Meeting Place of the Dead. Richard Palmisano

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Meeting Place of the Dead - Richard Palmisano

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yelled out.

      [A “yep” comes immediately over the Spirit Box.]

      There was a bang from downstairs, and everyone looked at each other.

      “Is that the furnace coming on?” Peter asked.

      “Can’t be, something is moving downstairs,” I replied, moving to the doorway to get a better position from which to listen.

      “I thought I was hearing something through the vent, like something starting up,” Peter said.

      “No, it’s something moving down there,” I whispered.

      “That’s good, let it move,” Paul said.

      On the main floor, surveillance camera activity was being recorded.

      [There is a clicking sound, then a male says, “Miriam” — pause — “They are all alive.” The voice fades away and the rest of the message is lost.

      An older female voice replies, “Ooooh” — pause — “Thank you.”

      The camera captures the creaking of the main floor.

      Male voice: “Where are they?”

      Female voice: “Upstairs.”]

      We noticed flashes of light on the upstairs camera and small orbs flying about the room. The light flashes could have indicated something passing the camera; however, the orbs were nothing more than dust particles reflecting the Infrared illuminators (IR) back into the lens.

      I asked Marilyn to shut off the main upstairs light. She walked over and toggled the switch off.

      On the main floor, camera activity was being recorded.

      [Immediately, a male says, “Stay there” — pause — “Are you okay?”

      There is no reply. However, there are footfalls near the main-floor camera.]

      We headed back down to the main floor.

      “Us being here will start something,” Victoria stated.

      “Upset him ...” Joanna said.

      We all moved into the kitchen. Peter pulled a drawer open and took out a small hand gun. He handed it to Paul, who examined it.

      The pistol was extremely rusted, the grips rotted away. Paul passed it to me and I checked to make sure there was no ammunition in the cylinder. It was empty.

      Joanna took the gun and held it in her hands. “I sense … him. Not anything off this [the hand gun]. He is around, laughing. He is saying, ‘Oh, I wish I would have used it.’ He used this as a threat; never used it against anyone. ‘I wish I would have. I was gonna, but didn’t.’ That’s what I am getting from this. He used it as a threat, didn’t actually use it or killed anyone with it. It was just for him to feel like a big man.

      “I think this was here before him even, and he found it. That’s all I am getting. I am tuned into him right now.”

      “I can’t see having a gun in here when this building was used as a church,” Paul said.

      “Does anybody belong to this gun?” Paul asked aloud. “Do you know anything about this gun?”

      There was no reply.

      “This looks like it’s over a hundred years old,” Joanna said.

      “That’s what I’m thinking,” Paul said.

      “Have you seen this gun before today?” Paul asked aloud.

      “Did you do all the renovation work to this place?” Joanna asked.

      No reply.

      Peter set up an E. Probe in the living room under the watchful eye of the surveillance camera. (The E. Probe device is used to detect electrical energy in either very close proximity or by touch, depending on the sensitivity setting.) Then he placed his digital voice recorder on the table.

      The team prepared to leave the house. Everyone filed out the back door and Peter, being the last one to leave, called out, “We are going.” Then he pulled the door closed.

      We headed out, past a massive gnarled tree, to the ancient barn. Peter pulled the door open and chained it, and we all stepped inside. The main floor was divided into several areas. There were stairs to a root cellar and a fixed ladder leading to a large loft above. The team fanned out, taking photos while exploring the barn.

      It was interesting to note that we captured the meowing of a cat, and although we were in a country setting in an old barn, where one would expect to hear a cat, no living cat was seen. However, Peter discovered the mummified remains of a cat in the cellar.

      At that point, the team headed off to tour another location that was brought to our attention as possibly being haunted. Peter had arranged an introductory tour that would take us away from this location for about an hour. We were confident that our equipment left operating in the cottage would capture any activity in our short absence.

      Meanwhile back in the cottage …

      [From the surveillance camera microphone, the floor starts to creak in the living room as if someone is walking and shifting their weight. Then the E. Probe activates several times. The camera captures the little red indicator light come on and the alarm sound, but no other activity.

      Peter’s digital recorder picks up movement and a scratching sound, a light tap near the recorder, then a strange sound as if someone’s stomach is growling.

      After a few minutes more, there is movement near the recorder, and sounds as though someone is going through Peter’s equipment case.]

      During our absence from the building, there was an enormous amount of unexplainable sounds recorded within the house: banging, walking, the sound of fabric rustling, someone coughing and sneezing, and a very distinct sound of someone taking off either boots or heavy shoes and dropping them to the floor one at a time.

      The team returned and entered the house.

      Peter, Joanna, Victoria, and Marilyn headed upstairs. Paul and I remained on the main floor and checked the cameras.

      Paul discovered none of his LED flashlights were working, and when we changed the batteries they still would not work. I loaded the same batteries into my flashlight and they worked fine.

      “But they were just working before we left,” Paul stated.

      [Peter’s digital camera is still recording in the living room and captures two knocking sounds and something shifting near the recorder. The E. Probe activates, but the alarm is muted and neither Paul nor I notice the flashing red light on the device.]

      Peter came down and saw the E. Probe light and told us of the alarm activation.

      “I’ve never seen flashlights go like that before,” Paul said, a little upset.

      “I know,” I agreed.


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