Your Personal Horoscope 2009: Month-by-month Forecasts for Every Sign. Joseph Polansky

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Your Personal Horoscope 2009: Month-by-month Forecasts for Every Sign - Joseph Polansky

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as these need special attention. It’s also a good idea to massage the ankles and top side (as well as the soles) of the feet.

      Since Pluto will be in Capricorn for many years to come, the things that we are writing about are long-term health trends.

      Pluto Retrogrades from April 4 to September 11. This is a period for reviewing your health regime and diet, seeing where improvements can be made, but not for making drastic decisions about your health. It is best to execute your health plans either before April 4 or after September 11.

      Pluto rules detox and surgery—an interesting fiefdom. Basically detox does the same thing as surgery (in many cases), only it takes longer. You especially benefit from detox regimes, in particular those that involve the colon. Either herbal or mechanical means will be good.

      There are many natural, drugless ways to strengthen your vulnerable organs, legions of them, and readers are probably familiar with them. But if not, you can work with the chart on page 92. It is a good beginning.

      Home and Family

      Home, family and the overall domestic life has been an important focus for some years now, and the trend continues for most of the year ahead.

      Saturn has been making a move through your 4th House for some years and will be there until October 29. This shows big, major reorganizations of the home, family relationships and the daily domestic routine. The cosmos is setting out to bring a ‘right order’ here and it is best to cooperate. There is a need for more order, more efficiency and better management in the domestic life.

      Saturn in the 4th House is not an aspect for moving. Many of you would like to as you feel cramped where you are, but it is better to make use of the space that you have, rather than move into a bigger place, and since Saturn rules your 8th House of Detox and Elimination, the message here is that you need to get rid of excess furniture, decorations, or things in the home that are no longer useful. Just as the body benefits when we get rid of surplus material there, so your home life will benefit from getting rid of things that you don’t need. Watch how this simple procedure liberates all kinds of space that you didn’t know you had. (It’s a good idea to go through the basement, cupboards and attics too.)

      The message of detox also applies to your domestic routine. Are you doing chores that aren’t necessary? Are you keeping house merely the way your parents did it, or the way society ordains it? Now is the time to review these things and eliminate waste.

      On a spiritual level, the message of detox refers to your emotional life. There is a need to detox it of all discordant material and patterns—a big job, but this is a good time to do it.

      The changes in the family pattern are going very deep. In many cases there has been a literal death in the family—and there is nothing like death to change a pattern, routine or relationship. In other cases there have been near-death experiences of family members. And perhaps a ‘near-death’ experience of the actual physical home, for we see a need for major renovation here. (This could have already happened in the past two years, but can still happen in the year ahead.) Sometimes the change in the family pattern happens through divorce and things of that nature—the family just breaks up.

      None of this should be considered as punitive or ‘bad luck’. The cosmos needs to do major repair work to bring your home and domestic life to its pristine ideal, and this is the purpose. But it can feel uncomfortable while the process is going on.

      Things will improve in the home after October 29; the cosmic job should be complete by then.

      Siblings are having a status quo domestic year. Parents or parent figures are nomadic (and this has been going on for some years as well)—they are exploring their freedom, moving from place to place—and probably their marriages are being tested. Divorces in recent years would not be a surprise.

      Children of appropriate age are experiencing much of the same things that you are: there is a detox going on in their home and family situation. The end result will be good.

      Finance and Career

      Your 2nd House of Finance is not a House of Power this year (and this has been the case for the past few years). It is not a major focus in your life these days and I read this as a good thing. You are basically content with the status quo and have no need to make major changes. Normally this would show a status quo kind of financial year, but this year, I wouldn’t read it this way. First off, there are four Lunar Eclipses this year—usually there are two. And since the Moon rules your finances, there is great financial significance to this. Not only that, but there will be two eclipses that occur in your money house: a Solar Eclipse on July 22 and a Lunar Eclipse on December 31.

      So you might be satisfied with the status quo and not feel like making changes, but the cosmos is going to force you into it. And if it doesn’t succeed the first time, it will repeat another 4 times until you get the message. It is going to purify your financial life—make you rich—in spite of yourself.

      There are changes—in investments, in thinking, in strategy, in financial planning—that have long needed to be made. These changes need to go deep, and so you are forced to make them. In certain cases some of you might have wandered into strange byways and got into financial situations or projects that were not part of your destiny. In those cases, the eclipse’s job is to blow these things to smithereens and put you back on track.

      In your financial life you will need a strong stomach and a stout heart to weather these eclipses, but keep the faith—the end result is good.

      We see dramatic changes in the career as well. And for the better. Career has been unstable, changeable and unpredictable for many years now. Sometimes you’re at the heights and sometimes at the depths. Employers can be thrilled one moment and the next highly displeased. You are at the top of the world for a while and then in the depths of despair. But this year, there are going to be pay rises, promotions, honours and much success. Jupiter will be travelling with your career planet, Neptune, for a large part of the year, and this is a classic indicator of success.

      Perhaps this is the reason why there are so many financial changes. Perhaps you were making plans from a ‘beer income’ perspective and suddenly you find yourself in a ‘champagne income’ category—and this necessitates a rethink.

      Higher education, taking the courses that you need to take and your willingness to travel, have been big factors in your career success in the past few years, and this trend continues, perhaps even more strongly in the year ahead. But the main catalyst for your success seems to be your social connections and partners. You know the right people in the right places and they are helping you. The other message here is that you should further your career through social means—through hosting or attending the right parties and gatherings.

      Your career goals are very high, and have been that way for a long time. This is a year to push forward boldly—fearlessly. You have very powerful cosmic backers.

      With the Moon as your financial planet, you have a natural affinity for family kinds of businesses, earning money from the home, real estate (residential), restaurants and lodging companies, also industries that cater to women, families and home owners. But since the Moon moves through every Sign and House of your Horoscope every month (she is the fastest-moving planet) money and financial opportunity often comes to you in a variety of ways and through a variety of means. It all depends where the Moon is on a given day. These things will be discussed in the monthly reports.

      In general you will have stronger

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