This Side of Paradise - The Original Classic Edition. Fitzgerald F

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This Side of Paradise - The Original Classic Edition - Fitzgerald F

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"She's been waitin' for Amory Blaine. That's you, ain't it? Her mother says that if you showed up by five-thirty you two was to go

       after 'em in the Packard."

       Amory's despair was crystallized by the appearance of Myra herself, bundled to the ears in a polo coat, her face plainly sulky, her

       voice pleasant only with difficulty. "'Lo, Amory."

       "'Lo, Myra." He had described the state of his vitality. "Well--you got here, anyways."

       "Well--I'll tell you. I guess you don't know about the auto accident," he romanced.

       Myra's eyes opened wide.

       "Who was it to?"

       "Well," he continued desperately, "uncle 'n aunt 'n I." "Was any one killed?"

       Amory paused and then nodded.

       "Your uncle?"--alarm.

       "Oh, no just a horse--a sorta gray horse."

       At this point the Erse butler snickered.

       "Probably killed the engine," he suggested. Amory would have put him on the rack without a scruple.

       "We'll go now," said Myra coolly. "You see, Amory, the bobs were ordered for five and everybody was here, so we couldn't wait--" "Well, I couldn't help it, could I?"

       "So mama said for me to wait till ha'past five. We'll catch the bobs before it gets to the Minnehaha Club, Amory."

       Amory's shredded poise dropped from him. He pictured the happy party jingling along snowy streets, the appearance of the limou-

       sine, the horrible public descent of him and Myra before sixty reproachful eyes, his apology--a real one this time. He sighed aloud.


       "What?" inquired Myra.

       "Nothing. I was just yawning. Are we going to surely catch up with 'em before they get there?" He was encouraging a faint hope that they might slip into the Minnehaha Club and meet the others there, be found in blase seclusion before the fire and quite regain his lost attitude.

       "Oh, sure Mike, we'll catch 'em all right--let's hurry."

       He became conscious of his stomach. As they stepped into the machine he hurriedly slapped the paint of diplomacy over a rather box-like plan he had conceived. It was based upon some "trade-lasts" gleaned at dancing-school, to the effect that he was "awful good-looking and English, sort of."

       "Myra," he said, lowering his voice and choosing his words carefully, "I beg a thousand pardons. Can you ever forgive me?" She regarded him gravely, his intent green eyes, his mouth, that to her thirteen-year-old, arrow-collar taste was the quintessence of romance. Yes, Myra could forgive him very easily.


       He looked at her again, and then dropped his eyes. He had lashes.

       "I'm awful," he said sadly. "I'm diff 'runt. I don't know why I make faux pas. 'Cause I don't care, I s'pose." Then, recklessly: "I been

       smoking too much. I've got t'bacca heart."

       Myra pictured an all-night tobacco debauch, with Amory pale and reeling from the effect of nicotined lungs. She gave a little gasp. "Oh, Amory, don't smoke. You'll stunt your growth!"

       "I don't care," he persisted gloomily. "I gotta. I got the habit. I've done a lot of things that if my fambly knew"--he hesitated, giving

       her imagination time to picture dark horrors--"I went to the burlesque show last week."

       Myra was quite overcome. He turned the green eyes on her again. "You're the only girl in town I like much," he exclaimed in a rush of sentiment. "You're simpatico."

       Myra was not sure that she was, but it sounded stylish though vaguely improper.

       Thick dusk had descended outside, and as the limousine made a sudden turn she was jolted against him; their hands touched.

       "You shouldn't smoke, Amory," she whispered. "Don't you know that?"

       He shook his head. "Nobody cares." Myra hesitated.

       "I care."

       Something stirred within Amory.

       "Oh, yes, you do! You got a crush on Froggy Parker. I guess everybody knows that." "No, I haven't," very slowly.

       A silence, while Amory thrilled. There was something fascinating about Myra, shut away here cosily from the dim, chill air. Myra, a little bundle of clothes, with strands of yellow hair curling out from under her skating cap.

       "Because I've got a crush, too--" He paused, for he heard in the distance the sound of young laughter, and, peering through the


       frosted glass along the lamp-lit street, he made out the dark outline of the bobbing party. He must act quickly. He reached over with

       a violent, jerky effort, and clutched Myra's hand--her thumb, to be exact.

       "Tell him to go to the Minnehaha straight," he whispered. "I wanta talk to you--I got to talk to you."

       Myra made out the party ahead, had an instant vision of her mother, and then--alas for convention--glanced into the eyes beside. "Turn down this side street, Richard, and drive straight to the Minnehaha Club!" she cried through the speaking tube. Amory sank back against the cushions with a sigh of relief.

       "I can kiss her," he thought. "I'll bet I can. I'll bet I can!"

       Overhead the sky was half crystalline, half misty, and the night around was chill and vibrant with rich tension. From the Country Club steps the roads stretched away, dark creases on the white blanket; huge heaps of snow lining the sides like the tracks of giant moles. They lingered for a moment on the steps, and watched the white holiday moon.

       "Pale moons like that one"--Amory made a vague gesture--"make people mysterieuse. You look like a young witch with her cap off

       and her hair sorta mussed"--her hands clutched at her hair--"Oh, leave it, it looks good."

       They drifted up the stairs and Myra led the way into the little den of his dreams, where a cosy fire was burning before a big sink-down couch. A few years later this was to be a great stage for Amory, a cradle for many an emotional crisis. Now they talked for a moment about bobbing parties.

       "There's always a bunch of shy fellas," he commented, "sitting at the tail of the bob, sorta lurkin' an' whisperin' an' pushin' each other off. Then there's always some crazy cross-eyed girl"--he gave a terrifying imitation--"she's always talkin' hard, sorta, to the chaperon."

       "You're such a funny boy," puzzled Myra.

       "How d'y' mean?" Amory gave immediate attention, on his own ground at last.

       "Oh--always talking about crazy things. Why don't you come ski-ing with Marylyn and I to-morrow?"

       "I don't like girls in the daytime," he said shortly, and then, thinking this a bit abrupt, he added: "But I like you." He cleared his throat. "I like you first and second and third."


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