Poems in English: about everything. Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony

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Poems in English: about everything - Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony

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you, a decline the sun gold, All of lands in gold shining, In love the fall of a leaf fall is fine.

      In a peal of a thunder, terrible clouds, Sverkanye of lightnings storm.

      The rain pours on the earth here, Gribov the time has come.

      Here all mushrooms in the wood, Chanterelles grow here.

      Here us fly agarics, wait, Chanterelles live here.

      Here only rest, is rest and calm, Here the wood and the house, animals forest Here.

      Rest and silence, forest beauty.

      Rest of animals forest, green home.

      In love to the nature, silence rest, At rest of silence, love to your fine creation, fall.

      About love to seasons

      I love winter, I love spring, I Love summer, I love fall.

      All times are loved by me years, Love, fine times I years.

      The winter came! A white blanket the earth was laid by it.

      Cold frost, frost a red nose, It brought gifts to us.

      New year, frost and ice.

      Kids play snowballs, ski, stand on ice.

      Play hockey, snowflakes downwind walk, they Are turned over us playfully, they play with us it is zealous.

      It painted a frost pattern, glasses, In patterns the beautiful.

      There is a fir-tree, there hoarfrost, there night stars, the Artist it, is great cold in the white winter.

      The spring thaw, miraculously around, goes Spring, it already around.

      The sun rises, the spring approaches, Snow conceals, trees blossom.

      Buds of leaves bulk up, Trees blossom.

      Leaves put on, Fine love enjoy.

      They, Birds, sing spring on branches deciduous trees awakening.

      Everything comes to life, everything dawns, the Summer approaches.

      The summer, is time to walk and has fun!

      The summer, is time fun.

      Beauty love of the fine creation, Fun of life, in beams burning in a firmament the sun.

      It plays with us, and we are loved by it, Under it we blossom, we live.

      In its creation, its moon girlfriend, the Night lamp, shining with the traveler.

      Stars flicker in the Milky Way, they Are fine, in the sky of blinking, In constellations of deep dark night, With the companion, the moon.

      Cold gradually comes, leaves turn yellow here fall down, the Fall yellow approaches, the yellow carpet of a leaf fall covers the earth.

      It rustles on the earth beautifully, and stately fall down leaves, pleasing with Yellow color us, in calm of trees of yellow leaves.

      Birds stop, on the South fly away, the Woodpecker knocks, the cuckoo cuckoo’s, Chickabiddies hatch from eggs, They bawl, want to eat.

      Hunters them will profit wishing, On nests it climbs.

      The children left one he eats, devastating nests, the Family cosines of happiness.

      The winter came, open gate, Year passed, and new came.

      The cycle of life annual is finished, and new comes, our New year, our holiday winter, our the road it came to us home.

      About the sea

      The ship in the ocean floats, the ship on waves Floats.

      The ship during a storm, a calm floats, the ship near the moon fine Floats.

      The calm and smooth surface around, floats the ship, Towards to the adventures.

      We love it everything, my ship, we Love it us, our ship, we Love it everything, the sea, calm.

      About the nature

      The forest valley, slum thicket, Is beautiful it, and it is loved by us.

      Beauty of the wood, they are fine, fine and clean they.

      Lilac sphere, forest glades, Soul fine creation.

      Beauty soul of my love of rest edification, Rest of love, beauty of soul.


      Xing sea, deeply, soul Scope around.

      French riviera of the coast, Is far a decline, a favourite home.

      About emptiness

      I sit in the dark room, the Gloom and darkness around.

      Where sun gold?

      Where native home?

      Sun gold, where your beams?

      In a darkness gloom, in a gloom days.

      They flow day after day, And I sit one, in the dark room empty.

      Where solar that beam What shines all in darkness?

      Where my favourite beam What the door will open for me?

      Also there will be I darkness, And I will be loved!

      My favourite those days That I will carry out without darkness!

      No not to fall a light beam, To that emptiness of soul That that soul has no light, Suffering one.

      For what to me did god lend life it?

      In sufferings of one.

      For what did he to me lend housing it?

      In darkness, deep darkness soul.

      The tyrant terrestrial happiness is tough, he Is cruel and unfair.

      Only the darkness around, only a haze, is Also not present to us ways, only unfortunate darkness from there.

      In that room dark, Without light and hope, Unconscious high, feelings terrestrial, Only feelings despair of souls terrestrial.

      About success

      Cannes – Cannes that for Cannes?

      Sun, sea and water.

      Who told that in Cannes – Cannes, there is no life?


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