The Poetical Works of John Skelton (Vol. 1&2). John Skelton

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The Poetical Works of John Skelton (Vol. 1&2) - John Skelton

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wyth feturys far passyng my reporte;

      Radyent Esperus, star of the clowdy nyght,

      Lode star to lyght these louers to theyr porte,

      Gayne dangerous stormys theyr anker of supporte,

      Theyr sayll of solace most comfortably clad,

      Whych to behold makyth heuy hartys glad:

      Remorse haue I of youre most goodlyhod,

      Of youre behauoure curtes and benynge, 30

      Of your bownte and of youre womanhod,

      Which makyth my hart oft to lepe and sprynge,

      And to remember many a praty thynge;

      But absens, alas, wyth tremelyng fere and drede

      Abashyth me, albeit I haue no nede.

      You I assure, absens is my fo,

      My dedely wo, my paynfull heuynes;

      And if ye lyst to know the cause why so,

      Open myne hart, beholde my mynde expres:

      I wold ye coud! then shuld ye se, mastres, 40

      How there nys thynge that I couet so fayne

      As to enbrace you in myne armys twayne.

      Nothynge yerthly to me more desyrous

      Than to beholde youre bewteouse countenaunce:

      But, hatefull absens, to me so enuyous,

      Though thou withdraw me from her by long dystaunce,

      Yet shall she neuer oute of remembraunce;

      For I haue grauyd her wythin the secret wall

      Of my trew hart, to loue her best of all!

      Qd Skelton, laureat.

       Cuncta licet cecidisse putas discrimina rerum,

       Et prius incerta nunc tibi certa manent,

       Consiliis usure meis tamen aspice caute,

       Subdola non fallat te dea fraude sua:

       Sæpe solet placido mortales fallere vultu,

       Et cute sub placida tabida sæpe dolent;

       Ut quando secura putas et cuncta serena,[229]

       Anguis sub viridi gramine sæpe latet.

      Though ye suppose all jeperdys ar paste,

      And all is done that ye lokyd for before, 10

      Ware yet, I rede you, of Fortunes dowble cast,

      For one fals poynt she is wont to kepe in store,

      And vnder the fell oft festerd is the sore:

      That when ye thynke all daunger for to pas,

      Ware of the lesard lyeth lurkyng in the gras.

      Qd Skelton, laureat.

      Go, pytyous hart, rasyd with dedly wo,

      Persyd with payn, bleding with wondes smart,

      Bewayle thy fortune, with vaynys wan and blo.

      O Fortune vnfrendly, Fortune vnkynde thow art,

      To be so cruell and so ouerthwart,

      To suffer me so carefull to endure,

      That wher I loue best I dare not dyscure!

      One ther is, and euer one shalbe,

      For whose sake my hart is sore dyseasyd;

      For whose loue, welcom dysease to me! 10

      I am content so all partys be pleasyd:

      Yet, and God wold, I wold my payne were easyd!

      But Fortune enforsyth me so carefully to endure,

      That where I loue best I dare not dyscure.

      Skelton, laureat, At the instance of a nobyll lady.

      [229] serena] Ed. “serenas.”

       Table of Contents

      Ay, besherewe yow, be my fay,

      This wanton clarkes be nyse all way;

      Avent, avent, my popagay!

      What, will ye do no thyng but play?

      Tully valy, strawe, let be, I say!

      Gup, Cristian Clowte, gup, Jak of the vale!

      With, Manerly Margery Mylk and Ale.

      Be God, ye be a praty pode,

      And I loue you an hole cart lode.

      Strawe, Jamys foder, ye play the fode, 10

      I am no hakney for your rode;

      Go watch a bole, your bak is brode:

      Gup, Cristian Clowte, gup, Jak of the vale!

      With, Manerly Margery Mylk and Ale.


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