The Memoirs Of Jacques Casanova De Seingalt, The Eternal Quest - The Original Classic Edition. Casanova Giacomo

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The Memoirs Of Jacques Casanova De Seingalt, The Eternal Quest - The Original Classic Edition - Casanova Giacomo

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I waited for a reply, but perceiving that the injured party kept silence (a circumstance which seemed to me a good omen) I went on. "If marriage should not meet your views, we might try a lasting friendship, in which he could shew his repentance and prove himself

       deserving of pardon. Remember, madam, that Tiretta is only a man, and therefore subject to all the weaknesses of our poor human

       nature; and even you have your share of the blame." "I, sir?"

       "Involuntarily, madam, involuntarily; not you but your charms led him astray. Nevertheless, without this incentive the circumstance would never have taken place, and I think you should consider your beauty as a mitigation of the offence."

       "You plead your cause well, sir, but I will do you justice and confess that all your remarks have been characterized by much Christian feeling. However, you are reasoning on false premises; you are ignorant of his real crime, yet how should you guess it?"

       With this she burst into tears, leading me completely off the scent, and not knowing what to think.

       "He can't have stolen her purse," said I to myself, "as I don't think him capable of such an action; and if I did I'd blow his brains out."

       The afflicted lady soon dried her tears, and went on as follows:

       "You are thinking of a deed which one might possibly succeed in reconciling with reason, and in making amends for; but the crime of which that brute has been guilty I dare scarcely imagine, as it is almost enough to drive me mad."

       "Good heavens! you can't mean it? This is dreadful; do I hear you aright?"

       "Yes. You are moved, I see, but such are the circumstances of the case. Pardon my tears, which flow from anger and the shame with

       which I am covered."

       "Yes, and from outraged religion, too."

       "Certainly, certainly. That is the chief source of my grief, and I should have mentioned it if I had not feared you were not so strongly attached to religion as myself."

       "Nobody, God be praised! could be more strongly attached to religion than I, and nothing can ever unloose the ties which bind me to it:"

       "You will be grieved, then, to hear that I am destined to suffer eternal punishment, for I must and will be avenged."

       "Not so, madam, perish the thought, as I could not become your accomplice in such a design, and if you will not abandon it at least say nothing to me on the subject. I will promise you to tell him nothing, although as he lives with me the sacred laws of hospitality oblige me to give him due warning."

       "I thought he lived with the Lambertini"

       "He left her yesterday. The connection between them was a criminal one, and I have drawn him back from the brink of the precipice."


       "You don't mean to say so!"

       "Yes, upon my word of honour:"

       "You astonish one. This is very edifying. I don't wish the young man's death, but you must confess he owes me some reparation." "He does indeed. A charming Frenchwoman is not to be handled in the Italian manner without signal amends, but I can think of

       nothing at all commensurate with the offence. There is only one plan, which I will endeavour to carry out if you will agree to it." "What is that?"

       "I will put the guilty party in your power without his knowing what is to happen, and I will leave you alone, so that you can wreak all your wrath upon him, provided you will allow me to be, unknown to him, in the next room, as I shall regard myself as responsible for his safety."

       "I consent. You will stay in this room, and he must be left in the other where I shall receive you, but take care he has no suspicion of your presence."

       "He shan't dream of it. He will not even know where I am taking him, for he must not think that I have been informed of his mis-doings. As soon as we be there, and the conversation becomes general, I shall leave the room, pretending to be going away."

       "When will you bring him? I long to cover him with confusion. I will make him tremble. I am curious to hear how he will justify himself for such an offence."

       "I can't say, but I think and hope that your presence will make him eloquent, as I should like to see your differences adjusted."

       At one o'clock the Abbe des Forges arrived, and she made me sit down to dinner with them. This abbe was a pupil of the famous Bishop of Auxerre, who was still living. I talked so well on the subject of grace, and made so many quotations from St. Augustine, that the abbe and the devotee took me for a zealous Jansenista character with which my dress and appearance did not at all correspond. My sweetheart did not give me a single glance while the meal was going on, and thinking she had some motives I abstained from speaking to her.

       After dinner, which, by the way, was a very good one, I promised the offended lady to bring her the culprit bound hand and foot

       next day, after the play was over. To put her at her ease I said I should walk, as I was certain that he would not recognize the house in the dark.

       As soon as I saw Tiretta, I began with a seriocomic air to reproach him for the dreadful crime he had committed on the body of a lady in every way virtuous and respectable, but the mad fellow began to laugh, and it would have been waste of time for me to try to stop him.

       "What!" said he, "she has had the courage to tell you all?" "You don't deny the fact, then?"

       "If she says it is so, I don't think I can give her the lie, but I am ready to swear that I don't know how the land lay. In the position I was in it was impossible for me to say where I took up my dwelling. However, I will quiet her indignation, as I shall come to the point quickly, and not let her wait."

       "You will ruin the business if you don't take care; be as long as you can; she will like that best, and it will be to your interest. Don't hurry yourself, and never mind me, as I am sure to get on all right while you are changing anger into a softer passion. Remember not to know that I am in the house, and if you only stay with her a short time (which I don't think will be the case) take a coach and be off. You know the least a pious woman like her can do will be to provide me with fire and company. Don't forget that she is well-born like yourself. These women of quality are, no doubt, as immoral as any other women, since they are constructed of the same material, but they like to have their pride flattered by certain attentions. She is rich, a devote, and, what is more, inclined to pleasure; strive to gain her friendship 'faciem ad faciem', as the King of Prussia says. You may, perhaps, make your fortune."

       "If she asks you why you have left the Pope's niece, take care not to tell her the reason. She will be pleased with your discretion. In short, do your best to expiate the enormity of your offence."


       "I have only to speak the truth. I went in in the dark."

       "That's an odd reason, but it may seem convincing to a Frenchwoman."

       I need not tell the reader that I gave Tiretta a full account of my conversation with the lady. If any complain of this breach of hon-our, I must tell them that I had made a mental reservation not to keep my promise, and those who are acquainted with the morality of the children of Ignatius will understand that I was completely at my ease.

       Next day we went to the opera, and afterwards,

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