Russian Fairy Tales - The Original Classic Edition. Ralston Balch William

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Russian Fairy Tales - The Original Classic Edition - Ralston Balch William

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him she quietly dropped the noose over one of his buttons. He went his way, but she remained where she was, unrolling the [Pg 26] ball. When she had unrolled the whole of it, she ran after the thread to find out where her betrothed lived. At first the thread followed the road, then it stretched across hedges and ditches, and led

       Marusia towards the church and right up to the porch. Marusia tried the door; it was locked. She went round the church, found a lad-der, set it against a window, and climbed up it to see what was going on inside. Having got into the church, she looked--and saw her betrothed standing beside a grave and devouring a dead body--for a corpse had been left for that night in the church.

       She wanted to get down the ladder quietly, but her fright prevented her from taking proper heed, and she made a little noise. Then she ran home--almost beside herself, fancying all the time she was being pursued. She was all but dead before she got in. Next morning her mother asked her:

       "Well, Marusia! did you see the youth?"

       "I saw him, mother," she replied. But what else she had seen she did not tell.

       In the morning Marusia was sitting, considering whether she would go to the gathering or not.


       "Go," said her mother. "Amuse yourself while you're young!"

       So she went to the gathering; the Fiend[20] was there already. Games, fun, dancing, began anew; the girls knew nothing of what had

       happened. When they began to separate and go homewards:

       "Come, Marusia!" says the Evil One, "see me off."

       She was afraid, and didn't stir. Then all the other girls opened out upon her.

       "What are you thinking about? Have you grown so bashful, forsooth? Go and see the good lad off."

       There was no help for it. Out she went, not knowing what would come of it. As soon as they got into the streets he began questioning her:

       "You were in the church last night?" [Pg 27] "No."

       "And saw what I was doing there?" "No."

       "Very well! To-morrow your father will die!"

       Having said this, he disappeared.

       Marusia returned home grave and sad. When she woke up in the morning, her father lay dead!

       They wept and wailed over him, and laid him in the coffin. In the evening her mother went off to the priest's, but Marusia remained at home. At last she became afraid of being alone in the house. "Suppose I go to my friends," she thought. So she went, and found the Evil One there.

       "Good evening, Marusia! why arn't you merry?" "How can I be merry? My father is dead!"

       "Oh! poor thing!"

       They all grieved for her. Even the Accursed One himself grieved; just as if it hadn't all been his own doing. By and by they began

       saying farewell and going home. "Marusia," says he, "see me off." She didn't want to.

       "What are you thinking of, child?" insist the girls. "What are you afraid of ? Go and see him off." So she went to see him off. They passed out into the street.

       "Tell me, Marusia," says he, "were you in the church?" "No."

       "Did you see what I was doing?"



       "Very well! To-morrow your mother will die."

       He spoke and disappeared. Marusia returned home sadder than ever. The night went by; next morning, when she awoke, her mother lay dead! She cried all day long; but when the sun set, and it grew dark around, Marusia became afraid of being left alone; so she went to her companions.

       "Why, whatever's the matter with you? you're clean out of countenance!"[21] say the girls. [Pg 28] "How am I likely to be cheerful? Yesterday my father died, and to-day my mother." "Poor thing! Poor unhappy girl!" they all exclaim sympathizingly.

       Well, the time came to say good-bye. "See me off, Marusia," says the Fiend. So she went out to see him off. "Tell me; were you in the church?"


       "And saw what I was doing?" "No."

       "Very well! To-morrow evening you will die yourself !"

       Marusia spent the night with her friends; in the morning she got up and considered what she should do. She bethought herself that she had a grandmother--an old, very old woman, who had become blind from length of years. "Suppose I go and ask her advice," she said, and then went off to her grandmother's.

       "Good-day, granny!" says she.

       "Good-day, granddaughter! What news is there with you? How are your father and mother?"

       "They are dead, granny," replied the girl, and then told her all that had happened. The old woman listened, and said:--

       "Oh dear me! my poor unhappy child! Go quickly to the priest, and ask him this favor--that if you die, your body shall not be

       taken out of the house through the doorway, but that the ground shall be dug away from under the threshold, and that you shall be dragged out through that opening. And also beg that you may be buried at a crossway, at a spot where four roads meet."

       Marusia went to the priest, wept bitterly, and made him promise to do everything according to her grandmother's instructions. Then

       she returned home, bought a coffin, lay down in it, and straightway expired.

       Well, they told the priest, and he buried, first her father and [Pg 29] mother, and then Marusia herself. Her body was passed underneath the threshold and buried at a crossway.

       Soon afterwards a seigneur's son happened to drive past Marusia's grave. On that grave he saw growing a wondrous flower, such a

       one as he had never seen before. Said the young seigneur to his servant:--

       "Go and pluck up that flower by the roots. We'll take it home and put it in a flower-pot. Perhaps it will blossom there."

       Well, they dug up the flower, took it home, put it in a glazed flower-pot, and set it in a window. The flower began to grow larger and more beautiful. One night the servant hadn't gone to sleep somehow, and he happened to be looking at the window, when he saw a wondrous thing take place. All of a sudden the flower began to tremble, then it fell from its stem to the ground, and turned into a lovely maiden. The flower was beautiful, but the maiden was more beautiful still. She wandered from room to room, got herself various things to eat and drink, ate and drank, then stamped upon the ground and became a flower as before, mounted to the window, and resumed her place upon the stem. Next day the servant told the young seigneur of the wonders which he had seen during the night.


       "Ah, brother!" said the youth, "why didn't you wake me? To-night we'll both keep watch together."

       The night came; they slept not, but watched. Exactly at twelve o'clock the blossom began to shake, flew from place to place, and then fell to the ground, and the beautiful maiden appeared, got herself things to eat and drink, and sat down to supper. The young seigneur rushed forward and seized her by her

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