Petals. Marti Eicholz

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Petals - Marti Eicholz

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off up-coming responsibilities. All the things he honestly did not care about.

      As Mary stood under the everlasting waterfall, she watched the stream of spray slowly make its way to his body and the perfect abs he had. The drops of moisture defined his well, organized and worked out body.

      It felt sensational rubbing each other’s backs with the warm, sudsy wet and then enjoying a cuddle.

      Dressed in business casual attire Adam and Mary headed for the Stratosphere and Vegas World, the unique restaurant at the top, noted for its culinary delights. In an elegant revolving atmosphere with unparalleled views, they dined on Shrimp Cocktail, Caesar Salad, Pan-Seared Ora King Salmon, Caramel Crème Brulee, and sipped Pinot Grigio.

      Mary was awe struck by the newness of it all, the beauty, the smells, the tastes, and the attention to detail. Being overwhelmed made for a quiet and touching unforgettable experience. She looked across the table at Adam with stars in her eyes, asking, “Are there other places like this?”

      Taking her hand, Adam assured, “Mary, there is no other place on earth like Las Vegas.” They smiled and squeezed hands.

      They were arm in arm down the strip, weaving between the crowds while millions of lights, causing the dense mass of skyscrapers to glitter. Despite the time, the hustle and bustle never came to a halt. With the fabulous range of casinos, it was a heaven for gamblers. The others like the energetic and flashy ones looked to be rushing to a show or to chill out in a smoky jazz bar.

      Adam and Mary found their senses welcomed the sight and sound of the spectacular musical fountains. “Adam, even amid all the night-crawlers, I find this peaceful.”

      “It is calming and soothing after our eventful day.” Pushing her along, remembering his early morning business engagement.

      Adam really hated the sound of the alarm clock that pierced and irritated as it repeated its beeping. After a minute or two, he slowly realized that Mary was in bed with him and this was not just another day. He and Mary were in Las Vegas and he had work to do. He had major responsibilities. He was hosting a breakfast. He was meeting clients. He needed to schedule time for the company exhibit booth.

      Dressed and ready to go, he gave Mary some advice about the city and suggestions for the day. They would meet up at three. With a kiss Adam was out the door.

      The warm Las Vegas sun was shining brightly in the blue and cloudless sky. A light breeze cooled the warm air just enough to stop her body from sweating. The breeze was clean and crisp blowing along with the scents of food, smog, body odors and whatever else that was.

      She was not sacred to be alone in this hotspot filled with replicas of wondrous architecture and landscapes of the world. On this oasis island in the desert with timeless excitement, she felt complete freedom to indulge in all her desires.

      After a donut and coffee at the coffee stand in the lobby, she walked the strip. There were thousands of people walking up and down. The first place she stopped was New York, New York. It was a mini New York; its architecture evoked the New York City skyline of the 40s. Towers squeezed together resembled sky rises such as the art deco skyscrapers, The Empire State Building and The Chrysler Building. The Statue of Liberty stood front and center at the entry.

      After a visiting New York, she headed toward Paris not the real Paris, but hotel Paris. The front hotel décor was reminiscent of The Paris Opera House and The Louvre. She went to the top of Eiffel tower to take in 360-degree views from the observation deck. The property offered a whirlwind tour of the French capital’s most iconic sights, including a replica of the Arc de Triomphe.

      When Adam met up with Mary at three, her eyes were alight, every muscle was moving. Just like a child she ran screaming with delight. He had never seen her smile so wide nor had he seen her reach so wide for his hug. Just seeing this bundle of joy, made him glad to be alive.

      Time in the large soaking bathtub eased all the pent-up emotions and loosened all their tight muscles and gave them time to breathe and focus on their precious time together. Back rubs and snuggle time made for the start of a romantic evening.

      As Adam and Mary walked the crowded strip surrounding every skyscraper and the hustle and bustle of people hurrying madly on their way, they marveled at a high volcano rising. Water and fire combined produced spectacular volcano “eruptions” synchronized with music.

      Walking along they came upon a battle between pirates aboard the Hispaniola and British sailors aboard the HMS Britannia ending in the sinking of the HMS Britannia.

      A little further down the strip, they caught a circus act.

      Ready for a rest and starved, they settled for Mexican food. Mary talking with her mouth full, “Adam, this day has been unbelievable.”

      Adam anxiously waiting, “Tell me all about your day.”

      Mary begins, “First, Las Vegas is the most amazing place, and it’s right in the middle of nowhere. In one day in the middle of this desert I saw some of the worlds’ best.

      I visited the sights of New York City and Paris. And I went back in time and got a sense of life during the Roman Empire. It was an exciting day. Oh yes, I noted all the fashions, fads, and styles, finding some peculiar or eccentric. I’ve decided I like my own designs and will stick to making my own clothes.”

      Adam interrupted, “That’s good because I like your clothes. They are beautiful. What did you like best today?”

      “The people are so full of life and energy. They make everything vibrate. I believe Las Vegas is a place all people should see at least once in their lifetime. Adam, how was your day?”

      Lifting her from her chair and giving her a squeeze, “Your smile lit up my day.”

      Back at their hotel Adam gave Mary a kiss, “Let’s call it an evening.”

      With the lights dimmed, clothing discarded, and hand in hand Adam and Mary climbed into bed. Their bodies entwined as one on the fifteenth floor overlooking a concrete jungle. That concrete jungle was alive as the thousands of tiny windows on the high-rise buildings looked like a million sparkling diamonds. The concrete jungle never slept.

      But Adam and Mary had a peaceful, restful, sound sleep.

      Morning came, and they were awake, refreshed, motivated, and poised for a new day. Room service arrived with fresh-squeezed orange juice, omelets, muffins, and a pot of coffee.

      As they sipped their morning brew, Adam wondered, “After my shift, how would you like to spend our last day in Vegas?”

      Without a moment’s hesitation Mary said, “Let’s get married.”

      Adam leaned in for a kiss, feeling a tingle spreading from his lips. Adam was not about to wait another minute. “I’ll be back at two and we’ll do it.” Holding each other in a tight embrace they danced in circles.

      Leaving for the convention center Adam thought Mary is giving me a gift. And I accept. Meeting with clients he glowed with excitement thinking she is intoxicating. She has the exuberance of a child and it stirs me.

      Mary got a city map, brochures on Vegas weddings and marriage license requirements. By the time Adam returned at two she had outlined the wedding plan, simple and nice.

      When Adam entered the hotel room fifteen minutes early, they wasted

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