Classics fantasy – 7. Stories-2. A. Belyaev

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Classics fantasy – 7. Stories-2 - A. Belyaev

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it you will arrange?” – asks.

      “Photo cell, companion director. We instead of power plant will have a roof”.

      “Fotoeleme-e-ent! – the director stretched and looks at me already only as on half-mad. – What power will be developed by your photo cell?”

      And I have a ready calculation. I say how according to the book I read:

      “On one square meter the photoenergy kilowatt falls. My photo cell can use only one percent of photoenergy. It is a little, but quite for us it is enough. We, so will have one kilowatt from hundred square meters. It is the area of our roof. And one kilowatt of energy can give light for two thousand candles. For lighting of the room in twenty square meters one bulb in hundred candles suffices. For five rooms – five hundred candles. And we have two thousand. On twenty rooms. One thousand candles on the floor. All two-storeyed house will be lit”.

      The director thought. Does not know what now a label to paste to me. Again up threw up eyebrows and speaks:

      “Well, well, business good. Light!”

      “Companion director. You know that for a photo cell material is necessary. Copper. Copper oxide. Here I also came to ask you, not – whether you allow me to release copper for production of brass plates on a covering them roofs. Then only I also disturbed you”.

      “Ah, here it that? – The director drummed fingers on a table. – Companion Sinitsyn. We have to encourage working invention…”

      “Yes it not my invention, here a matter of course” – I kill it, seeing where he drives.

      “Well, not invention, so mastering equipment. We have to encourage in every possible way. And I would not have anything against to release copper on your experiences if the question went well… about some kilogram. But to do copper roofs when we have two percent of underfulfilment of the plan when each gram of copper on the account when our factories and the plants… so need it” – both went, and went. And resolution, by itself: “to refuse”. “I also – say – the person accountable. What will think of me?.”

      I tried to argue with it, I see – to anything. The person rested, is afraid.

      “Now – says – the obezlichka is destroyed. Personal responsibility on me. I one answer. I cannot. I am glad and I cannot!.”

      There were I from the director, and at a porch already companions wait for me.


      Waved a hand: “Refusal!”

      “How so refusal? On such business!.”

      Shout, noise. Among my companions there are several Turkmens, Uzbeks was. Hot children. Wanted directly to the director all company to bring down.

      “We it is better to a predzavkom we will go, to companion Okizov, the guy, we will agree to it rather!” – someone offered.

      “And to predzavky we will go, and to the secretary of a cell. We will lift up all, and we will not give up on the”.

      Went to Okizov. That in photo cells understands nothing, but listened to us attentively. Also does not smile, though is where to hide a smile: moustaches are dense, only a beard shaves. “Cross-country” as Turkmens speak – “a bald beard”, beardless.

      “Something sophisticated was started by you, companions – says – whether there will be a sense?”

      “Will leave! Will leave! – we shout. – We already did. At us already small bulb burned”.

      “And you will not light it before me?” – asks.

      “Would light and fused”.

      “And why fused? Perhaps, and all bulbs will fuse?”

      Explained to him. Twists the head.

      “If I saw”.

      “Yes understand, there is no bulb another!”

      “And you get, write out. With own eyes I will see – I will help your business”.

      Here we go again! It is good still if in Ashgabat or Tashkent you get. And if from Moscow to write out, you will once receive? It could not wait for us. And there is nothing to do. Distributed letters to acquaintances, the order to Moscow. And we should wait long if not a case.

      There arrived the prospecting party of Geolkom. I got acquainted with one Leningrad resident and in the day off went with it to sands. Spent the night in a tent. And he, the friend my new, scorpions, of tarantulas is afraid. Grumbles, turns on a koshma and suddenly as will shout. Someone bit it. Jumped, rummaged around in the dark, and suddenly, I see, light flashed. The small lamp is pocket! I snatched on a small lamp as the basmatch on sheep, the poor creature and a lamp dropped, more scorpion was frightened of me. I somehow explained to him, calmed him. I ask to present or sell a bulb – not at any price! Is afraid to remain in the dark with scorpions. “Last bulb!” – says. Well you will do? Not to suffocate the person because of a bulb, not to steal it. I began it to try to persuade this way and that. And than convinced eventually? The fact that to switch on light even more dangerously that all desert evil spirits climb on light even more. On experience, on the fact proved to it: lit a small lamp, and really spread, zakishet, ran – all to light. Presented!

      I do not remember whether I was in time to it and to tell thanks. Directly so at night also rushed off back in Kounrad, woke the children, and those to Okizov. It from a bed was lifted. And I could do nothing with them.

      “Children – I say – yes to anything at night! For my photo cell light is necessary, the element is not loaded yet”.

      Okizov annoys on the fact that he was woken in the middle of the night. He heard my conversation with children and speaks to me:

      “So, so now you cannot light a bulb? It is necessary to wait for the sun? And on what to me your bulb at the sun, when already light-? Your bad invention, correspondence engineer! I will not give copper!” And again on a bed it was filled up.

      Well here and I flew into a rage. I shake it for shoulders: “Wait, Okizov to fall asleep! Give though I will explain to you!”

      And he whether really, whether purposely – snored on all room, and will do nothing with him.

      In the morning I meet him and I speak:

      “Slept, Okizov?”


      “And a dream gained strength?”

      “And gained strength”.

      “So understand you, as my photo cell here also works. Only it in the afternoon, at the sun, gains strength, and works at night. The sun will load my bulbs with force in the afternoon, and at night they will burn”.

      Well as differently you will explain to him? Understood the main thing, however.


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