My Thoughts aloud and key Issues / Краткие мысли вслух и высказывания автора. Сария Маммадова

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My Thoughts aloud and key Issues / Краткие мысли вслух и высказывания автора - Сария Маммадова London Prize presents

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should be the norm of life of any Human Being.

      – A person who tries to prove his/her significance to the whole World solely by virtue of his/her «merits» remains in this error until the end of his/her days.

      – Unreasonable and frivolous person will help only in word.

      – The slogan «Live for myself», proclaimed by the majority is extremely erroneous.

      – The manifestation of aggression, intolerance, and displeasure, often without any reason, will not benefit your soul, much less favor with people, and you will become an unpleasant, almost unbearable person.

      – You cannot give attention to the people around you only when you need their participation, presence, and support.

      – You cannot go in life on the path of least resistance, choose where it is easier, softer, shallow, and careless.

      – Be content with what you deserve in this life, do not build illusory ideas about the significance of your person and that you deserve a better share and more.

      – Positive changes in life can be obtained by changing your attitude towards the people around you: be helpful, attentive, sympathetic, make good and mercy, give warmth to your hearts and joy, and most importantly, improve yourself creatively and spiritually.

      – The more confident a person is in his/her abilities, the more opportunities he/she has to live in dignity, to work, to improve, to grow spiritually and culturally.

      – Human life is fleeting, and at every vital period of time, it is necessary to solve the actual problems that reality, development of society, and civic duty challenges us.

      – Life has its own laws that do not depend on our desire, whims, complaints, and forecasting deadlines.

      – Before you lament your fate, life, surroundings, try, first of all, to understand yourself.

      – Some people lose a lot in life due to the lack of deep knowledge, thinking skills, as well as inertness of thought.

      – In your mental, spiritual, and active life, you have to go and climb from one peak to another in order to finally reach the highest one.

      – The strong-willed person acts as he/she wants, and the weak-willed – as he/she wanted, and these are different concepts.

      – The correct understanding of the meaning of life and purpose is not given to everyone.

      – Most people do not understand that sometimes, moral satisfaction from the results of life and merit is more important and weighty than material awards, no matter how exorbitantly large they may seem.

      – The main thing is not how much, but how a person lived on earth, what he/she saw the meaning of his/her life, what he/she aspired to, what goals and objectives he/she set, what he/she preferred.

      – Nothing is so tiring a person as idleness and empty rhetoric.

      – The more a person deserves, the less he/she is picky about everything around him/her and the less he/she has claims in life.

      – When a person behaves inadequately, it is not necessary to provoke him/her – prudence and calmness should be observed.

      – A Human Being is the creator of his/her own destiny.

      – A successful person is always self-confident and lucky.

      – The more overcoming, the more perfect, more confident, and cleaner its owner.

      – We are responsible for everything and for everyone.

      – The ability to empathize and readiness to help should be the norm of life of any Human Being.

      – A person should correctly understand the meaning of his/her life, live for the sake of an idea, for the sake of a goal, in the name of a goal.

      – A person who wants to become a truly educated one with a broad outlook will never approach selectively to objects and subjects of knowledge.

      – The human is defeated by imaginary doubts and baseless experiences, blocking and hindering any movement towards the desired goal.

      – A Human Being can justify his/her careless actions only to him-/herself.

      – A person should be able to adapt to the conditions and circumstances of life.

      – If you are the right person, and in a particular period of your life, you made the only right decision, in your opinion, you shouldn't reconsider it or regret your deed after many years.

      – You should be able to be indulgent towards people who are lower than you in intelligence and development.

      – Some people try in vain and unsuccessfully to prove their worth to all.

      – It is very difficult to tune in to the wave of an unpredictable person.

      – Sometimes, it is difficult for a person to realize his/ her negligence.

      – One should not follow the path of least resistance in life.

      Human Qualities, Personality Traits, and Criteria for Life

      – Personality traits often determine a person's fate.

      – One should not forget about such human qualities and criteria as Dignity, Honor, Decency, etc.

      – Permissiveness, lack of control, «blind» love, and negligence lead to irreversible consequences.

      – Good Luck, Success, Well-being – the destiny accompanying only purposeful, optimistic, active, and creative people.

      – Authority and importance should not be won by the presence of brand clothes, expensive accessories and cosmetics, but with skills, intelligence, self-realization, and commitment.

      – Treat everything and everyone who needs attention and care is warmer, kinder and more humane.

      – Self-confidence and overconfidence are different concepts.

      – To comprehend is to think, conceive, analyze, and decide.

      – If you have someone to learn, adopt, and borrow from, you need to do it without delusion about your competence and importance.

      – In everyday life, everything must be earned by the persistent desire to learn a lot, to be patient, very hardworking, helpful, diligent, and honest in all undertakings.

      – Never diminish the dignity of others.

      – The more educated, intelligent, spiritual and cultural person, the longer his/her earthly life and fewer claims.

      – Believe in yourself, in your own strengths, opportunities, and qualities, built from birth, abilities, and potential.

      – It is not necessary to see in everything only shortcomings and a subject for gloating and condemnation, often without any grounds for it.

      – People who stand out from the crowd will always be the subject of attention, envy, and misunderstanding of the crowd.

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