Diabetes Meals on $7 a Day?or Less!. Patti B. Geil

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Diabetes Meals on $7 a Day?or Less! - Patti B. Geil

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Chill (refrigerate) perishable food promptly and defrost foods properly.


Avoid raw (unpasteurized) milk and any products that may contain unpasteurized milk. Foods containing raw eggs, undercooked meat, unpasteurized juices, and raw sprouts should also be avoided.


      The first diabetes diet recommendations were made in Egypt in 1550 B.C., and consisted of wheat grains, fresh grits, grapes, honey, and sweet beer. Today, the American Diabetes Association nutrition recommendations stress an overall healthy eating plan, with an emphasis on several vital nutrients.

      If you’d like to learn more about specific nutrient needs and food recommendations for your family members based on gender, age, and activity level, access the website of the USDAs new interactive food model, MyPyramid, at www.mypyramid.gov.


      The days of preprinted, calorie-level diet sheets are over. Although we know that most adults require between 1,800 and 2,500 calories per day, what you need to maintain a reasonable body weight may be different. To lose weight, between 1,000 and 1,600 calories per day may be your goal. Individualized meal plans, designed with the help of a registered dietitian (RD), are the best for watching your weight.


      Your intake of protein foods (meats, poultry, seafood, dairy foods, beans, peas, nuts, and seeds) should be at the same level as that of the general public. These foods should make up between 15 and 20% of the calories you eat, which translates into two 3-oz servings each day (3 oz is the size of a deck of cards or the palm of a woman’s hand).

      Although a high intake of protein may be a risk factor for the development of diabetic kidney disease, there is evidence that vegetable protein- which comes from beans, grains, and vegetables-may slow the rate of kidney disease in people with diabetes. Eating less protein from animal sources-meat, milk, eggs, and cheese-also means less fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol in your diet.


      A lower fat intake also lowers your risk for cardiovascular (heart) disease, a common complication of diabetes. Lower fat intake means lower calorie intake, which helps you maintain a reasonable body weight. Mono- and polyunsaturated fats can help to lower your blood cholesterol and protect your heart. Saturated and trans fats can raise your blood cholesterol and increase your risk of heart disease.

      The cholesterol in food may also increase your blood cholesterol. Limiting your intake of animal proteins and whole-milk dairy foods will help you to consume less fat and cholesterol in your diet. Your cholesterol intake should be less than 200 milligrams per day. Intake of trans fat and saturated fat should be minimized. The exact amount and type of fat you should eat will depend on your weight, your blood lipid levels, and your overall health.


      Carbohydrates from fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and low-fat milk are great for your health. Sweets can be substituted for other carbohydrates in your meal plan or covered with insulin or other glucose-lowering medications.

      Both the amount (grams) of carbohydrates as well as the type of carbohydrates in a food influence your blood glucose levels. Monitoring your total grams of carbohydrates-whether by using the exchanges/choices system or carbohydrate counting-is a great strategy to help improve your blood glucose control.

      There is no need for you to spend money on special diabetic foods unless you enjoy their taste or the variety they provide. Sweeteners such as corn syrup, fruit juice, and sorbitol may offer no advantage over regular sugar. Enjoy sweet treats in moderation. Substitute sweets for other carbohydrates in your diet, and check your blood glucose after eating to see how they affect you.


      You should be eating the same amount of fiber as the other members of your family-approximately 20-35 grams per day, or 14 g for every 1,000 calories you eat. Unfortunately, most Americans eat only 10-13 grams daily, so they don’t reap all of fiber’s benefits, like better digestive health. To ensure you are getting the most out of fiber in your diet, choose wholewheat grains and plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables every day. Oats and dried beans are great sources of soluble fiber, which has a positive effect on blood lipid levels.


      Sodium intake recommendations for people with diabetes are similar to those for the general population-less than 2,300 milligrams per day. If you have high blood pressure, it may be helpful to eat less, shake the salt habit, and carefully read food labels to track the amount of sodium in your diet.


      FDA-approved reduced-calorie sweeteners include sugar alcohols, such as sorbitol, xylitol, and hydrogenated starch hydrolysates. Keep in mind that reduced-calorie sweeteners contain both calories and carbohydrates.

      The FDA has approved five nonnutritive (zero calorie) sweeteners for use in the U.S. They are:


acesulfame potassium









       Vitamins and Minerals

      You may be a good candidate for vitamin and mineral supplements if you are in poor diabetes control; if you are on a very restricted weight-loss diet; if you are elderly, pregnant, or breast-feeding; or if you are a strict vegetarian.

      Eating a well-balanced diet should provide everyone with the essential vitamins and minerals they require. At this time the American Diabetes Association does not recommend any special supplements to benefit individuals with diabetes, however, you should ask your health care team to discuss your individualized vitamin and mineral needs.


      The ever-changing information about diabetes nutrition may have left you more confused than ever. A session with an RD and certified diabetes educator (CDE) is money and time well invested. An RD can evaluate your individual case and suggest the meal planning approach that is best for you, whether it is the MyPyramid, carbohydrate counting, or something in between.

      Making smart food choices is the key to taking care of your diabetes. Poor choices will cost you time, money, and your health. Eating well helps you avoid the expensive damage to your eyes, heart, and kidneys that occurs when blood glucose levels are high day after day. You can eat healthfully on a lean budget by using the diabetes nutrition guidelines to make smart food choices.

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