The Galaxy Primes - The Original Classic Edition. Smith E

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The Galaxy Primes - The Original Classic Edition - Smith E

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was the last one, by a fraction of a minute, into the Main. "Good morning, all," he said, with a slight smile. "Huh? How come?" James demanded, as all four started toward the dining nook.

       Garlock's smile widened. "Lola. She brought me a pot of coffee and wouldn't let me out until I drank it."



       "Yeah. They haven't read their room-tapes yet, so they don't know that room-service is practically unlimited." "Why didn't I think of that coffee business a couple of years ago?"

       "Well, why didn't I think of it myself, ten years ago?"

       Belle's eyes had been going from one, man to the other. "Just what are you two talking about? If it's anybody's business except your own?"

       "He is an early-morning grouch," James explained, as they sat down at the table. "Not fit to associate with man or beast--not even his own dog, if he had one--when he first gets up. How come you were smart enough to get the answer so quick, Brownie?"

       "Oh, the pattern isn't too rare." She shrugged daintily, sweeping the compliment aside. "Especially among men on big jobs who work under tremendous pressure."

       "Then how about Jim?" Belle asked. "Clee's the Big Brain, not me," James said.

       "You're a lot Bigger Brain than any of the men Lola's talking about," Belle insisted.

       "That's true," Lola agreed, "but Jim probably is--must be--an icebox raider. Eats in the middle of the night. Clee probably doesn't. It's a good bet that he doesn't nibble between meals at all. Check, Clee?"

       "Check. But what has an empty stomach got to do with the case?"

       "Everything. Nobody knows how. Lots of theories--enzymes, blood sugar, endocrine balance, what have you--but no proof. It isn't always true. However, six or seven hours of empty stomach, in a man who takes his job to bed with him, is very apt to uglify his pre-breakfast disposition."

       Breakfast over and out in the Main:

       "But when a man's disposition is ugly all the time, how can you tell the difference?" Belle asked, innocently.

       "I'll let that pass," Garlock's smile disappeared, "because we've got work to do. Have any of you thought of any improvement on

       Lola's monogamous society?" No one had. In fact--

       "There may be a loop-hole in it," Lola said, thoughtfully. "Did any of you happen to notice whether they know anything about artificial insemination?"

       "D'you think I'd stand for that?" Belle blazed, before Garlock could begin to search his mind. "I'd scratch anybody's eyes out--if you'd thought of that idea as a woman instead of as a near-Ph.D. in anthropology you'd've thrown it into the converter before it even hatched!"

       "Invasion of privacy? That covers it, of course, but I didn't think it would bother you a bit." Lola paused, studying the other girl intently. "You're quite a problem yourself. Callous--utterly savage humor--yet very sensitive in some ways--fastidious...."

       "I'm not on the table for dissection!" Belle snapped. "Study me all you please, but keep the notes in your notebook. I'd suggest you study Clee."

       "Oh, I have been. He baffles me, too. I'm not very good yet, you...." "That's the unders...."


       "Cut it!" Garlock ordered, sharply. "I said we had work to do. Jim, you're hunting up the nearest observatory." "How about transportation? No teleportation?"

       "Out. Rent a car or hire a plane, or both. Fill your wallet--better have too much money than not enough. If you're too far away tonight to make it feasible to come back here, send me a flash. Brownie, you'll work this town first. Belle and I will have to work in the library for a while. We'll all want to compare notes tonight...."

       "Yeah," James said into the pause, "I could tune in remote, but I don't know where I'll be, so it might not be so good." "Check. You can 'port, but be damn sure nobody sees or senses you doing it. That buttons it up, I guess."

       James and Lola left the ship; Garlock and Belle went into the library.

       "If I didn't know you were impotent, Clee," Belle shivered affectedly and began to laugh, "I'd be scared to death to be alone with you in this great big spaceship. Lola hasn't realized yet what she really hatched out--the screamingest screamer ever pulled on anybody!"

       "It isn't that funny. You have got a savage sense of humor."

       "Perhaps." She shrugged her shoulders. "But you were on the receiving end, which makes a big difference. She's a peculiar sort of duck. Brainy, but impersonal--academic. She knows all the words and all their meanings, all the questions and all the answers, but she doesn't apply any of them to herself. She's always the observer, never the participant. Pure egg-head ... pure? That's it. She looks, acts, talks, and thinks like a virgin.... Well, if that's all, she isn't any--or is she? Even though you've started calling her 'Brownie,' like my now-tamed tomcat, you might not...." She stared at him.

       "Go ahead. Probe."

       "Why waste energy trying to crack a Prime's shield? But just out of curiosity, are you two pairing, or not?" "Tut-tut; don't be inurbane. Let's talk about Jim instead. I thought he'd be gibbering."

       "No, I'm working under double wraps--full dampers. I don't want him in love with me. You want to know why?" "I think I know why."

       "Because having him mooning around underfoot would weaken the team and I want to get back to Tellus." "I was wrong, then. I thought you were out after bigger game."

       Belle's face went stiff and still. "What do you mean by that?"

       "Plain enough, I would think. Wherever you are, you've got to be the Boss. You've never been in any kind of a party for fifteen minutes without taking it over. When you snap the whip everybody jumps--or else--and you swing a wicked knife. For your information I don't jump, I am familiar with knives, and you will never run this project or any part of it."

       Belle's face set; her eyes hardened. "While we're putting out information, take note that I'm just as good with actual knives as with figurative ones. If you're still thinking of blistering my fanny, don't try it. You'll find a rawhide haft sticking up out of one of those muscles you're so proud of--clear enough Mr. Garlock."

       "Why don't you talk sense, instead of such yak-yak?" "Huh?"

       "I know you're a Prime, too, but don't let it go to your head. I've got more stuff than you have, so you can't Gunther me. You weigh one thirty-five to my two seventeen. I'm harder, stronger, and faster than you are. You're probably a bit limberer--not too much-- but I've forgotten more judo than you ever will know. So what's the answer?"


       Belle was breathing hard. "Then why don't you do it right now?"

       "Several reasons. I couldn't brag much about licking anybody I outweigh by eighty-two pounds. I can't figure out your logic--if any--but I'm pretty sure now it wouldn't do either of us any good. Just the opposite."

       "From your standpoint, would that be bad?"

       "What a hell of a logic! You have got the finest brain of any woman living. You're stronger than Jim is by a lot more than the Prime-to-Operator ratio--you've got more initiative, more drive, more guts. You know as well as I do what your brain may mean before we get back.

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