Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant - The Original Classic Edition. Grant Ulysses

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Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant - The Original Classic Edition - Grant Ulysses

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stationed at Fort Jessup, Louisiana, some twenty-five miles east of the Texas line, to observe the frontier. About the 1st of May

       the 3d infantry was ordered from Jefferson Barracks to Louisiana, to go into camp in the neighborhood of Fort Jessup, and there await further orders. The troops were embarked on steamers and were on their way down the Mississippi within a few days after the receipt of this order.

       About the time they started I obtained a leave of absence for twenty days to go to Ohio to visit my parents. I was obliged to go to St. Louis to take a steamer for Louisville or Cincinnati, or the first steamer going up the Ohio River to any point. Before I left St. Louis orders were received at Jefferson Barracks for the 4th infantry to follow the 3d. A messenger was sent after me to stop my leaving; but

       before he could reach me I was off, totally ignorant of these events. A

       day or two after my arrival at Bethel I received a letter from a


       classmate and fellow lieutenant in the 4th, informing me of the circumstances related above, and advising me not to open any letter post marked St. Louis or Jefferson Barracks, until the expiration of my

       leave, and saying that he would pack up my things and take them along for me. His advice was not necessary, for no other letter was sent to me. I now discovered that I was exceedingly anxious to get back to

       Jefferson Barracks, and I understood the reason without explanation from any one. My leave of absence required me to report for duty, at

       Jefferson Barracks, at the end of twenty days. I knew my regiment had gone up the Red River, but I was not disposed to break the letter of my leave; besides, if I had proceeded to Louisiana direct, I could not have reached there until after the expiration of my leave. Accordingly, at

       the end of the twenty days, I reported for duty to Lieutenant Ewell, commanding at Jefferson Barracks, handing him at the same time my leave of absence. After noticing the phraseology of the order--leaves of

       absence were generally worded, "at the end of which time he will report for duty with his proper command"--he said he would give me an order to join my regiment in Louisiana. I then asked for a few days' leave

       before starting, which he readily granted. This was the same Ewell who acquired considerable reputation as a Confederate general during the rebellion. He was a man much esteemed, and deservedly so, in the old army, and proved himself a gallant and efficient officer in two wars

       --both in my estimation unholy.

       I immediately procured a horse and started for the country, taking no

       baggage with me, of course. There is an insignificant creek--the

       Gravois--between Jefferson Barracks and the place to which I was going, and at that day there was not a bridge over it from its source to its

       mouth. There is not water enough in the creek at ordinary stages to run


       a coffee mill, and at low water there is none running whatever. On this occasion it had been raining heavily, and, when the creek was reached, I found the banks full to overflowing, and the current rapid. I looked at

       it a moment to consider what to do. One of my superstitions had always been when I started to go any where, or to do anything, not to turn

       back, or stop until the thing intended was accomplished. I have frequently started to go to places where I had never been and to which I did not know the way, depending upon making inquiries on the road, and if I got past the place without knowing it, instead of turning back, I would go on until a road was found turning in the right direction, take that, and come in by the other side. So I struck into the stream, and

       in an instant the horse was swimming and I being carried down by the current. I headed the horse towards the other bank and soon reached it, wet through and without other clothes on that side of the stream. I

       went on, however, to my destination and borrowed a dry suit from my

       --future--brother-in-law. We were not of the same size, but the clothes answered every purpose until I got more of my own.

       Before I returned I mustered up courage to make known, in the most awkward manner imaginable, the discovery I had made on learning that the

       4th infantry had been ordered away from Jefferson Barracks. The young lady afterwards admitted that she too, although until then she had never looked upon me other than as a visitor whose company was agreeable to her, had experienced a depression of spirits she could not account for when the regiment left. Before separating it was definitely understood that at a convenient time we would join our fortunes, and not let the removal of a regiment trouble us. This was in May, 1844. It was the

       22d of August, 1848, before the fulfilment of this agreement. My duties

       kept me on the frontier of Louisiana with the Army of Observation during


       the pendency of Annexation; and afterwards I was absent through the war with Mexico, provoked by the action of the army, if not by the

       annexation itself. During that time there was a constant correspondence between Miss Dent and myself, but we only met once in the period of four years and three months. In May, 1845, I procured a leave for twenty

       days, visited St. Louis, and obtained the consent of the parents for the union, which had not been asked for before.

       As already stated, it was never my intention to remain in the army long, but to prepare myself for a professorship in some college. Accordingly, soon after I was settled at Jefferson Barracks, I wrote a letter to

       Professor Church--Professor of Mathematics at West Point--requesting him to ask my designation as his assistant, when next a detail had to be

       made. Assistant professors at West Point are all officers of the army, supposed to be selected for their special fitness for the particular branch of study they are assigned to teach. The answer from Professor Church was entirely satisfactory, and no doubt I should have been detailed a year or two later but for the Mexican War coming on. Accordingly I laid out for myself a course of studies to be pursued in garrison, with regularity, if not persistency. I reviewed my West Point

       course of mathematics during the seven months at Jefferson Barracks, and read many valuable historical works, besides an occasional novel. To

       help my memory I kept a book in which I would write up, from time to time, my recollections of all I had read since last posting it. When

       the regiment was ordered away, I being absent at the time, my effects were packed up by Lieutenant Haslett, of the 4th infantry, and taken along. I never saw my journal after, nor did I ever keep another,

       except for a portion of the time while travelling abroad. Often since a

       fear has crossed my mind lest that book might turn up yet, and fall into


       the hands of some malicious person who would publish it. I know its appearance would cause me as much heart-burning as my youthful horse-trade, or the later rebuke for wearing uniform clothes.

       The 3d infantry had selected camping grounds on the reservation at Fort Jessup, about midway between the Red River and the Sabine. Our orders required

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