The Galaxy Primes - The Original Classic Edition. Smith E

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The Galaxy Primes - The Original Classic Edition - Smith E

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"'Way up--up here," he showed her. "I'll make a full tape tonight on everything I found out about the guardians and the Arpalones--besides my regular report, I mean--since they're yours, and you can make me one about your friend the green bat...."

       "Hey, I like that!" Belle broke in. "That could be taken amiss, you know, by such a sensitive soul as I!"

       "Check." Garlock chuckled. "I'll have to file that one, in case I want to use it sometime. How're you coming, Belle?"

       "Nice!" Belle's voracious mind had been so busy absorbing new knowledge that she had temporarily forgotten about her fight with her captain. "I'm just about done here. I'll be ready tomorrow, I think, to visit their library and tape up some planetological and plan-etographical--notice how insouciantly I toss off those two-credit words?--data on this here planet Hodell."

       "Good going. You've been listening to this stuff Lola and I were chewing on--does any of it make sense to you?" "It does not. I never heard anything to compare with it."


       "Excuse me for changing the subject," Lola put in, plaintively, "but when, if ever, do we eat? Do we have to wait until that con-founded James boy gets back from wherever it was he went?"

       "If you're hungry, we'll eat now."

       "Hungry? Look!" Lola turned herself sidewise, placed one hand in the small of her back, and pressed hard with the other her flat, taut belly. "See? Only a couple of inches from belt-buckle to backbone--dangerously close to the point of utter collapse."

       "You poor, abused little thing!" Garlock laughed and all three crossed the room to the dining alcove. While they were still ordering, James appeared beside them.

       "Find out anything?" Garlock asked.

       "Yes and no. Yes, in that they have an excellent observatory, with a hundred-eighty-inch reflector, on a mountain only seventy-five miles from here. No, in that I didn't find any duplication of nebulary configurations with the stuff I had with me. However, it was relatively coarse. Tomorrow I'll take a lot of fine stuff along. It'll take some time--a full day, at least."

       "I expected that. Good going, Jim!"

       All four ate heartily, and, after eating, they taped up the day's reports. Then, tired from their first real day's work in weeks, all went to

       their rooms.

       A few minutes later, Garlock tapped lightly at Lola's door.

       "Come in." She stiffened involuntarily, then relaxed and smiled. "Oh, yes, Clee: of course. You're...."

       "No, I'm not. I've been doing a lot of thinking about you since last night, and I may have come up with an answer or two. Also, Belle knows we aren't pairing, and if we don't hide behind a screen at least once in a while, she'll know we aren't going to."


       "Screen. Didn't you know these four private rooms are solid? Haven't you read your house-tape yet?" "No. But do you think Belle would actually peek?"

       "Do you think she wouldn't?"

       "Well, I don't like her very much, but I wouldn't think she would do anything like that, Clee. It isn't urbane." "She isn't urbane, either, whenever she thinks it might be advantageous not to be."

       "What a terrible thing to say!"

       "Take it from me, if Belle Bellamy doesn't know everything that goes on it isn't from lack of trying. You wouldn't know about room service, either, then--better scan that tape before you go to sleep tonight--what'll you have in the line of a drink to while away enough time so she will know we've been playing games?"

       "Ginger ale, please."

       "I'll have ginger beer. You do it like so." He slid a panel aside, his fingers played briefly on a typewriter-like keyboard. Drinks and ice appeared. "Anything you want--details of the tape."

       He lighted two cigarettes, handed her one, stirred his drink. "Now, fair lady--or should I say beauteous dark lady?--we will follow the precept of that immortal Chinese philosopher, Chin On."

       "You are a Prime Operator, aren't you?" She laughed, but sobered quickly. "I'm worried. You said I flaunted virginity like a banner, and now Belle.... What am I doing wrong?"


       "There's a lot wrong. Not so much what you're doing as what you aren't doing. You're too aloof--detached--egg-headish. You know the score, words and music, but you don't sing. All you do is listen. Belle thinks you're not only a physical virgin, but a psychic-blocked prude. I know better. You're so full of conflict between what you want to do--what you know is right--and what those

       three-cell-brained nincompoops made you think you ought to do that you have got no more degrees of freedom than a piston-rod. You haven't been yourself for a minute since you came aboard. Check?"

       "You have been thinking, haven't you? You may be right; except that it's been longer than that ... ever since the first preliminaries, I

       think. But what can I do about it, Clee?"

       "Contact. Three-quarters full, say; enough for me to give you what I think is the truth." "But you said you never went screens down with a woman?"

       "There's a first time for everything. Come in."

       She did so, held contact for almost a minute, then pulled herself loose.

       "Ug-gh-gh." She shivered. "I'm glad I haven't got a mind like that."

       "And the same from me to you. Of course the real truth may lie somewhere in between. I may be as far off the beam on one side as you are on the other."

       "I hope so. But it cleared things up no end--it untied a million knots. Even that other thing--brotherly love? It's a very nice concept--you see, I never had any brothers."

       "That's probably one thing that was the matter with you. Nothing warmer than that, certainly, and never will be."

       "And I suppose you got the thought--it must have jumped up and smacked you--" Lola's hot blush was visible even through her heavy tan, "how many times I've felt like running my fingers up and down your ribs and grabbing a handful of those terrific muscles of yours, just to see if they're as hard as they look?"

       "I'm glad you brought that up; I don't know whether I would have dared to or not. You've got to stop acting like a Third instead of an Operator; and you've got to stop acting as though you had never been within ten feet of me. Now's as good a time as any." He took off his shirt and struck a strong-man's pose. "Come ahead."

       "By golly, I'm going to!" Then, a moment later, "Why, they're even harder! How do you, a scientist, psionicist, and scholar, keep in such hard shape as that?"

       "An hour a day in the gym, three hundred sixty-five days a year. Many are better--but a hell of a lot are worse."

       "I'll say." She finished her ginger ale, sat down in her chair, leaned back and put her legs up on the bed. "That was a relief of tension if there ever was one. I haven't felt so good since they picked me as home-town candidate--and that was a mighty small town and eight months ago. Bring on your dragons, Clee, and I'll slay 'em far and wide. But I can't actually be like she is...."

       "Thank God for that. Deliver me from two such pretzel-benders aboard one ship." "... but I could have been a

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