Money, Manifestation & Miracles. Meriflor Toneatto

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Money, Manifestation & Miracles - Meriflor Toneatto

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       Part 2: Developing Mastery

       Chapter 4. Discovering Your Financial Starting Point

       Chapter 5. Manifesting Financial Prosperity

       Chapter 6. Transforming Your Relationship with Money

       Part 3: A Holistic Approach

       Chapter 7. Holistic Principle 1: Clarity Leads to Alignment

       Chapter 8. Holistic Principle 2: Your Mind-Set Matters Most

       Chapter 9. Holistic Principle 3: Heal Your Emotions about Money

       Chapter 10. Holistic Principle 4: Confidently Express Yourself

       Chapter 11. Holistic Principle 5: Create Your Lasting Impact

       Chapter 12. Holistic Principle 6: Improve Your Money Habits and Actions

       Chapter 13. Holistic Principle 7: Empower Your Growth

       Chapter 14. Holistic Principle 8: Focus on Achieving Results





       About the Author


      CONGRATULATIONS! You are holding in your hands one of the best books on life, love, business, and money that I have ever read.

      In fact, after I read it, filled it with sticky notes, underlined key lessons, earmarked pages, and read it again, I called Meriflor and said, “If there was one book I wish I could write, it is the one that is in my hands. It has truly changed my life.”

      And I am confident it will change yours too.

      Growing up, I thought I would be a missionary. I thought I would help the world in a big way. And I also enjoyed the power that money could bring in terms of helping me make an impact. However, I always struggled with how to bridge the idea that it’s okay to do good in the world and to make a lot of money. I’ve spent my life searching for a way to achieve that balance.

      This book will show you how it’s done — doing what you love while making money — and in my opinion, the approach outlined here is really the only way to do it!

      This book will inspire you, bring you hope, and gift you with a mind-set that will bring you abundance in all areas of your life. Money, Manifestation & Miracles is the book on how women and men look at money differently and how money is a manifestation of a greater spiritual calling.

      Meriflor explains how money is love manifested and how love can be money manifested. She brings us to a place that essentially asks the question: “Do you want more love in your life?” If the answer is “yes!” then you can expect to create and have more money as well. That is, if you apply what Meriflor teaches here.

      At first you might have a number of thoughts, including, “Oh no, not another book on manifesting your wealth without the tools to help get you there” or “money is not love, and love is not money” or “money is money, and love is love.” If so, I am here to tell you that Meriflor takes you on a journey — one that meets you wherever you are in your life — a love and money journey, and helps you, in a practical way, to get to the bottom of what drives both.

      Why this book and why now?

      Maybe you’re at a stage in your life where things just aren’t where you want or thought they would be. Maybe you are struggling. Maybe you are praying for a signal. Maybe you are hoping for answers.

      I know, because I’ve been there too. I know what it’s like to have nothing. Many years ago I lost everything when a company I was developing fell apart and I became broke and homeless. I know what it’s like to lose it all and have to rebuild. I know what it’s like to be depressed, confused, and hopeless. I’ve been 100 percent in a place that is not helpful in terms of attracting anything — especially abundance and wealth. But I ended up learning vital lessons and paying attention to signals along the way that helped change my mind-set and get me out of that dark place.

      Consider your reading this as a signal. This is your book.

      Let’s fast-forward. On the flip side, I also know what it’s like to have millions of dollars and find myself in a place where my husband and I looked at each other and asked, “What do we do with all this?” We have answered that question. We poured the money into the company I run today, Empowering a Billion Women by 2020 — or EBW2020 for short — to help empower women globally through financial literacy and mentorship. I now know what it’s like to be bursting with love, energy, enthusiasm, focus, abundance, and wealth.

      But whether you are the CEO of a company, a stay-at-home mother, an entrepreneur, an executive, or an employee, this book has something for you, if you want more love and more money in your world.

      When I was led in prayer to start EBW2020, to both follow my calling and make money, that was when I understood what Meriflor so eloquently

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