The Memoirs Of Jacques Casanova De Seingalt, Adventures In The South - The Original Classic Edition. Casanova Giacomo

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The Memoirs Of Jacques Casanova De Seingalt, Adventures In The South - The Original Classic Edition - Casanova Giacomo

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which came handy, at her head. Luckily it missed, but she would not have escaped her mother's talons if I had not flung myself between them. However, the old woman set up a dismal shriek, the children imitated her, and the poor girl began to cry. This hubbub made my man come in.

       "You hussy!" screamed the mother, "you are bringing disgrace on me; get out of my house. You are no longer my daughter!"

       I was in a difficult position. The man begged her not to make such a noise, as it would draw all the neighbours about the house; but the enraged woman answered only by abuse. I drew six francs from my pocket and gave them to her, but she flung them in my face. At last I went out with the daughter, whose hair she attempted to pull out by the roots, which project was defeated by the aid of my man. As soon as we got outside, the mob which the uproar had attracted hooted me and followed me, and no doubt I should have been torn to pieces if I had not escaped into a church, which I left by another door a quarter of an hour later. My fright saved me, for I knew the ferocity of the Provencals, and I took care not to reply a word to the storm of abuse which poured on me. I believe that I was never in greater danger than on that day.

       Before I got back to my inn I was rejoined by the servant and the girl.

       "How could you lead me into such a dangerous position?" said I. "You must have known your mother was savage." "I hoped she would behave respectfully to you."

       "Be calm; don't weep any more. Tell me how I can serve you."

       "Rather than return to that horrible house I was in yesterday I would throw myself into the sea." "Do you know of any respectable house where I can keep her?" said I to the man.

       He told me he did know a respectable individual who let furnished apartments. "Take me to it, then."

       The man was of an advanced age, and he had rooms to let on all the floors.

       "I only want a little nook," said the girl; and the old man took us to the highest story, and opened the door of a garret, saying-- "This closet is six francs a month, a month's rent to be paid in advance, and I may tell you that my door is always shut at ten o'clock,

       and that nobody can come and pass the night with you."

       The room held a bed with coarse sheets, two chairs, a little table, and a chest of drawers. "How much will you board this young woman for?" said I.

       He asked twenty sous, and two sous for the maid who would bring her meals and do her room.

       "That will do," said the girl, and she paid the month's rent and the day's board. I left her telling her I would come back again.

       As I went down the stairs I asked the old man to shew me a room for myself. He skewed me a very nice one at a Louis a month, and

       I paid in advance. He then gave me a latch-key, that I might go and come when I liked.


       "If you wish to board here," said he, "I think I could give satisfaction."

       Having done this good work, I had my dinner by myself, and then went to a coffeehouse where I found the amiable Knight of

       Malta who was playing. He left the game as soon as he saw me, put the fistfull of gold he had won into his pocket, accosted me with the politeness natural to a Frenchman, and asked me how I had liked the lady who had given me my supper. I told him what had happened, at which he laughed, and asked me to come and see his ballet-girl. We found her under the hairdresser's hands, and she received me with the playful familiarity with which one greets an old acquaintance. I did not think much of her, but I pretended to

       be immensely struck, with the idea of pleasing the good-natured knight.

       When the hairdresser left her, it was time for her to get ready for the theatre, and she dressed herself, without caring who was present. The knight helped her to change her chemise, which she allowed him to do as a matter of course, though indeed she begged me to excuse her.

       As I owed her a compliment, I could think of nothing better than to tell her that though she had not offended me she had made me feel very uncomfortable.

       "I don't believe you," said she. "It's true all the same."

       She came up to me to verify the fact, and finding I had deceived her, she said half crossly,

       "You are a bad fellow."

       The women of Marseilles are undoubtedly the most profligate in France. They not only pride themselves on never refusing, but also on being the first to propose. This girl skewed me a repeater, for which she had got up a lottery at twelve francs a ticket. She had ten tickets left; I took them all, and so delighted was she to touch my five Louis that she came and kissed me, and told the knight that her unfaithfulness to him rested only with me.

       "I am charmed to hear it," said the Maltese. He asked me to sup with her, and I accepted the invitation, but the sole pleasure I had was looking at the knight at work. He was far inferior to Dolci!

       I wished them good night, and went to the house where I had placed the poor girl. The maid skewed me to my room, and I asked her if I might go to the garret. She took the light, I followed her up, and Rosalie, as the poor girl was named, heard my voice and opened the door. I told the maid to wait for me in my room, and I went in and sat down on the bed.

       "Are you contented, dear?" I said. "I am quite happy."

       "Then I hope you will be kind, and find room for me in your bed."

       "You may come if you like, but I must tell you that you will not find me a maid, as I have had one lover."

       "You told me a lie, then?"

       "Forgive me, I could not guess you would be my lover."

       "I forgive you willingly; all the more so as I am no great stickler for maidenheads."

       She was as gentle as a lamb, and allowed me to gaze on all those charms of which my hands and my lips disputed the possession; and

       the notion that I was master of all these treasures put fire in all my veins, but her submissive air distressed me.

       "How is it you do not partake my desires?" said I. "I dare not, lest you take me for a pretender."


       Artifice or studied coquetry might have prompted such an answer, but the real timidity and the frankness with which these words were uttered could not have been assumed. Impatient to gain possession of her I took off my clothes, and on getting into bed to her I was astonished to find her a maid.

       "Why did you tell me you had a lover?" said I. "I never heard of a girl telling a lie of that sort before." "All the same I did not tell a lie, but I am very glad that I seem as if I had done so."

       "Tell me all about it."

       "Certainly I will, for I want to win your confidence. This is the story:

       "Two years ago my mother, though she was hot-tempered, still loved me. I was a needle-woman, and earned from twenty to thirty sous a day. Whatever I earned I gave my mother. I had never had a lover, never thought of such a thing, and when my goodness was praised I felt inclined to laugh. I had been brought up from a child never to look at young men when I met them in the street, and never to reply to them when they addressed any impudence to me.

       "Two months ago a fine enough looking young man, a native of Genoa, and a merchant

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