My Thoughts aloud and key Issues / Краткие мысли вслух и высказывания автора. Сария Маммадова

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My Thoughts aloud and key Issues / Краткие мысли вслух и высказывания автора - Сария Маммадова London Prize presents

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to their inert nature and laziness, do not even know about the reserves, potential, and abilities that are inherent in them.

      – Laziness is a feeling that hinders and suppresses in us the desire and pursuit to know, comprehend, overcome ourselves, and radically change ourselves for the better.

      – Diminishing the dignity of others, you do not raise your importance and authority.

      – The natural mind, developed thinking, and oratorical abilities are also a kind of talents and gifts of God.

      – Fatigue will pass, and satisfaction from the work and deeds will remain.

      – There is a category of people who have completely forgotten about such manifestations of feelings and emotions as sincerity, benevolence, sensitivity, tenderness, respect for the surroundings, mercy, compassion, love, which are the backbone of the Universe.

      – Friendliness and sincerity in the expression of feelings is already a guarantee of well-being.

      – God created everyone so different, both externally and according to his/her ability and expression of feelings.

      – Unresolved problems will arise again and will be repeated until they are completely resolved by you personally, without involving others and loved ones.

      – Self-conceit is most often based on from scratch.

      – Knowledge and improvement should be the main criteria for the life of any person.

      – Boundedness is worse than stupidity.

      – You should not be ashamed of your average wealth and living, but only unrealized abilities, potential, and lack of knowledge.

      – Nobility can «kill».

      – If you have someone to learn, adopt, and borrow from, you need to do it without delusion about your competence and importance.

      – Reading is an indispensable process of learning about life, rethinking material, spiritual and cultural values, expanding one's horizons, thinking, and life experience of a person.

      – Do not hold back feelings of tenderness, compassion, participation, love at the moment when you intuitively want to do it without delaying it for another time.

      – There are irreplaceable, and often their loss is irreplaceable by anyone and nothing.

      – Who was nobody in life – nobody will remain.

      – Significance of themselves is attached by actions, not by window dressing.

      – When you want to do something significant – do not think only about personal gain.

      – You cannot painfully respond to the welfare and success of other people.

      – Awareness most often comes only after making mistakes and losses.

      – Be prudent, more initiative, more purposeful, and more perfect.

      – Do not overindulge; you cannot go over the permitted faces, there should be a sense of proportion in all.

      – In order to deserve and get something, we should convincingly want to change for the better and follow a worthy goal.

      – Do everything readily to be useful, at least in the smallest, and not reluctantly and under duress.

      – We should be able to convince in the right.

      – Inquisitiveness and curiosity are two diametrically opposed concepts. The first is the destiny of the creators, the second one – the everymen.

      – Sometimes even the education received does not save from the limitation and primitiveness of thinking.

      – You have to be strictly fair even to enemies, unfriendly and people not pleasing you.

      – Rich and successful, lucky, capable – people of different categories.

      – You cannot seek benefit only for yourself in all.

      – Do not look for the guilty, except yourself, in your wrong and negligence.

      – To comprehend, to learn, to apply – this is not given to everyone, and such people – the majority.

      – Some people tend to be mistaken in that the fifth and tenth call at the wrong number, they will contact the subscriber they need.

      – Decisiveness, willpower is readable on a person's face and makes him/her stronger and more confident.

      – You should not «beat yourself in the chest», proving that you are «fit» without having the skills, abilities, relevant knowledge, and training.

      – Education of willpower and backbone depends on us the most and is accessible to everyone.

      – Sometimes, you can achieve a lot only by mobilizing and concentrating willpower.

      – Conscientious and principled people are deeply shocked by the disappointment of those whom they trust, believe, and put unwarranted hopes and expect a different development outcome.

      – When your openness, directness, and disposition are not rightly intended for the wrong people and are not understood by them – the bitterness of disappointment does not pass without pain and without a trace.

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