The Big Book of UFOs. Chris A. Rutkowski

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The Big Book of UFOs - Chris A. Rutkowski

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Some ancient peoples called it the “Backbone of Night” (as noted by astronomy popularizer Carl Sagan).

      A few objects in the sky were different, however. The brightest one was blinding in its intensity, and at certain times of the year, it gave a pleasing warmth. Another, about the same size, illuminated the ground and allowed seeing things when the brighter one had fled below the horizon or fell into the ocean, but didn’t offer any heat at all.

      Some of the lights in the sky were brighter than others, and some had different colours. A few were bright enough to cast shadows. It wasn’t until much later in the evolution of our civilization that some humans began systematically observing the objects in the sky and noticing patterns and periodicity to their movements. The movement of the brighter ones could be predicted over time, and they found that using a tree or stone marker to indicate the rising of a particular bright light could help determine the coming and going of seasons. This was important for knowing when to plant crops for growing food and learning the migration patterns of wild animals that were hunted for their furs.

      It became very important to study the objects in the sky. Soon, some people became experts at doing it and were looked upon as wise counselors, advising kings and leaders when to go on journeys, when to get slaves working in the fields, and when to go to war.

      These early astronomers were astrologers who tracked the changes in the sky and came up with imaginative explanations for the comings and goings up above. Gods were playing with us, blessing us or reprimanding us as they saw fit, and humans had very little control over their own destiny. The best that could be hoped for was to try and please the gods or at least keep them from punishing us in some way.

      But who were these gods? They obviously were not human, for they had powers of flight, control of weather, and doled out heat and light when they saw fit. They were, by definition, extraterrestrial; they were truly alien beings about whom we knew very little. Did they reside in ornate palaces held high in the air? Were there other worlds like our own?

      It wasn’t until Galileo demonstrated that some of the brighter lights in the sky were planets like our own, with smaller objects revolving around them, that it was realized that gods or other creatures might live on worlds other than Earth. But if so, how did they travel between there and here?

      Some writers thought that such travel was done with large balloons. Others thought that giant birds could carry people between worlds. One Jules Verne story had humans travelling through the Solar System after accidentally being plucked from the air by a comet. Others suggested astral or soul travel was the way to explore the universe.

      But that’s how we would get from here to there. How would aliens on other planets travel between the stars? Would they use the same methods and technology? Would we even recognize them if they were here?

      This last point is one that has led to some interesting speculation. Suppose, for example, that aliens visited Earth at some point in our history, rather than contacting us right now. What would our ancestors have thought of them?

      The answer is that it depends on when they came for their visit. If an alien race came to Earth before recorded history, we would of course have no way of knowing they had been here. Or would we?

      Statistically, it is more likely that aliens have visited Earth in the past than they are visiting right now. This is because given the billions of years since Earth was formed, if there are any aliens out there, the window of opportunity for them to happen to be in our neighbourhood is billions of years in length. It would allow for many visits or many different aliens to visit, even allowing for the alien civilizations themselves to evolve and develop space travel over the course of hundreds or thousands or millions of years. On Earth, we’re just now starting to take our first few hesitant steps into space.


       Channel Islands, California February 13, 1995

      Before I state what I saw I would like to clarify that I am using UFO in the very literal sense. I, and four of my friends saw something that we cannot explain. Here’s the story.

      At about 11:00 p.m. PST last night my friend called me over to his room. His room looks out on the Channel Islands and is on the 7th floor, giving it an excellent view. On the horizon I saw a line of lights. After summoning two more friends and getting a pair of binoculars was able to see it somewhat more clearly. The lights were arranged symmetrically around the axis perpendicular to us.

      I will describe the lights as I saw them from left to right. The first light was slightly above the others, after a small space there was a group of four lights close together in a straight line, after another space was a single light, a larger space separated it from a pair lights in the centre, another equally large space lead to another single light, a smaller space separated this single light from a another straight line of four lights, at the end was another light above the rest at the same level as the first.

      Through the Binoculars it appeared that the object was actually curved. At this point we left the dorm and went down to the beach to get a better view. As we watched we noticed it moved from East to West (The Ocean in Santa Barbara is actually to the South so it was moving from our left to our right) at differing speeds. It would go very fast for a short time and then stop. At one point I saw it bob down and then resume moving. My friend saw it tilt along the perpendicular axis as well while looking through binoculars.

      We have no explanation for what it was. It disappeared behind one of the islands and did not reappear. The Islands are about 26 miles away and the thing appeared to be about an inch long from our perspective, for the distance then it must have been very large. This would rule out aircraft since 747s on approach into LA appear to be about an 1/8 of an inch and would be at roughly the same distance, if not closer. It also covered an incredible amount of space in a very short time, faster than we have seen other ships travel. Therefore we are at a loss. We have speculated that it might have something to do with Pt. Magu which is a Navy Training area S of here.

      Reported by Doug A.

      Source: Ufology Research

      Suppose a race of spacefaring aliens visited Earth just as the first primitive life forms began evolving in the ocean. They might have considered making a note to visit in another million years or so, to see how we were making out.

      Suppose they came back when apelike creatures were just developing an early kind of structured society. Would they interfere? Would they decide we were too aggressive and wipe us out so that we could start again? Would they recognize that we had reached a particular stage in evolution and just needed more time to progress?

      What if the aliens arrived just when humans were in an early age of technological development, say, 5,000 years ago. We had fire and some rudimentary smelting of ore into metal by about 3000 B.C., but before that we were in the Stone Age. Our understanding of the world was limited at this time, and there were many competing mythologies to explain the forces of nature. Tribal warfare was the global pastime, and we lived in small feudal communities that were ruled by strong warriors. (Not that this has changed all that much.…)


      ALF was about an Alien Life Form who crashes on Earth into a suburban neighbourhood. He is harboured by the Tanner family, who take him in as an eccentric houseguest. The little, annoying, furry creature was from the planet Melmac, which was destroyed during a nuclear war, and he wants to ensure that the same doesn’t happen

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