Poems in English: about everything. Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony

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Poems in English: about everything - Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony

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style="font-size:15px;">      Stars in night flicker – lighting up a way, Planets in a row rose – the Milky Way.

      Rest and freedom there – love and serenity, Calm of soul – the beautiful creature.

      There a rest star – souls balance, Going on the Milky Way – in a space distance.

      There rest and love – there time goes differently, There the best the world – rest there and silence.

      There the Milky Way of love – rest, silence, Fine – pure beauty.

      Rest arrivals – beauty of love, the Star blinking – smother calm.

      Love to all – love of fine, my Love – love (NOT) terrestrial.

      About family

      The woman is beautiful – to a flower the woman – a similar scarlet rose is similar, beautiful!

      The woman – a flower of a bud, a morning dawn is beautiful, the woman – in love uncontrollable Is beautiful.

      About! – the woman – the beloved wife!

      My daughter is beautiful – she is not fault, my daughter Is beautiful – it is clean.

      My daughter is beautiful – she is loved, beautiful my daughter – the prankish it.

      On the night of the appointment she escaped – next morning in a hem the child, brought,

      You still the child – my child, You in a hem a dress – the child brought.

      Mother will give advice to you – she is an adviser yours, It your friend – your defender.

      It is an ally yours – she is only a mother.

      It will console us always – and only itself without joys, At the cemetery to see a grave she – the son's gravestone.

      That having accepted battle – he was killed by the sniper of a rifle, It a breast passed it – the soldier, the son, the patriot.

      For mothers and wives, fathers and sons – for the homeland.

      He is our hero – the forgotten feat, Only mother remembers one its act.

      Our defender he – he is our hero, It the homeland the defender – the hero.

      The son it the people – it is a defender.

      The father – the owner of the center, It is the wife's husband – he is my parent.

      He is a person of family – he is our father, It is our mother – the keeper of the center of fire.

      All of us are family – the kindred blood.


      Plague feast – in health of plague, the Nature of our plague life.

      Our feast – madness mad, our world to plague obedient.

      All of us are sick – are sick with plague infectious, Plague gets of us the best.

      All of us are sick – plague infectious, we call its money.

      In them happiness our-our ruin, In them our force – death.

      In plague of a money of a Flood, In plague green their equivalent.


      Stars of the Milky Way – our way in outer darkness light up, there Are we in a gloom of night, a star rain.

      Under a sky of lacteal night – they float in a gloom night, Flicker – in a moonlight of night.

      Stars, in the field night – colors of the moon, Wild orchids of the moon – flowers night, Stars in night – mothers lands flicker.

      Wild orchids of silence.

      Rain – the prankish, poured at night, Clouds at the night of a star extinguished.

      The moon went out – turn off a moonlight, In the field of silence wild orchids – in love of night calm.

      The silence – calm of rest serene, At rest of souls human – rest serene is fine.

      The moon prankish it, gives Us joy loving.

      Stars flicker – month shines, the Comet flies there.

      In calm night – in a gloom of night, our Nadezhda there and calm.


      The sun left because of clouds – a rainbow in the sky, Clean air around – clouds in the sky.

      Wind is fast – ha it is a rascal – drives clouds quickly, Rapidity of wind howl – a rustle of leaves to Peña.

      The prankish wind after the district whistles, it teases Trees.

      Foliage – trees a joy rustle, not grief rustles.

      Wind is strong, he howls, breaks Trees, at the sea lifts a storm – a storm.

      Heats it jarred on, in oblivion of calm, Rest and love – beauty of humble silence.

      City of a dream

      My light – the hometown, my Light – the city gold.

      My light – the city a zolotist, my Light – the city is florid.

      He is beautiful – my city, He is beautiful – your city.

      It is loved – he is beautiful, Calm – rest in it.

      It is beautiful to live you will not forbid – in my city, Here differently is – in the hometown.

      You are rich or poor – not very well here, Rest and silence – are not present a lie here.

      Where it is the city mine?

      Only it in my dream – not here.

      There is no lie – there all are equal, There the calm and a smooth surface – there wait for us.


      Love, the rustle of a leaf fall is fine, Love, you will find a pacification here.

      Beauty of love, and a rustle of yellow leaves, Souls a pacification you will find here.

      About! – Fall! You are beautiful!

      About! – Fall! gold – is bright,

      About! – Fall! Wonderful time.

      Covered with foliage, yellow a blanket summer, We watch

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