The Poetical Works of John Skelton (Vol. 1&2). John Skelton

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The Poetical Works of John Skelton (Vol. 1&2) - John Skelton

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      Or we shall thé oute of thy clothes shake.


      Wyth that came Ryotte, russhynge all at ones,

      A rusty gallande, to-ragged and to-rente;

      And on the borde he whyrled a payre of bones,

      Quater treye dews he clatered as he wente;

      Now haue at all, by saynte Thomas of Kente!

      His here was growen thorowe oute his hat. 350

      Thenne I behelde how he dysgysed was:

      His hede was heuy for watchynge ouer nyghte,

      His eyen blereed, his face shone lyke a glas;

      His gowne so shorte that it ne couer myghte

      His rumpe, he wente so all for somer lyghte;

      His hose was garded wyth a lyste of grene,

      Yet at the knee they were broken, I wene.

      Of Kyrkeby Kendall was his shorte demye;

      And ay he sange, In fayth, decon thou crewe; 360

      His elbowe bare, he ware his gere so nye;

      And by his syde his whynarde and his pouche,

      Counter he coude O lux vpon a potte;

      He set vp fresshely vpon his hat alofte:

      What reuell route! quod he, and gan to rayle

      Of Felyce fetewse, and lytell prety Cate, 370

      How ofte he knocked at her klycked gate.

      What sholde I tell more of his rebaudrye?

      I was ashamed so to here hym prate:

      He had no pleasure but in harlotrye.

      Ay, quod he, in the deuylles date,

      What arte thou? I sawe thé nowe but late.

      Forsothe, quod I, in this courte I dwell nowe.


      And, syr, in fayth why comste not vs amonge,

      To make thé mery, as other felowes done? 380

      Thou muste swere and stare, man, al daye longe,

      And wake all nyghte, and slepe tyll it be none;

      Thou mayste not studye, or muse on the mone;

      This worlde is nothynge but ete, drynke, and slepe,

      And thus with vs good company to kepe.

      Plucke vp thyne herte vpon a mery pyne,

      What, loo, man, see here of dyce a bale!

      A brydelynge caste for that is in thy male! 390

      Now haue at all that lyeth vpon the burde!

      Fye on this dyce, they be not worth a turde!

      Haue at the hasarde, or at the dosen browne,

      Now, wolde to God, thou wolde leye money downe!

      Lorde, how that I wolde caste it full rounde!

      Ay, in my pouche a buckell I haue founde;

      The armes of Calyce, I haue no coyne nor crosse!

      I am not happy, I renne ay on the losse.

      Now renne muste I to the stewys syde, 400

      To wete yf Malkyn, my lemman, haue gete oughte:

      I lete her to hyre, that men maye on her ryde,

      By Goddis sydes; syns I her thyder broughte,

      She hath gote me more money with her tayle

      Than hath some shyppe that into Bordews sayle.

      Had I as good an hors as she is a mare,

      Who rydeth on her, he nedeth not to care,

      For she is trussed for to breke a launce; 410

      To her wyll I nowe all my pouerte lege;


      Gone is this knaue, this rybaude foule and leude;

      He ran as fast as euer that he myghte:

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