoya and tenderly smiled:

      – We fly, Zoyka! You are not afraid?

      – I am not afraid, Levka!

      Whether she could admit that to it it was a little bit terrible?

      “Condor” slowly rose. Wind grew stronger. The rotor rotated more and stronger. Miller carefully looked at Zoya.

      – In vain you did not take the suitcase. Would put on a sweater. It will be above absolutely fresh. Do not forget that we will live at height where “climate” of mountain tops. But it is our trial flight. Let’s go down and will take all necessary.

      – To me it is not cold! – Zoya answered.

      She looked down. The horizon extended and as though rose. Every minute all new distances opened: the becoming blue wood, a dazzling-red bend of the river, far factory pipes… On fields as if bugs, potter about tractors. “Condor” will feed them with electricity!

      The motor suddenly began to miss.

      – Look, Zoya that with a dynamo! – Levka told.

      Zoya adjusted the motor, and when returned, “Condor” was motionless already at big height. Behind it it was stretched, gradually falling, the long tail waving from wind.

      * * *

      – Energy of the atmosphere is inexhaustible. There will pass a little more years, and thousands, tens of thousands here will begin such “Condors” is proud to fly over our country. The wind turned into a current will rotate our cars, to give light and heat. We electrify our life, our life to the smallest details. Wind will undertake the most hard work. Human work will be facilitated. People will have much more free time to give it to science, arts. Life will become fine.

      – Yes, Levka, life will become beautiful – Zoya responded.

      And suddenly, having made the scared eyes, Zoya exclaimed:

      – Levka! And how we will have dinner? What will we eat?

      – Nectar and an ambrosia, as well as follows inhabitants of heaven, or a god-send. You got hungry, Zoya?

      – To admit and. I am hungry. We had dinner at a groundless or zagalny table!

      – Suffer a little. We will go down soon. And when we will fly up for a long time, we will lower a wire and to lift everything that it is necessary for us. There is an electric stove, and we will be able to warm up foods, to make coffee. From time to time we should go down to stock up with gas. As covers of “wings” are dense, nevertheless diffusion exists. I think that leak of gas will be small, and we hardly should go down more often than once a month if only you do not miss on the ground.

      – To us will once miss, Levka!

      – But at us will be also free time enough. We will stock up with books. On “Condor” there are a fine radio station and the TV. You will be able to see even movies.

      – And at night we will go in for astronomy. Isn’t that so, from here it is wonderful to observe stars?

      On the atmosphere

      Without wheel and without sails

      Quietly float in fog

      Choruses harmonious shone,

      – again Levka recited.

      – And if in our atmosphere there is a storm what we will do, Levk?

      – We will be attracted to the earth and fixed “Condor” on anchors. On an accident case, for example break of a cable, we have parachutes.

      Miller showed to Zoya the put parachutes tied to a handrail and explained how to treat them.

      – You take yourself at a breast this belt and – My God bless – you rush down. You fly and count up to ten – remember it – and only when you will count to ten, you will pull here this rope, and the parachute will be developed.

      Zoya involuntarily shuddered and told, having lowered a voice:

      – You know, I very brave, Levka. But I, apparently, would never decide to rush down on a parachute. Whatever it happened…

      – Well, we will not speak about such things. I hope, you should not make such somersault.

      – Hallo! – exorcized a radio loud-hailer. – How are you doing?

      – Everything

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