The Book of Household Management - The Original Classic Edition. Beeton Mrs

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The Book of Household Management - The Original Classic Edition - Beeton Mrs

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amongst her circle of friends and acquaintances, and her tradespeople. The latter generally know those in their neighbourhood, who are wanting situations, and will communicate with them, when a personal interview with some of them will enable the mistress to form some idea of the characters of the applicants, and to suit herself accordingly.

       We would here point out an error--and a grave one it is--into which some mistresses fall. They do not, when engaging a servant, expressly tell her all the duties which she will be expected to perform. This is an act of omission severely to be reprehended. Every portion of work which the maid will have to do, should be plainly stated by the mistress, and understood by the servant. If this plan is not carefully adhered to, domestic contention is almost certain to ensue, and this may not be easily settled; so that a change of servants, which is so much to be deprecated, is continually occurring.

       18. IN OBTAINING A SERVANT'S CHARACTER, it is not well to be guided by a written one from some unknown quarter; but it is better to have an interview, if at all possible, with the former mistress. By this means you will be assisted in your decision of

       the suitableness of the servant for your place, from the appearance of the lady and the state of her house. Negligence and want of cleanliness in her and her household generally, will naturally lead you to the conclusion, that her servant has suffered from the influence of the bad example.

       The proper course to pursue in order to obtain a personal interview with the lady is this:--The servant in search of the situation must be desired to see her former mistress, and ask her to be kind enough to appoint a time, convenient to herself, when you may call on her; this proper observance of courtesy being necessary to prevent any unseasonable intrusion on the part of a stranger.

       Your first questions should be relative to the honesty and general morality of her former servant; and if no objection is stated in that respect, her other qualifications are then to be ascertained. Inquiries should be very minute, so that you may avoid disappointment and trouble, by knowing the weak points of your domestic.

       19. THE TREATMENT OF SERVANTS is of the highest possible moment, as well to the mistress as to the domestics themselves. On the head of the house the latter will naturally fix their attention; and if they perceive that the mistress's conduct is regulated by high and correct principles, they will not fail to respect her. If, also, a benevolent desire is shown to promote their comfort, at the same time that a steady performance of their duty is exacted, then their respect will not be unmingled with affection, and they will be still more solicitous to continue to deserve her favour.

       20. IN GIVING A CHARACTER, it is scarcely necessary to say that the mistress should be guided by a sense of strict justice. It is not fair for one lady to recommend to another, a servant she would not keep herself. The benefit, too, to the servant herself is of small advantage; for the failings which she possesses will increase if suffered to be indulged with impunity. It is hardly necessary to remark, on the other hand, that no angry feelings on the part of a mistress towards her late servant, should ever be allowed, in the slightest degree, to influence her, so far as to induce her to disparage her maid's character.

       21. THE FOLLOWING TABLE OF THE AVERAGE YEARLY WAGES paid to domestics, with the various members of the household placed in the order in which they are usually ranked, will serve as a guide to regulate the expenditure of an establish-



       When not found in When found in

       Livery. Livery.

       The House Steward From PS10 to PS80 -- The Valet " 25 to 50 From PS20 to PS30

       The Butler " 25 to 50 -- The Cook " 20 to 40 --

       The Gardener " 20 to 40 --

       The Footman " 20 to 40 " 15 to 25

       The Under Butler " 15 to 30 " 15 to 25

       The Coachman -- " 20 to 35

       The Groom " 15 to 30 " 12 to 20

       The Under Footman -- " 12 to 20

       The Page or Footboy " 8 to 18 " 6 to 14

       The Stableboy " 6 to 12 --

       When no extra When an extra

       allowance is made for allowance is made for

       Tea, Sugar, and Beer. Tea, Sugar, and Beer. The Housekeeper From PS20 to PS15 From PS18 to PS40

       The Lady's-maid " 12 to 25 " 10 to 20

       The Head Nurse " 15 to 30 " 13 to 26

       The Cook " 11 to 30 " 12 to 26

       The Upper Housemaid " 12 to 20 " 10 to 17

       The Upper Laundry-maid " 12 to 18 " 10 to 15

       The Maid-of-all-work " 9 to 14 " 7-1/2 to 11

       The Under Housemaid " 8 to 12 " 6-1/2 to 10

       The Still-room Maid " 9 to 14 " 8 to 13

       The Nursemaid " 8 to 12 " 5 to 10

       The Under Laundry-maid " 9 to 11 " 8 to 12

       The Kitchen-maid " 9 to 14 " 8 to 12

       The Scullery-maid " 5 to 9 " 4 to 8

       These quotations of wages are those usually given in or near the metropolis; but, of course, there are many circumstances connected with locality, and also having reference to the long service on the one hand, or the inexperience on the other, of domestics, which may render the wages still higher or lower than those named above. All the domestics mentioned in the above table would enter into the establishment of a wealthy nobleman. The number of servants, of course, would become smaller in proportion to the lesser size of the establishment; and we may here enumerate a scale of servants suited to various incomes, commencing with--

       About PS1,000 a year--A cook, upper housemaid, nursemaid, under housemaid,

       and a man servant.

       About PS750 a year--A cook, housemaid, nursemaid, and footboy. About PS500 a year--A cook, housemaid, and nursemaid.

       About PS300 a year--A maid-of-all-work and nursemaid.

       About PS200 or PS150 a year--A maid-of-all-work (and girl occasionally).

       22. HAVING THUS INDICATED some of the more general duties of the mistress, relative to the moral government of her household, we will now give a few specific instructions on matters having a more practical relation to the position which she is supposed to occupy in the eye of the world. To do this the more clearly, we will begin with her earliest duties, and take her completely through the occupations of a day.

       23. HAVING RISEN EARLY, as we have already advised (see 3), and having given due attention to the bath, and made a careful toilet, it will be well at once to see that the children have received their proper ablutions, and are in every way clean and comfortable. The first meal of the day, breakfast, will then be served, at which all the family should be punctually present, unless illness, or other circumstances, prevent.

       24. AFTER BREAKFAST IS OVER, it will be well for the mistress to make a round of the kitchen and other offices, to see that all are in order, and that the morning's work has been properly performed by the various domestics. The orders for the day should then be given, and any questions which the domestics desire to ask, respecting their several departments, should be

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