My city 2: The terrifying history Zhalovskoy, or the Spider. Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony

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My city 2: The terrifying history Zhalovskoy, or the Spider - Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony

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up a new way of sale of these secrets. Their direct transfer to other intelligence service. What this was in a way? Who was its performer and who to customers, and couriers? Nobody knew it. Nobody understood how in general there will be information transfer and how it will be carried out? This is Roman and had to find out. Obviously, Roman wanted to secure Vera and therefore he broke up with her. Now this Vera knew for certain.

      Having read all business, it postponed it for the standing little table nearby, and having risen about a chair approached to costing at a wall to book shelves, and having found the book about Mata Hari's fate, Vera having sat down back in a chair was accepted to reading. Who was this female Mata Hari? Spy? But for what service it worked? History is silent on this matter. In general, this book was entertaining and interesting. Its biography, and its history in the novel under the personalized name. Who-who but only intelligence agents know what this dangerous profession, the intelligence agent. They can never relax. All their works cannot be in vain. And if it happens, then and in investigations there is nothing to do.

      As for policy, here a question on which the answer has to and is unambiguous. All people, since eighteen years politicize. Having received the passport, the person automatically becomes a voter. He chooses bodies of the ruling power and by that to feel in political life of the country. And if he at the same time enters a party, then he becomes her member, and consciously approaches problems of party and the people.

      Mata Hari did not belong to uniform party, but she was a spy or the intelligence agent? On this question there is also no definite answer. Words are similar, but an essence different. The spy is the person working in the country on others, and the intelligence agent is the person working in others country for the. Here also choose who such there was Mata Hari. The great woman working for intelligence agencies.

      The belief understood that it is only history. In the real world all in a different way. Though its end was obvious to it, she decided finally that she will make about what it was asked by Dimitrii. It will help the husband that it costed to it, even own life.

      It approached took cellular, and having dialed number Romana asked about meetings. That agreed to listen to her.

      Here it, too cafe where they once spent the days. In it nothing changed. The same windows, the same dusty chandeliers weighing on a ceiling. The bourgeois samovar standing at a wall. It is proud the boiled water of hot water spilling from a nose. Yes, this there was their cafe, cafe of romanticism and rest. Having entered a door of cafe, Vera examined to the hall, and having seen sitting at a window in a corner, on that place where they always carried out the meal, she approached it, and having thrown off a ladies' handbag bluntly, and having hung up it on a back of a chair, the village. She greeted, and asked.

      – What plans at you concerning me?

      Having looked at the novel on trust was surprised to this question. It on it had no plans. He was afraid of only one, kind of Vera learned that he wants to divorce and marry with her Larisa. That answered.

      – I want a divorce.

      These words were not for Vera news in any way. She knew that Roman eventually will divorce. Larisa and her children, here the reason on which they could not be with it together. The belief wanted to change a situation, but it was impossible. Larisa claimed that his these children, and Roman trusted her.

      – Means you want a divorce. – Vera questioned. – What for? – pretended that she does not understand the reason of their gap. – Unless to us badly together?

      Roman heaved a deep sigh. He still loved this woman, loved for the fact that she saved life of his daughter, and hated for the fact that she did not tell it for all these years the truth about his mother, and for what she did not present to it the child. These two feelings mixed up in his heart, and he could not understand whether he loves it or hates? Yes, this question? They say, from love to hatred one step? This term as well as possible approached Roman. Looking on trust, he wanted it, wanted to be with it and at the same time what that its part hated it for all that grief which was caused by it to it with his mother.

      Nobody can hate the parents what they were not. They are parents, and these were told everything. Roman understood it as well as possible. He was a parent, and understood that his children with what they did not grow up, will grow only under his education and Larisa. Depends only on education whom this little person will grow up? Roman told.

      – I have children, I want that they grew up in full-fledged family. I do not want that they grew up as well as Vika. But there was a situation, not here. – he made a pause, then added. – I do not want that my children considered me the rascal.

      The belief listened carefully to the husband and it seemed to it that he regrets that overslept with Larisa. He loved Vera! For all these years spent with it he became attached to it, and then fell in love. Having forgotten about Nina, he lived with her all these years in consent and love, it did not become clear yet that Vera cannot conceive. But whether so it actually? The belief told.

      – Do you consider that this your children?

      – Certainly.

      The belief asked.

      – And you did the analysis of DNA?

      Roman was surprised.

      – What for?

      – That ж. – there began the story the Belief. – I did not want to speak as your late mother did not order to extend to me to this subject. – she made a pause, kind of training Roman for a surprise: – Matter in that. – she told. – That I can have children, and you cannot.

      Roman was dumbfounded. It was in confusion. How could it occur? Why his mother did not speak to him about it? Then everything would be in a different way? It would never change Vera and the more so Larisa definitely did not bullshit it that this his children! Everything was differently.

      Roman took an interest.

      – Why right now you told me about it?

      – Your mother. – Vera began to justify herself. – Told …

      The novel having interrupted it the answer demanded.

      – What did she tell?

      – She told that you will be out of yourself from indignation.

      The novel was in confusion. He could not understand in any way why Vera told it that it will be out of itself(himself) from indignation? Tell then Roman the truth, he would understand everything, but now? Roman asked.

      – Interestingly, who could tell it?

      – Your mother. – Vera answered. – She told me that I told nothing to you.

      Roman thought. He could not understand why Nadezhda told it to Vera? The answer came by itself. The matter is that obviously she did not want that it had grandsons. She refused to become a grandmother at all, considering that in this case to it the old age will come, and she so did not want to grow old. Here also thought up a legend about infertility of the son in which all believed. Yes, Nadezhda was still that feature. However, to it to judge her. But we will continue.

      The belief asked Roman.

      – Did you well know Nina?

      Roman was taken aback. Of course he knew it very well. He knew about it everything, all that he had to know about it. And can to it it seemed that he well knows it? The proverb is truthful: – Lyubov is blind. – Here and Roman blinded by Nina's love

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