The Complete Autobiographical Writings of Nathaniel Hawthorne. Герман Мелвилл

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The Complete Autobiographical Writings of Nathaniel Hawthorne - Герман Мелвилл

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crowns; selling them, but asking for them the sacrifice of health, of integrity, perhaps of life in the battlefield, and of the real pleasures of existence. Who would buy, if the price were to be paid down?

      The dying exclamation of the Emperor Augustus, “Has it not been well acted?” An essay on the misery of being always under a mask. A veil may be needful, but never a mask. Instances of people who wear masks in all classes of society, and never take them off even in the most familiar moments, though sometimes they may chance to slip aside.

      The various guises under which Ruin makes his approaches to his victims: to the merchant, in the guise of a merchant offering speculations; to the young heir, a jolly companion; to the maiden, a sighing, sentimentalist lover.

      What were the contents of the burden of Christian in the Pilgrim’s Progress? He must have been taken for a pedler travelling with his pack.

      To think, as the sun goes down, what events have happened in the course of the day, — events of ordinary occurrence: as, the clocks have struck, the dead have been buried.

      Curious to imagine what murmurings and discontent would be excited, if any of the great so-called calamities of human beings were to be abolished, — as, for instance, death.

      Trifles to one are matters of life and death to another. As, for instance, a farmer desires a brisk breeze to winnow his grain; and mariners, to blow them out of the reach of pirates.

      A recluse, like myself, or a prisoner, to measure time by the progress of sunshine through his chamber.

      Would it not be wiser for people to rejoice at all that they now sorrow for, and vice versa? To put on bridal garments at funerals, and mourning at weddings? For their friends to condole with them when they attained riches and honor, as only so much care added?

      If in a village it were a custom to hang a funeral garland or other token of death on a house where some one had died, and there to let it remain till a death occurred elsewhere, and then to hang that same garland over the other house, it would have, methinks, a strong effect.

      No fountain so small but that Heaven may be imaged in its bosom.

      Fame! Some very humble persons in a town may be said to possess it, — as, the penny-post, the town-crier, the constable, — and they are known to everybody; while many richer, more intellectual, worthier persons are unknown by the majority of their fellow-citizens. Something analogous in the world at large.

      The ideas of people in general are not raised higher than the roofs of the houses. All their interests extend over the earth’s surface in a layer of that thickness. The meetinghouse steeple reaches out of their sphere.

      Nobody will use other people’s experience, nor has any of his own till it is too late to use it.

      Two lovers to plan the building of a pleasure-house on a certain spot of ground, but various seeming accidents prevent it. Once they find a group of miserable children there; once it is the scene where crime is plotted; at last the dead body of one of the lovers or of a dear friend is found there; and, instead of a pleasure-house, they build a marble tomb. The moral, — that there is no place on earth fit for the site of a pleasure-house, because there is no spot that may not have been saddened by human grief, stained by crime, or hallowed by death. It might be three friends who plan it, instead of two lovers; and the dearest one dies.

      Comfort for childless people. A married couple with ten children have been the means of bringing about ten funerals.

      A blind man on a dark night carried a torch, in order that people might see him, and not run against him, and direct him how to avoid dangers.

      To picture a child’s (one of four or five years old) reminiscences at sunset of a long summer’s day, — his first awakening, his studies, his sports, his little fits of passion, perhaps a whipping, etc.

      The blind man’s walk.

      To picture a virtuous family, the different members examples of virtuous dispositions in their way; then introduce a vicious person, and trace out the relations that arise between him and them, and the manner in which all are affected.

      A man to flatter himself with the idea that he would not be guilty of some certain wickedness, — -as, for instance, to yield to the personal temptations of the Devil, — yet to find, ultimately, that he was at that very time committing that same wickedness.

      What would a man do, if he were compelled to live always in the sultry heat of society, and could never bathe himself in cool solitude?

      A girl’s lover to be slain and buried in her flower-garden, and the earth levelled over him. That particular spot, which she happens to plant with some peculiar variety of flowers, produces them of admirable splendor, beauty, and perfume; and she delights, with an indescribable impulse, to wear them in her bosom, and scent her chamber with them. Thus the classic fantasy would be realized, of dead people transformed to flowers.

      Objects seen by a magic-lantern reversed. A street, or other location, might be presented, where there would be opportunity to bring forward all objects of worldly interest, and thus much pleasant satire might be the result.

      The Abyssinians, after dressing their hair, sleep with their heads in a forked stick, in order not to discompose it.

      At the battle of Edge Hill, October 23, 1642, Captain John Smith, a soldier of note, Captain Lieutenant to Lord James Stuart’s horse, with only a groom, attacked a Parliament officer, three cuirassiers, and three arquebusiers, and rescued the royal standard, which they had taken and were guarding. Was this the Virginian Smith?

      Stephen Gowans supposed that the bodies of Adam and Eve were clothed in robes of light, which vanished after their sin.

      Lord Chancellor Clare, towards the close of his life, went to a village church, where he might not be known, to partake of the Sacrament.

      A missionary to the heathen in a great city, to describe his labors in the manner of a foreign mission.

      In the tenth century, mechanism of organs so clumsy, that one in Westminster Abbey, with four hundred pipes, required twenty-six bellows and seventy stout men. First organ ever known in Europe received by King Pepin, from the Emperor Constantine, in 757. Water boiling was kept in a reservoir under the pipes; and, the keys being struck, the valves opened, and steam rushed through with noise. The secret of working them thus is now lost. Then came bellows organs, first used by Louis le Debonnaire.

      After the siege of Antwerp, the children played marbles in the streets with grape and cannon shot.

      A shell, in falling, buries itself in the earth, and, when it explodes, a large pit is made by the earth being blown about in all directions, — large enough, sometimes, to hold three or four cartloads of earth. The holes are circular.

      A French artillery-man being buried in his military cloak on the ramparts, a shell exploded, and unburied him.

      In the Netherlands, to form hedges, young trees are interwoven into a sort of lattice-work; and, in time, they grow together at the point of junction, so that the fence is all of one piece.

      To show the effect of gratified revenge. As an instance, merely, suppose a woman sues her lover for breach of promise, and gets the money by instalments, through a long series of years. At last, when the miserable victim were utterly trodden down, the triumpher would have become a very devil of evil passions, — they having overgrown his whole nature; so that

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