Meeting Place of the Dead. Richard Palmisano

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Meeting Place of the Dead - Richard Palmisano

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and Paul entered the northwest room. Paul called out, “Hello?”

      No response.

      “Do you want us to leave?” Paul asked aloud.

      [A desperate-sounding female voice says, “Yes.”]

      “Is there someone here with the surname Smith?” Peter asked.

      There appeared that a female responded “Yes,” but due to the sound of the refrigerator motor starting at that exact same moment it was unclear.

      Peter asked, “Do you want us to leave?”

      [EVP response: “Hell ya!”]

      We moved through the house and everyone ended up on the second floor.

      “The place seems so quiet,” Peter stated as we all sat around in the upper floor bedroom.

      [The recorder captures the sound of someone walking on hardwood, even though the floors are covered in wall-to-wall carpet on this level. A total of six footfalls are recorded.]

      The sound of a female moaning was heard by everyone in the room. Unnerved, the team moved out to check the floor. Nothing was found.

      There were loud knocks coming from the main floor, which were heard by Peter, Joanna, and Marilyn. Paul moved to the top of the stairs and confirmed he heard someone walking down on the first floor.

      Joanna moved to the top of the stairs. “Who’s with you?” she asked.

      No reply came.

      [As the team starts to move back downstairs to the main floor, the main-floor camera captures a male voice saying, “Win.”] Upon later analysis of this EVP we were at a loss as to what this may have meant. It would seem that a lot of what we recorded was not for our benefit, but rather communication between the spirits themselves.

      Paul walked over to the wall switch and turned on the large overhead light. This must have upset something within the house.

      [It is followed by an immediate EVP on the main-floor camera of a male voice saying, “Damn it, I’ll get you.”]

      Peter and Paul moved farther into the living room and spoke to one another.

      [The digital recorder captures unknown talking over their voices, the content impossible to understand.]

      Paul looked over at me. “I just heard a voice.”

      “What did it say?”

      “I don’t know.”

      On review it seemed that it was an agreement with what Peter was saying. It was simply a voice of an unknown male saying, “Yeah.”

      “We should head out to the barn and do some work out there,” I told the team.

      [As we prepare to head out, the surveillance system captures a male voice saying, “Yeah, Miriam,” and the sound of walking.] The camera footage clearly showed the team standing near the kitchen entrance, none of us were moving.

      We headed out into the frigid night air and made the short trek to the barn. I pulled the door open and latched the chain to an old, rusted piece of metal nailed to the side of the barn. The team entered, split up, and investigated the barn.

      Paul immediately headed up to the loft to investigate and take photos. He also wanted to make sure that it was safe for the rest of the team.

      From the doorway, Marilyn captured a photo of what seems to be a person near the loft ladder. Looking at the image on the camera view finder, it seemed quite convincing, however upon later review of this photo on the computer system it turned out to be nothing.

      Several of us moved down into the cellar for a quick look.

      [Peter captures a whisper on his digital recorder. Standing quietly in the stable area, he also records a shuffling sound and a male saying, “Break it up here,” or “Bring it up here.” Then wood creaking as something in the room moves.]

      We didn’t know about the EVPs captured in the barn yet, so we felt that it was very quiet and, factoring in the cold, we headed back to the house.

      We all re-entered the cottage.

      I wanted to attempt communication using the Spirit Box again, so we set up in the small room on the north side of the main floor.

      I set the box to scan all FM frequencies for 100 millisecond per channel.

      Peter jumped right in and started asking questions: “Is Isabella is here?”

      Spirit Box: There was a “yes” in reply.

      Peter called out, “Is Isabella here? Can I speak with Isabella?”

      Spirit Box — a female voice, breathily: “Yes.”


      Spirit Box: “Yes.”

      “May I ask you about the gun?”

      Spirit Box — faintly: “Yes.”

      “You’re not afraid of the gun, are you?” Peter continued.

      Spirit Box: No response.

      “Does the gun belong to an owner of this house that came after you?”

      Spirit Box: “Yes.”

      “Did it belong to a ‘Smith’?”

      Spirit Box: “Yes.”

      “What was his first name?”

      Spirit Box: “Luke.”

      [Peter records a husky-sounding male chuckle.]

      “Isabella, are you still with us?” Peter asked.

      Spirit Box: No reply.

      Spirit Box — a male voice: “We’re alone.”

      Paul was by the door to the main room, looking out. He said, “I just saw a shadow on the stairs!”

      We all, except Peter, rushed to investigate.

      I had shut off the Spirit Box but was still carrying it. I led the team up the stairs, and as I came to the mid-landing, the Spirit Box screamed to life, startling us all. I shut it off again and we proceeded up.

      It was interesting to later watch the events unfold from the surveillance camera footage: the main-floor camera captures a shadow moving up the stairs very quickly, Paul calls out he sees the shadow on the stairs, and we all follow it.

      [The second-floor camera at that same moment is enveloped ever-so-briefly by a blackness, as if something is blocking its lens.]

      Then we arrived on the floor.

      After we searched

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