Teaching the Social Skills of Academic Interaction, Grades 4-12. Harvey "Smokey" Daniels

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Teaching the Social Skills of Academic Interaction, Grades 4-12 - Harvey

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lessons for respect, responsibility, and results/Harvey “Smokey” Daniels, Nancy Steineke.

      pages cm

      Includes bibliographical references and index.

      ISBN 978-1-4833-5095-0

      1. Social skills—Study and teaching (Elementary)—Activity programs. 2. Social skills—Study and teaching (Secondary)—Activity programs. I. Steineke, Nancy

      HQ783.D2883 2014

      302'.14071—dc23 2014015502

      This book is printed on acid-free paper.

      14 15 16 17 18 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1



       Part 1. Social-Academic Skills: The Missing Link

       Chapter 1. The Problem and the Opportunity

       Social-Emotional Learning and Academic Engagement

       What's Been Missing in School Reform

       Why We Must Teach Social-Academic Skills Now

       How to Address These Problems and Seize the Opportunities

       All Social Skills Programs Are Not Alike

       Our Theory of Action

       Chapter 2. Theory and Research on Social-Academic Skills Training

       Research Base


       Starting With a Partner

       Building a Community of Acquaintance

       Building a Community of Respect, Inclusion, and Gratefulness

       Taking Personal Responsibility

       Teaching Interpersonal Skills Explicitly

       Stages of Learning Social Skills

       Positive Interdependence

       Reflection and Celebration

       The Bottom Line

       Chapter 3. How to Use This Resource


       A Guide to the Slides

       Structure of the Lessons

       Order of the Lessons

       The Tips

       Assessment and Grading

       Trouble-Shooting Questions

       Part II. Lessons for Building Social-Academic Skills

       Chapter 4. Getting Acquainted

       Lesson 1. Forming Partners

       Lesson 2. Interviewing Your Partner

       Lesson 3. Home Court Advantage

       Lesson 4. Friendliness and Support

       Lesson 5. Classroom Climate Posters

       Chapter 5. Building Collaboration Skills

       Lesson 6. Quiet Signal

       Lesson 7. Using Quiet Voices

       Lesson 8. Asking Follow-Up Questions

       Lesson 9.Think-Pair-Share

       Lesson 10. Good Partner Traits

       Chapter 6. Advanced Partner Work

       Lesson 11. Active Listening

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