Your Personal Horoscope 2009: Month-by-month Forecasts for Every Sign. Joseph Polansky

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Your Personal Horoscope 2009: Month-by-month Forecasts for Every Sign - Joseph Polansky

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      Aside from your career, the major interests this month are home and family, intellectual interests, children and fun.

      On the 22nd, the Sun enters your 5th House of Fun and Creativity and you enter another yearly personal pleasure peak. Until the 22nd watch your health more—try to rest and relax more and pace yourself. Enhance your health by giving more attention to the stomach and breasts (until the 26th) and to the heart afterwards. Diet is more of an issue for you health-wise until the 26th. If you feel under the weather you might need to make some changes here. With your health planet in a Water Sign (until the 26th), swimming, boating, soaking in a tub or natural spring will be like a tonic. It might be wise to drink more water too. After the 26th the healing powers of fire are beneficial—sunshine, heat-oriented therapies, saunas and steam baths.

      Finances look strong. Mercury moves speedily in the month ahead, progressing through three Signs and Houses. You are making rapid financial progress, covering a lot of ground. Confidence is good. Financial judgement is especially astute from the 2nd to the 25th. Though there are a few bumps on the road—from the 19th to the 22nd—they are short lived. Financial opportunities come from family and family connections until the 2nd. From the 2nd to the 25th you seem more speculative—and this is where the bumps on the road can come from, but it might also come from an unexpected expense related to children as well. You are thrown off your game temporarily, but you will recover.

      Love is harmonious after the 22nd, but still go slow here and don’t rush anything one way or another.


      Best Days Overall: 8, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27

       Most Stressful Days Overall: 1, 2, 15, 16, 21, 22, 28, 29, 30

       Best Days for Love: 6, 7, 8, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 26, 27

       Best Days for Money: 1, 2, 11, 12, 18, 19, 20, 27, 28, 29, 30

       Best Days for Career: 1, 2, 4, 5, 13, 14, 21, 22, 28, 29, 30

      Last month the planetary power shifted from the Eastern to the Western sector of the Horoscope. But that was only the beginning. This month the shift is stronger. It is time to develop your social skills now. You’ve had your way for quite a few months. Presumably you’ve created the conditions that you wanted to create. Now it is time to attain your ends through diplomacy and consensus and not so much by personal effort. Others—and their good graces—are becoming increasingly important.

      Continue to focus on your inner wellness, on finding your point of emotional harmony and comfort. Career success is going to be there for you all year, but you need to find your emotional centre and be comfortable with your success. Focus on the simple pleasures of the home and the hearth. Be present at important events in the children’s lives. Cement family relationships. All your career planets are still retrograde so you are in a period for review of your career and not for overt actions.

      Your 5th House is very strong this month and you are still very much into a yearly personal pleasure peak. Taurus-born people like to work, but have fun as you do so. For singles this is a time for love affairs, and there are many opportunities. You look good and the opposite sex takes notice. You seem more relaxed and at ease this month and this too comes across well with the opposite sex. Those already in serious relationships are having more harmony there. On the 11th, your love planet, Pluto, finally starts to move forwards after many months of Retrograde motion. The social confidence is coming back. If you’ve used the previous months to review your love life, you are ready to implement your improvements. For singles there is an important romantic opportunity from the 19th to the 21st—this has serious possibilities. For those of you who are attached, this period brings happy social opportunities—invitations to parties or meetings with friends.

      After the 22nd you are in a more serious work-oriented period. Though health is good, you seem more focused on it, more into healthy diets and lifestyles. You can enhance your health further by giving more attention to the heart (until the 20th) and the small intestine (after this).

      Your financial planet goes Retrograde from the 7th to the 29th so be more cautious in your financial dealings, planning and expenditures. This Retrograde phase won’t stop earnings, but more care will prevent much lost time and effort. Mistakes in communications and thinking can be costly. Read the fine print in all contracts and don’t be afraid to ask questions and resolve all doubts. Try to avoid speculations from the 18th to the 29th—you will be sorely tempted. Money comes the old-fashioned way, through work. But investors should look at the health field for profitable opportunities.

      A parent or parent figure has a drama from the 16th to the 18th—perhaps there is a spat with the mate or current love. Family members seem more temperamental during this period as well. Be more patient with them. There are wild mood swings with family members.


      Best Days Overall: 6, 7, 14, 15, 23, 24

       Most Stressful Days Overall: 12, 13, 19, 20, 26, 27

       Best Days for Love: 6, 7, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 23, 26, 27

       Best Days for Money: 8, 9, 10, 16, 17, 26, 27, 28, 29

       Best Days for Career: 1, 2, 10, 11, 19, 20, 26, 27, 28, 2

      The cosmos never springs surprises on us. It always announces its intentions long before actual events happen. If you feel that you have been taken by surprise, it only means that you weren’t attentive to the messages that were sent. This month, there are very positive messages coming career-wise, and the cosmos is announcing that it is time to get focused here again. Dawn is not here yet but it is about to break—get ready. First off you are hard-working and serious, and this is noticed by your superiors. Second, there are job changes brewing, or changes in the conditions of the workplace. Saturn will move into your 6th House of Work on the 29th—this shows work opportunities in foreign lands or with foreign companies in your native land. There will be travel that is related to your job and career. Jupiter in your House of Career the whole past year starts to move forward again (on the 18th) after many months of Retrograde motion. The Sun will move from the lower half to the upper half of your Horoscope. It’s almost time to let go of family issues and achieve your other goals.

      Your career is very good this month and next month it will get even better.

      Retrograde activity has lessened over the past few months. By the 18th, 80 per cent of the planets will be moving forwards. This allows more rapid progress both in the world and your personal goals.

      Finances are good this month too. Until the 10th you earn money in happy ways—doing what you like to do—or perhaps even at leisure activities or parties. Speculations are favourable all month. There is a nice payday on the 20th or 21st. Your spouse or partner prospers and is generous with you. Perhaps you get a very attractive mortgage or loan opportunity, or meet people who are willing to invest in you. Something that you thought valueless turns out to be worth a nice amount of money. But mainly you earn through your work and your social connections.

      Love seems happy too. It is a sexually active kind of month. You are in the mood for more than just sex, but this is not always up to you—you and your partner need to compromise more. On the 23rd you enter a yearly social peak. And love will improve. There will be more parties, more social invitations and more going out. There seems to be more family gatherings and entertaining from home. Family members are playing cupid after the 23rd.

      Your health is good, but rest and relax more after the 23rd. Enhance your health by paying more attention to the small intestine (until the 15th) and the

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