The Book of Household Management - The Original Classic Edition. Beeton Mrs

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The Book of Household Management - The Original Classic Edition - Beeton Mrs

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Attestation to wills 2750

       Bachelor's omelet 1462

       Pudding 1241

       Bacon, boiled 804

       Broiled rashers of 803

       Curing of 822

       and keeping it free from rust 806-9 in the Devonshire way 821

       in the Wiltshire way 805

       Fried rashers of, and poached eggs 802

       Bain-Marie 430

       Bakewell pudding, very rich 1242

       Plainer 1243

       Ball suppers pp. 957-8


       Bandoline, to make 2255

       Bantam, the 939

       Barbel, the 229

       To dress 229

       Barberries, in bunches 1523

       Barberry, description of the 1245

       Tart 1245

       Barley, 116

       Gruel 1856

       Soup 116

       Sugar 1524

       Water, to make 1857

       Baroness pudding 1244

       Basil 173

       Baths and fomentations, remarks on 2599

       Cold 2603

       Heat of 2600

       Warm and hot bath 2601

       Batter pudding, baked 1246 with fruits 1247

       boiled 1248 orange 1249

       Bay or laurel, varieties of 180

       Consecrated by priests 512

       Bean, haricot, the 1120

       Beans, boiled, broad or Windsor 1092

       French 1090

       Broad, a la poulette 1093

       French mode of cooking 1091

       Haricots and minced onions 1121 blancs a la maitre d'hotel 1120 blancs, or white haricots 1119 and lentils 1119

       Nutritive properties of 1092

       Origin and varieties of 1093

       Bechamel, or French white sauce 367

       Maigre, or without meat 368

       Sauce 406

       Beef, aitchbone of, boiled 607 to carve an p. 316

       A la mode 601-2

       Baked 598-9

       Baron of 679

       Bones, broiled 614

       Brisket of, a la Flamande 649 to carve a p. 317

       to stew 649

       Broiled, and mushroom sauce 612 oyster sauce 613

       Cake 610

       Carving p. 316

       Collared 617

       Collops 18 minced 619

       Curried 620

       Different seasons for 611

       Dripping, to clarify 621-2

       Fillet of roast, larded 623


       French 649

       Frenchman's opinion of 626

       Fricandeau of 624

       Fried, salt 625

       Fritters 627

       Hashed 628-9

       Hung, to prepare 630

       Hunter's 631

       Kidney, to dress 632-4

       Marrowbones boiled 635

       Minced 636

       Miriton of 637

       Names of the several joints 597

       Olives 650-1

       Palates, to dress 653

       Pickle for 654

       Potted 642-3

       Qualities of 599

       Ragout of 656

       Rib bones of 644

       Ribs of, boned and rolled, roast (joint for a small family) 658 roast 657

       to carve p. 317

       Rissoles 615

       Roast 658

       Rolled 646

       Rolls 647

       Round of, boiled 608 miniature 618

       to carve a p. 318

       Round of, to pickle part of a 655

       Rump of, stewed 670 steak 666

       Sausages 662

       Seasons for 611

       Shin of, stewed 671

       Sirloin of, roast 659 to carve a p. 317

       Sliced and broiled 664

       Spiced (to serve cold) 665

       Steak, a fried rump 626 and kidney pudding 603 oyster sauce 603

       broiled 611 pie 604

       pudding, baked 650

       rolled, roasted, and stuffed 663 stewed, and celery sauce 667 with oysters 668

       with fried potatoes 606

       Tea, baked 1860 savoury 1859

       to make 1858

       Tongue, boiled 673 pickle for 641

       to carve a p. 318 to cure a 674-5

       to pickle and dress a, to eat cold 676


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