Classics fantasy – 4. A. Belyaev

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Classics fantasy – 4 - A. Belyaev

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not only companions, but also the father, having unexpectedly declared that he will be a geographer. So he solved already a few years ago. When he studied at school, the concealed and his greatest desire was to become the Hero of the Soviet Union. The Chelyuskinsky epic made the greatest impression on it. No, Mishka was not a conceited person. It was attracted by awards not in itself, honors, an honorary title of the Hero. He wanted to be worthy this rank and to bring to the Fatherland the valid benefit. Once, soon after the chelyuskinsky epic, he went to the country with an excursion and in the car heard how the young seaman probationer told the girl that he will soon go to “ice swimming”. As Mishka envied it!

      He thought much, without telling anybody about the plans. And it had very wide plans. First of all knowledge. They preserve us against mistakes. Here, for example, Vitya. He studied chemistry, and became the polar explorer, the geophysicist. How many in vain downtime! The bear will take occasion by the forelock at once. At first to re-read history of all ice campaigns and voyages. The bear подналег into German and soon read Shteller’s diary written in ancient German in the original. He knew campaigns of the Soviet ice breakers by heart. Then undertook navigation, sailing directions, oceanography, even astronomy.

      As it is strange, less it radio interested all.

      He kept records. In a commonplace book there was a section: “As people found a stalemate”. Here he wrote down all cases, incidents which threatened the valid and invented by novelists travelers. It is necessary to learn to be courageous, bright, resolute.

      However and there is more to come: it was necessary to become strong, vigorous, hardy. To have mind of the scientist and the trained body of the old salt. The sport, physical culture made a considerable share of the Mishkiny plan of “heroic” preparation.

      And here he was not lucky. But about it further.

      When Mishka became a student, he treated critically many to “children’s dreams”. So, at school it was strongly occupied by reflections about what will be when he becomes a Hero. Now he more was interested in “the business”. However “the general line” of its plan remained, and it, as well as earlier, strenuously studied “necessary” sciences and trained physically: got up early, tempered the body, made big pedestrian excursions, was fond of sport, however did not do such nonsenses, as at school any more: it was not dipped into ice-holes and did not frighten mother by “total absence of appetite” – she did not know that so it accustomed itself “to transfer hunger”.

      When he visited from the father that the expedition to the Atlantic Ocean on searches of the sunk ship prepares, all his desires to travel, aspirations to adventures, to feats flashed with a new force. Of course, the Atlantic Ocean – not that the polar seas. What there can be adventures here? Almost usual walk. Also not ice breakers go there. However after all in an expedition it is possible to study the device of the ship and navigation in practice… And he began to ask the father suit him in an expedition. Time is summer, suitable – vacation. By the beginning of academic year it will come back. The father did not give the resolute answer – it is necessary to get permission of the chief of an expedition. The bear pressed Ginzburg with whom he managed to make friends. Ginzburg promised to talk to Kirillov. In days of expectation Mishka even lost weight a little. And one night the father brought a joyful message: permission is got.

      – We go together, Ginzburg!. – The bear seized Ginzburg and began to whirl it about the room. Then ran in the room to gather. Postponed books, the whole pile of notebooks, two automatic handles, the field-glass, the gun.

      The bear took a view of the room: what else to take? The room reflected “master plan” of his life: on walls maps, mainly maps of the Arctic, hung on a desk – the globe, a barograph, seaworthy tools… How many times this room turned into a cabin, and a desk – into the captain’s cabin! What drama scenes were played here in fight against the Arctic ices! How many times Mishka had accidents here! And in a corner, peacefully getting on with books, the sports equipment for hockey, tennis, boxing, soccer lay…

      Soccer! Tomorrow meeting of team of their university with team of institute of technology. Behind these efforts Mishka nearly forgot about an expedition. A bear – “бек” – the champion. Of course, he is obliged to participate… Will win against “tekhnologichka” last time this season and will go.

      At night Mishka dreamed palm trees and flying fishes alternately with soccerballs. It was necessary to “pasanut” flying fish as a ball, but it did not manage it in any way. Fishes flew by by, jingling wings fins.

      “Yes same the alarm clock jingles!”

      What was a game! Everything went perfectly, but when a game entered the highest phase of tension, there was misfortune. As it happened, Mishka could not remember subsequently in any way. Players snatched on a ball as mentally ill people… Bunched… Suddenly Mishka felt an acute pain in a leg and fell… Judge’s whistle… A game was interrupted… The bear could not get up. Brought a stretcher and on them carried Mishka to the accident ward. The doctor of stadium examined a leg and shook the head.

      – Yes, it seems, a change. It is necessary to lie down.

      – How many? – Mishka asked.

      – Month two-three, and it is possible, and less. Let’s look what will show X-ray.

      It was the unexpected and crushing blow. Two-three months! Means, Mishka will not be able to participate in an expedition…

      When Mishka was brought home and put to bed, he told Ginzburg:

      – I am the most unfortunate person in the USSR.

      – Already the most unfortunate? The bone will grow together, and will jump, as before – Ginzburg answered. – Strongly hurts?

      – Pain is a trifle – future hero answered. – But I will not be able to go with you.

      There arrived the father and began to calm Mishka also.

      – Do not grieve, Michel. Young bones grow together quickly. And searches of “Leviathan” can last not one month.

      – But steamships will departure!

      – Contact with an expedition will be kept by our steamships floating to America and planes. I promise you: as soon as you recover, anyway I will bring you to Sergo.

      The father was called to phone, and it left… The bear sighed.

      – Calmed down? – Ginzburg asked.

      – No – Mishka sadly answered. – I after all will not see, probably, the most interesting.

      – I think that you will see everything, all.

      – But how?

      – You do not know still the most interesting – Ginzburg answered. – Your father and I is designed new devices of the telecast…

      – I know. Television to the aid of divers.

      – There is more to come. – Ginzburg sat down on a chair. – We design the device and for direct television – in other words, transfers of the movement of objects at daylight and a noktovideniye – visions at night, television in fog and under water. Your father resolved a task – still nobody

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