The Memoirs Of Jacques Casanova De Seingalt, The Eternal Quest - The Original Classic Edition. Casanova Giacomo

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The Memoirs Of Jacques Casanova De Seingalt, The Eternal Quest - The Original Classic Edition - Casanova Giacomo

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I would never have let the wretches rob me of fifty louis.

       My carriage was drawn up at the door of the tavern; and just as I was getting in, one of the excisemen who had searched my luggage

       came and told me that I should find everything just as I left it:--

       "I wonder at that since it has been left in the hands of men of your stamp; shall I find the snuff ?" "The snuff has been confiscated, my lord."

       "I am sorry for you, then; for if it had been there I would have given you a louis." "I will go and look for it directly."

       "I have no time to wait for it. Drive on, postillion."

       I got to Paris the next day, and four days after I waited on M. de la Bretonniere, who gave me a hearty welcome, and took me to M. Britard, the fermier-general, who discharged his bail. This M. Britard was a pleasant young man. He blushed when he heard all I had gone through.

       I took my report to M. de Bernis, at the "Hotel Bourbon," and his excellence spent two hours over it, making me take out all unnecessary matter. I spent the time in making a fair copy, and the next day I took it to M. de la Ville, who read it through in silence, and told me that he would let me know the result. A month after I received five hundred louis, and I had the pleasure of hearing that M. de Cremille, the first lord of the admiralty, had pronounced my report to be not only perfectly accurate but very suggestive. Certain


       reasonable apprehensions prevented me from making myself known to him--an honour which M. de Bernis wished to procure for me.

       When I told him my adventures on the way back, he laughed, but said that the highest merit of a secret agent was to keep out of difficulties; for though he might have the tact to extricate himself from them, yet he got talked of, which it should be his chief care to avoid.

       This mission cost the admiralty twelve thousand francs, and the minister might easily have procured all the information I gave him without spending a penny. Any intelligent young naval officer would have done it just as well, and would have acquitted himself with zeal and discretion, to gain the good opinion of the ministers. But all the French ministers are the same. They lavished money which came out of other people's pockets to enrich their creatures, and they were absolute; the downtrodden people counted for nothing, and of this course the indebtedness of the state and the confusion of the finances were the inevitable results. It is quite true that the Revolution was a necessity, but it should have been marked with patriotism and right feeling, not with blood. However, the nobility and clergy were not men of sufficient generosity to make the necessary sacrifices to the king, the state, and to themselves.

       Silvia was much amused at my adventures at Aire and Amiens, and her charming daughter shewed much pity for the bad night I had passed in the guard-room. I told her that the hardship would have been much less if I had had a wife beside me. She replied that

       a wife, if a good one, would have been only too happy to alleviate my troubles by sharing in them, but her mother observed that a woman of parts, after seeing to the safety of my baggage and my coach, would have busied herself in taking the necessary steps for setting me at liberty, and I supported this opinion as best indicating the real duty of a good wife.


       The Count de la Tour D'Auvergne and Madame D'Urfe--Camille-- My Passion for the Count's Mistress--The Ridiculous Incident Which Cured Me--The Count de St. Germain

       In spite of my love for Mdlle. Baletti, I did not omit to pay my court to the most noted ladies of the pavement; but I was chiefly interested in kept women, and those who consider themselves as belonging to the public only in playing before them night by night, queens or chamber-maids.

       In spite of this affection, they enjoy what they call their independence, either by devoting themselves to Cupid or to Plutus, and

       more frequently to both together. As it is not very difficult to make the acquaintance of these priestesses of pleasure and dissipation,

       I soon got to know several of them.

       The halls of the theatres are capital places for amateurs to exercise their talents in intriguing, and I had profited tolerably well by the lessons I had learnt in this fine school.

       I began by becoming the friend of their lovers, and I often succeeded by pretending to be a man of whom nobody need be afraid. Camille, an actress and dancer at the Italian play, with whom I had fallen in love at Fontainebleu seven years ago, was one of those

       of whom I was most fond, liking the society at her pretty little house, where she lived with the Count d'Eigreville, who was a friend

       of mine, and fond of my company. He was a brother of the Marquis de Gamache and of the Countess du Rumain, and was a fine young fellow of an excellent disposition. He was never so well pleased as when he saw his mistress surrounded by people--a taste which is rarely found, but which is very convenient, and the sign of a temperament not afflicted by jealousy. Camille had no other lovers--an astonishing thing in an actress of the kind, but being full of tact and wit she drove none of her admirers to despair. She was neither over sparing nor over generous in the distribution of her favours, and knew how to make the whole town rave about her without fearing the results of indiscretion or sorrows of being abandoned.

       The gentleman of whom, after her lover, she took most notice, was the Count de la Tour d'Auvergne, a nobleman of an old family, who idolized her, and, not being rich enough to possess her entirely, had to be content with what she gave him. Camille had given him a young girl, for whose keep she paid, who lived with Tour d'Auvergne in furnished apartments in the Rue de Taranne, and whom he said he loved as one loves a portrait, because she came from Camille. The count often took her with him to Camille's to supper. She was fifteen, simple in her manners, and quite devoid of ambition. She told her lover that she would never forgive him an act of infidelity except with Camille, to whom she felt bound to yield all since to her she owed all.


       I became so much in love with her that I often went to Camille's solely to see her and to enjoy those artless speeches with which she delighted the company. I strove as best I could to conceal my flame, but often I found myself looking quite sad at the thought of the impossibility of my love being crowned with success. If I had let my passion be suspected I should have been laughed at, and should have made myself a mark for the pitiless sarcasms of Camille. However, I got my cure in the following ridiculous manner:--

       Camille lived at the Barriere Blanche, and on leaving her house, one rainy evening, I sought in vain for a coach to take me home. "My dear Casanova," said Tour d'Auvergne, "I can drop you at your own door without giving myself the slightest inconvenience,

       though my carriage is only seated for two; however, my sweetheart can sit on our knees."

       I accepted his offer with pleasure, and we seated ourselves in the carriage, the count on my left hand and Babet on both our knees. Burning with amorous passion I thought I would take the opportunity, and, to lose no time, as the coachman was driving fast, I took

       her hand and pressed it softly. The pressure was returned. Joy! I carried the hand to my lips, and covered it with affectionate though noiseless kisses. Longing to convince her of the ardour of my passion, and thinking that her hand would not refuse to do me a sweet service, I . . . but just at critical moment,

       "I am really very much obliged to you, my dear fellow," said the Count de la Tour d'Auvergne, "for a piece of politeness thoroughly

       Italian, of which, however, I do not feel worthy; at least, I hope it's meant as politeness and not as a sign of contempt."

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