My city 2: The terrifying history Zhalovskoy, or the Spider. Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony

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My city 2: The terrifying history Zhalovskoy, or the Spider - Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony

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he sometimes remembered it. And even then, at restaurant, it named Nina by Natalia? What the general was at Roman with it? Nobody knew it, except Roman. And he was silent.

      – Of course it is good. – Roman hurried to answer. Then he asked. – To what this question?

      – I met Dimitrii – there began Vera. – He told me that Nina had a sister. She was called Natasha.

      Roman thought. Well there was a sister? And what it? Names Natasha acquainted him with Nina, and that take and fall in love with her.

      – I know it. – Roman answered. – I was familiar with Natalia.

      The belief took an interest.

      – And it does not surprise you?

      Roman did not understand.

      – What has to surprise me?

      – That. – Vera began to din into the husband. – That Natasha did not appear at a funeral of the sister. It simply disappeared.

      Roman thought. For all these years spent with Vera he never thought, and can did not remember this woman. Natalia. Nothing reminded him of it and when it met Nina again, that did not even mention, say, about her existence. What is it? Phantom? The ghost which disappeared long ago? And about whom all forgot long ago? On this question it had no answer. However it also could not be. Natalia was Nina's sister, and he wanted to marry her. But there was one question: – Where now Natasha? – and he demanded the answer.

      – I do not know where now Natalia?

      – Even there are no assumptions?

      – No.

      The belief thought. She never knew Natalia. About it she heard even not from Dimitrii. She read it in the text the case of Roman provided to it. In it it was said that Natalia disappeared during that period of life of Roman when he got acquainted with Nina. Nobody knew what happened to it further, nobody knew about its destiny. It sank into a non-existence, and was dissolved in stories of FSB.

      The belief asked.

      – It does not seem to you strange that Natalya disappeared at that very moment when you got acquainted with Nina? – then she took an interest. – It does not seem to you it is strange?

      Roman watchfully asked.

      – And to you that for good reason?

      The belief pulled out from a handbag of the photo and stretched them to Roman. That having taken them asked.

      – What for drawings?

      The belief answered.

      – This your pictures.

      Roman was surprised

      – Mine?

      – Yes, yours. – quietly Vera answered. – They were made when you met Nina. – she made a pause and as if insisting on the, told. – Look who in these pictures?

      The novel having looked at pictures, told.

      – This I and Nina.

      – You are sure?

      – Absolutely.

      She pulled out from a handbag still pictures and having stretched them to Roman, asked.

      – And in these pictures who?

      Having looked at the novel on pictures, with an absolute accuracy declared.

      – This Nina and I.

      Belief carefully asked.

      – You are sure?

      – Of course.

      – No. – Vera told. – This not Nina, this Natalya.

      Watching the novel at these pictures was at an easy loss. The same woman looked at it, but according to Vera they were two different women. In the first pictures Nina, and in other pictures Natalia was represented. The sister of Nina about whom nobody knew.

      Who is she such? Whom was Natalia and why he never remembered her. Only during their meeting with Nina, he inadvertently named Nina by Natalia. That, of course, did not give any a sign. But, of course, it was unpleasant to it.

      Belief seeing that Roman could not understand in any way what in fact occurs, he obviously forgot about everything that then occurred, or to it someone nevertheless erased memory? However, this it was unimportant. Everything sank Into oblivion, and now echoes of the past reminded of those drama events many years ago.

      The belief took an interest.

      – Nothing means you remember?

      – No. – with obvious melancholy Roman answered. – There is nothing. – he heaved a deep sigh, and then added. – I always considered that I met only one woman, and it appears … – on his eyes tears appeared. These tears were from pain, from pain caused to it loving the person. He for all the life, could not understand why then, there are a lot of years ago, Nina threw him? He considered that she just stopped loving it, then he learned that their parting was associated by his mother. And now? What now? The past comes back. Nobody knows why it pursues us? This can our punishment for last sins? Who knows? Maybe so. – I do not know with whom now was?

      The belief gently took Roman's hand, and told.

      – I understand your feelings. But everything sank Into oblivion long ago. This now only history.

      Roman with all the might cried out.

      – But not for me! – these words were vykriknuta very much. Belief having looked round understood that except them two, in the Hall there is nobody. Today, after all left, cafes closed, having left only Roman alone with Vera. This there was an order. The order proceeding from Dimitrii who served in FSB. The novel having passed away pronounced the same words for the second time. – Not for me. – then it as if having recovered asked Vera. – You tell me about the past now, and mentioned Dimitrii.

      – Quite right.

      – Tell that he told you about me, and from where. – he pointed a finger at photos. – From where they at you?

      The belief answered.

      – Dimitrii gave me your business.

      Roman watchfully asked.

      – What business?

      – Business captain of FSB of Pulev Roman Illarionovich. – then she added. – These materials from there.

      Pulev understood everything. Before it the woman sat. And not easy the woman, his wife, also showed it business of bygone days. This business never gave it rest. He tried to forget that time when it was near it. With the darling, Nina. And when Natalia acquainted him with Nina, he did not know that he so will fall in love with her. As for Natasha, he knew her enough and when was near Nina, about remembered Natalia. It was in confusion now. Wondering: – Whom did he love? Who was then near it, and who died? – it did not find on these questions of the answer. The belief asked.

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