Classics fantasy – 4. A. Belyaev

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Classics fantasy – 4 - A. Belyaev

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more – Larichkin added. – Pay attention to flight of our “planets” and “comets” – free electrons. We are at top of our hypergalaxy and we see how celestial bodies rise up and arc flight come back to a system subsoil. Above a certain border they do not fly up. What does it mean? That free and not free electrons fly up over a surface of a caesium plate.

      – However as after all the wave theory … – Harichkin did not calm down.

      The world of atoms as if reached the border and did not increase any more. But suddenly – a new awful event. Travelers saw how from “sky” to their world the shining masses flies. They in a flash overcame “heavenly” spaces and fell upon “solar system” the real rain of fire. And each “droplet” reminded the flaring sun. Travelers got a fright. What if one of such sun falls them on the heads and will absolutely incinerate them?

      – I understood what is it! – Harichkin exclaimed.

      – I too! – Larichkin picked up. – It is just a ray of light. Yes, Filinov lit a caesium plate with a strong ray of light, and we see “light quanta” – light streams which are continuously flying to our world.

      – Not absolutely continuously – Harichkin corrected. – We see the separate heated kernels which punch our world in the same direction. Continuous the fiery stream seems only owing to the bystry movement light quantum.

      – Look! One of sun faced “planet”, and it departed to space.

      – We see – Harichkin told, raising a finger – so-called photoeffect. Under the influence of light electrons get an additional stock of energy and fly with such speed that are at all carried away from our caesium world.

      – In other words, solar “bombs” knock out electrons from a caesium plate.

      – In the same way they would pull out electrons and from any other substance.

      – Of course. Electrons – accessory of any substance, its compound part.

      Thus, we are witnesses of what was opened by scientists at the end of the last century: at illumination of a surface of some metals light waves of a certain length these metals let out electrons.

      The light stream stopped also unexpectedly, as well as began. And at once after this event began to flow upside-down. All scales began to decrease. Harichkin and Larichkin’s “planet” contracted in the eyes, becoming less. It did not fly around a huge proton on an orbit any more, and approached it on a spiral. Also the proton decreased. “Solar systems” approached until merged in one molecule. Fussy molecules grew and approached one another. Here all of them united and became similar to the huge valley with mountain folds. Mountains were quickly narrowed as if thawed, and Harichkin and Larichkin saw soon that they stand on a caesium plate near big as the tank, inkwells.

      On it their adventures did not terminate. Got closer to them, gleaming, a convex surface. It was the magnifying glass of professor Filinov. But also through a magnifying glass the old scientist could not make out the pupils yet. It was necessary “to breed” them a little. Then Eagle owls were taken by thin tweezers, picked up Harichkin and Larichkin and threw them into emptiness. Probably, it reduced again them because Harichkin and Larichkin long flew in world space before fell to mountain top. No, they did not break. They were easier than fuzzes. Rose, looked round around. This time they came to be in the new world.

      “Earth” on which they stayed was not limited to the horizon. Regions of “earth” of hollow rose up and passed into “the heavenly sphere” of the same color, as “earth”.

      – Whether there are no we in the world of the fourth measurement? – Harichkin asked.

      – What there fourth measurement! – Larichkin objected. – Just we stand on the internal surface of a spherical body. You look, in the center of this sphere there is a huge ring strengthened on the core thrust to “earth”, and in “sky” opposite to us, some star foggy flickers. It occupies nearly a quarter of all sky.

      – Listen! – Larichkin exclaimed. – Yes same middle of a glass cylinder of a photo cell! I knocked over a layer of “earth”, and something began to shine. It is, apparently, a silver layer. The caesium layer is applied on it. Therefore, we stand on the photo cell cathode, and a ring in the middle of our “Universe” – the anode. A round opening in a lamp as the giant window to other world, shines foggy: the photo cell, obviously, is already included in the battery, however streams of current and light are still small and the photo cell does not work.

      – We, apparently, again decreased – Harichkin told.

      – You see how “mountains” on our “earth” increased, and in the sky we see what was not noticed earlier again – countless multitudes of “celestial bodies” which move in all directions. These are not motes any more, these are gas molecules.

      – Interestingly to travel on such planet – Larichkin dreams. – The small planetka – a gas molecule – approaches the surface of “earth”. It flies with the greatest speed, but it seems to travelers that it moves smoothly – they are microscopic beings.

      – We jump! Hop! It is ready!. – Harichkin and Larichkin depart to space.

      – The interplanetary travel began – Larichkin says. – Well and dance around us! To present only that the whole world stays in such continuous movement! Nothing does not stand still, “even the fact that it costs”. In a gravestone and in the gloomy rock, in a penknife and in the sunk anchor unruly are trampled down, fuss, molecules jump. In solid bodies – more smoothly, in gaseous – quicker, and the temperature is higher, the dance is more live.

      Larichkin and Harichkin cross “interplanetary space” here and there. Their molecule with unprecedented speed falls down, flies up, hits against “sky”, then – again down, aside, faces other “planetka” sharply jumps aside from it – keep, do not fall!

      During this wandering travelers had an opportunity to study “celestial bodies” from within. One molecules bore on themselves positive charges of electricity, others – negative, and many had both that and others. It were “neutral” molecules of gas.

      Unexpectedly huge window occupying nearly a quarter of the sphere it is dazzling flashed. Now it seemed to similar to the real sun. This is Filinov sent a ray of light to a photo cell opening. The mass of light escaped from an opening, rushed through “an interplanetary scope” and began to fall meteorites on an opposite wall. Here also amusing began.

      Fiery bombs fell to valleys and mountains, and over valleys and mountains anxiously began to fuss as if expecting a trouble, electrons. Light shells began to knock out these electrons – to tear off them from a surface, and electrons departed to an interplanetary scope, on the central ring – the anode. On the road they faced “neutral” gas molecules and knocked out from them electrons.

      The stream of these electrons went to the center of the Universe – to a ring. It was also current. The photo cell began to work. The enormous interplanetary scope dividing the anode and the cathode was won. Under the influence of abyss light as if would disappear. Electrons – negatively loaded parts of electricity – flew to a positive pole.

      But on it business did not come to an end. “Neutral” planetka – gas molecules – having lost

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