The Poetical Works of John Skelton (Vol. 1&2). John Skelton

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The Poetical Works of John Skelton (Vol. 1&2) - John Skelton

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pardone me, I am an homely knaue,

      To be with you thus perte and thus bolde;

      But ye be welcome to our housholde.

      And, I dare saye, there is no man here inne

      But wolde be glad of your company:

      I wyste neuer man that so soone coude wynne

      The fauoure that ye haue with my lady; 270

      I praye to God that it maye neuer dy:

      It is your fortune for to haue that grace;

      As I be saued, it is a wonder case.

      For, as for me, I serued here many a daye,

      And yet vnneth I can haue my lyuynge:

      But I requyre you no worde that I saye;

      For, and I knowe ony erthly thynge

      That is agayne you, ye shall haue wetynge:

      And ye be welcome, syr, so God me saue:

      I hope here after a frende of you to haue. 280


      Wyth that, as he departed soo fro me,

      Anone ther mette with him, as me thoughte,

      A man, but wonderly besene was he;

      With indygnacyon lyned was his hode;

      He frowned, as he wolde swere by Cockes blode;

      His face was belymmed, as byes had him stounge:

      It was no tyme with him to jape nor toye; 290

      Enuye hathe wasted his lyuer and his lounge,

      Hatred by the herte so had hym wrounge,

      That he loked pale as asshes to my syghte:

      And I drewe nere to harke what they two sayde.

      Now, quod Dysdayne, as I shall saued be,

      I haue grete scorne, and am ryghte euyll apayed.

      Than quod Heruy, why arte thou so dysmayde?

      By Cryste, quod he, for it is shame to saye; 300

      To see Johan Dawes, that came but yester daye,

      How he is now taken in conceyte,

      This doctour Dawcocke, Drede, I wene, he hyghte:

      By Goddis bones, but yf we haue som sleyte,

      By God, quod Heruy, and it so happen myghte;

      Lete vs therfore shortely at a worde

      Fynde some mene to caste him ouer the borde.

      By Him that me boughte, than quod Dysdayne,

      I wonder sore he is in suche conceyte. 310

      There muste for hym be layde some prety beyte;

      We tweyne, I trowe, be not withoute dysceyte:

      Fyrste pycke a quarell, and fall oute with hym then,

      And soo outface hym with a carde of ten.

      Forthwith he made on me a prowde assawte,

      He wente aboute to take me in a fawte;

      He frounde, he stared, he stampped where he stoode.

      I lokyd on hym, I wende he had be woode. 320

      He set the arme proudly vnder the syde,

      And in this wyse he gan with me to chyde.


      Remembrest thou what thou sayd yester nyght?

      Wylt thou abyde by the wordes agayne?

      By God, I haue of thé now grete dyspyte;

      I shall thé angre ones in euery vayne:

      It is greate scorne to see suche an hayne

      As thou arte, one that cam but yesterdaye,

      With vs olde seruauntes suche maysters to playe.

      I tell thé, I am of countenaunce: 330

      What weneste I were? I trowe, thou knowe not me.

      By Goddis woundes, but for dysplesaunce,

      Of my querell soone wolde I venged be:

      But no force, I shall ones mete with thé;

      Come whan it wyll, oppose thé I shall,

      What someuer auenture therof fall.

      Trowest thou, dreuyll, I saye, thou gawdy knaue,

      That I haue deynte to see thé cherysshed thus?

      By Goddis syde, my sworde thy berde shall shaue;

      Well, ones thou shalte be chermed, I wus: 340

      Naye, strawe for tales, thou shalte not rule vs;

      We be thy betters, and so thou shalte vs

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