The Memoirs Of Jacques Casanova De Seingalt, In London And Moscow - The Original Classic Edition. Casanova Giacomo

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The Memoirs Of Jacques Casanova De Seingalt, In London And Moscow - The Original Classic Edition - Casanova Giacomo

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placing her on the high road to happiness. I own that I have always felt a keener pleasure in doing good than in anything else, though, perhaps, I may not always have done good from strictly disinterested motives.

       When we rose from the table in excellent humour with ourselves and our surroundings, cards were proposed, and Rosalie, who knew my likings, said it must be trente-quarante. This was agreed to, and we played till supper, nobody either winning or losing to any extent. We did not go till midnight, after having spent a very happy day.

       When we were in our room I asked my niece how she had known Rosalie.

       "I knew her at home; she and her mother used to bring linen from the wash. I always liked her." "You must be nearly the same age."

       "She is two years older than I am. I recognized her directly." "What did she tell you?"

       "That it was you who brought her from Marseilles and made her fortune."

       "She has not made you the depositary of any other confidences?"

       "No, but there are some things which don't need telling." "You are right. And what did you tell her?"

       "Only what she could have guessed for herself. I told her that you were not my uncle, and if she thought you were my lover I was not sorry. You do not know how I have enjoyed myself to-day, you must have been born to make me happy."

       "But how about La Croix?"

       "For heaven's sake say nothing about him."

       This conversation increased my ardour. She called Annette, and I went to my room. As I had expected, Annette came to me as soon as her mistress was in bed.

       "If the lady is really your niece," said she, "may I hope that you still love me?" "Assuredly, dear Annette, I shall always love you. Undress, and let us have a little talk."

       I had not long to wait, and in the course of two voluptuous hours I quenched the flames that another woman had kindled in my


       Next morning Possano came to tell me that he had arranged matters with the cook with the help of six sequins. I gave him the money, and told him to be more careful for the future.

       I went to Rosalie's for my breakfast, which she was delighted to give me: and I asked her and her husband to dinner on the following day, telling her to bring any four persons she liked.

       "Your decision," said I, "will decide the fate of my cook; it will be his trial dinner."


       She promised to come, and then pressed me to tell her the history of my amours with her fair countrywoman. "Alas!" I said, "you may not believe me, but I assure you I am only beginning with her."

       "I shall certainly believe you, if you tell me so, though it seems very strange."

       "Strange but true. You must understand, however, that I have only known her for a very short time; and, again, I would not be made happy save through love, mere submission would kill me."

       "Good! but what did she say of me?"

       I gave her a report of the whole conversation I had had with my niece the night before, and she was delighted."

       "As you have not yet gone far with your niece, would you object if the young man who shewed her so much attention yesterday were of the party tomorrow?"

       "Who is he? I should like to know him."

       "M. N----, the only son of a rich merchant." "Certainly, bring him with you."

       When I got home I went to my niece, who was still in bed, and told her that her fellow-countryman would dine with us tomorrow. I comforted her with the assurance that M. Paretti would not tell her father that she was in Genoa. She had been a good deal tormented with the idea that the merchant would inform her father of all.

       As I was going out to supper I told her that she could go and sup with Rosalie, or take supper at home if she preferred it. "You are too kind to me, my dear uncle. I will go to Rosalie's."

       "Very good. Are you satisfied with Annette?"

       "Oh! by the way, she told me that you spent last night with her, and that you had been her lover and her sister's at the same time." "It is true, but she is very indiscreet to say anything about it."

       "We must forgive her, though. She told me that she only consented to sleep with you on the assurance that I was really your niece. I am sure she only made this confession out of vanity, and in the hope of gaining my favour, which would be naturally bestowed on a woman you love."

       "I wish you had the right to be jealous of her; and I swear that if she does not comport herself with the utmost obedience to you in every respect, I will send her packing, in despite of our relations. As for you, you may not be able to love me, and I have no right to complain; but I will not have you degrade yourself by becoming my submissive victim."

       I was not sorry for my niece to know that I made use of Annette, but my vanity was wounded at the way she took it. It was plain that she was not at all in love with me, and that she was glad that there was a safeguard in the person of her maid, and that thus we could be together without danger, for she could not ignore the power of her charms.

       We dined together, and augured well of the skill of the new cook. M. Paretti had promised to get me a good man, and he presented himself just as we were finishing dinner, and I made a present of him to my niece. We went for a drive together, and I left my niece at Rosalie's, and I then repaired to Isola-Bella's, where I found a numerous and brilliant company had assembled consisting of all the best people in Genoa.

       Just then all the great ladies were mad over 'biribi', a regular cheating game. It was strictly forbidden at Genoa, but this only made it more popular, and besides, the prohibition had no force in private houses, which are outside of the jurisdiction of the Government; in short, I found the game in full swing at the Signora Isola-Bella's. The professional gamesters who kept the bank went from house to house, and the amateurs were advised of their presence at such a house and at such a time.


       Although I detested the game, I began to play--to do as the others did.

       In the room there was a portrait of the mistress of the house in harlequin costume, and there happened to be the same picture on one of the divisions of the biribi-table: I chose this one out of politeness, and did not play on any other. I risked a sequin each time. The board had thirty-six compartments, and if one lost, one paid thirty-two tines the amount of the stake; this, of course, was an enormous advantage for the bank.

       Each player drew three numbers in succession, and there were three professionals; one kept the bag, another the bank, and the third the board, and the last took care to gather in the winnings as soon as the result was known, and the bank amounted to two thousand sequins or thereabouts. The table, the cloth, and four silver candlesticks belonged to the players.

       I sat at the left of Madame Isola-Bella, who began to play, and as there were fifteen or sixteen of us I had lost about fifty sequins when my turn came, for my harlequin had not appeared once. Everybody pitied me, or pretended to do so, for selfishness is the predominant passion of gamesters.

       My turn came at last. I drew my harlequin and received thirty-two sequins. I left them on the same figure, and got a thousand sequins. I left fifty still on the board, and the harlequin came out for the third time. The bank was broken, and the table,

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