The Landlord At Lion's Head. William Dean Howells

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The Landlord At Lion's Head - William Dean Howells

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exactly the same.”

      “A little older?”

      “Not as I can see.”

      “Does she hate keeping a hotel as badly as she expected?”

      “That's what she says,” answered Jeff, with a twinkle. All the time, while he was talking with Westover, he was breaking out to his horses, which he governed with his voice, trotting them up hill and down, and walking them on the short, infrequent levels, in the mountain fashion.

      Westover almost feared to ask: “And how is Jackson?”

      “First-rate—that is, for him. He's as well as ever he was, I guess, and he don't appear a day older. You've changed some,” said Jeff, with a look round at Westover.

      “Yes; I'm twenty-nine now, and I wear a heavier beard.” Westover noticed that Jeff was clean shaved of any sign of an approaching beard, and artistically he rejoiced in the fellow's young, manly beauty, which was very regular and sculpturesque. “You're about eighteen?”

      “Nearer nineteen.”

      “Is Jackson as much interested in the other world as he used to be?”



      “I guess he keeps it up with Mr. Whitwell. He don't say much about it at home. He keeps all the books, and helps mother run the house. She couldn't very well get along without him.”

      “And where do you come in?”

      “Well, I look after the transportation,” said Jeff, with a nod toward his horses—“when I'm at home, that is. I've been at the Academy in Lovewell the last three winters, and that means a good piece of the summer, too, first and last. But I guess I'll let mother talk to you about that.”

      “All right,” said Westover. “What I don't know about education isn't worth knowing.”

      Jeff laughed, and said to the off horse, which seemed to know that he was meant: “Get up, there!”

      “And Cynthia? Is Cynthia at home?” Westover asked.

      “Yes; they're all down in the little wood-colored house yet. Cynthia teaches winters, and summers she helps mother. She has charge of the dining-room.”

      “Does Franky cry as much as ever?”

      “No, Frank's a fine boy. He's in the house, too. Kind of bell-boy.”

      “And you haven't worked Mr. Whitwell in anywhere?”

      “Well, he talks to the ladies, and takes parties of 'em mountain-climbing. I guess we couldn't get along without Mr. Whitwell. He talks religion to 'em.” He cast a mocking glance at Westover over his shoulder. “Women seem to like religion, whether they belong to church or not.”

      Westover laughed and asked: “And Fox? How's Fox?”

      “Well,” said Jeff, “we had to give Fox away. He was always cross with the boarders' children. My brother was on from Colorado, and he took Fox back with him.”

      “I didn't suppose,” said Westover, “that I should have been sorry to miss Fox. But I guess I shall be.”

      Jeff seemed to enjoy the implication of his words. “He wasn't a bad dog. He was stupid.”

      When they arrived at the foot of the lane, mounting to the farm, Westover saw what changes had been made in the house. There were large additions, tasteless and characterless, but giving the rooms that were needed. There was a vulgar modernity in the new parts, expressed with a final intensity in the four-light windows, which are esteemed the last word of domestic architecture in the country. Jeff said nothing as they approached the house, but Westover said: “Well, you've certainly prospered. You're quite magnificent.”

      They reached the old level in front of the house, artificially widened out of his remembrance, with a white flag-pole planted at its edge, and he looked up at the front of the house, which was unchanged, except that it had been built a story higher back of the old front, and discovered the window of his old room. He could hardly wait to get his greetings over with Mrs. Durgin and Jackson, who both showed a decorous pleasure and surprise at his coming, before he asked:

      “And could you let me have my own room, Mrs. Durgin?”

      “Why, yes,” she said, “if you don't want something a little nicer.”

      “I don't believe you've got anything nicer,” Westover said.

      “All right, if you think so,” she retorted. “You can have the old room, anyway.”


      Westover could not have said he felt very much at home on his first sojourn at the farm, or that he had cared greatly for the Durgins. But now he felt very much at home, and as if he were in the hands of friends.

      It was toward the close of the afternoon that he arrived, and he went in promptly to the meal that was served shortly after. He found that the farm-house had not evolved so far in the direction of a hotel as to have reached the stage of a late dinner. It was tea that he sat down to, but when he asked if there were not something hot, after listening to a catalogue of the cold meats, the spectacled waitress behind his chair demanded, with the air of putting him on his honor:

      “You among those that came this afternoon?”

      Westover claimed to be of the new arrivals.

      “Well, then, you can have steak or chops and baked potatoes.”

      He found the steak excellent, though succinct, and he looked round in the distinction it conferred upon him, on the older guests, who were served with cold ham, tongue, and corned-beef. He had expected to be appointed his place by Cynthia Whitwell, but Jeff came to the dining-room with him and showed him to the table he occupied, with an effect of doing him special credit.

      From his impressions of the berries, the cream, the toast, and the tea, as well as the steak, he decided that on the gastronomic side there could be no question but the Durgins knew how to keep a hotel; and his further acquaintance with the house and its appointments confirmed him in his belief. All was very simple, but sufficient; and no guest could have truthfully claimed that he was stinted in towels, in water, in lamp-light, in the quantity or quality of bedding, in hooks for clothes, or wardrobe or bureau room. Westover made Mrs. Durgin his sincere compliments on her success as they sat in the old parlor, which she had kept for herself much in its former state, and she accepted them with simple satisfaction.

      “But I don't know as I should ever had the courage to try it if it hadn't been for you happening along just when you did,” she said.

      “Then I'm the founder of your fortunes?”

      “If you want to call them fortunes. We don't complain It's been a fight, but I guess we've got the best of it. The house is full, and we're turnin' folks away. I guess they can't say that at the big hotels they used to drive over from to see Lion's Head at the farm.” She gave

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