Mystery at Saddle Creek. Shelley Peterson

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Mystery at Saddle Creek - Shelley Peterson The Saddle Creek Series

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was thrilled. All she had to do now was stay where she was until Pete and Laura entered their house, then she could dash home. If she ran fast she’d make it in ten minutes, maybe fifteen, and be back at Saddle Creek before Hannah and Paul.

      Bird had just finished congratulating herself when the truck stopped — in front of the Saddle Creek farmhouse.

      Laura opened her door. “Bird, honey? You can get out now. We thought we’d save you the trouble.”

      Bird sat up, astonished and embarrassed. “I didn’t think ...”

      “I know, dear, but I was powdering my nose in the rear view mirror when you hopped on. It’s all right. We won’t tell.”

      Pete opened his door and got out. “I would’ve done the same thing if I hadn’t been invited. Sure as heck! Did you hear everything?”

      Bird sighed as she jumped down to the ground. “You don’t miss anything, do you? Did anyone else see me?”

      “Nope,” answered Pete. “And we wouldn’t have either, if Laura wasn’t such a beauty.” He grinned at his wife, who tossed her head sassily.

      Bird chuckled. “Thanks for the ride. And if it’s okay with you ...”

      “We won’t tell, dear. Promise.” Laura gave her a quick smile.

      Pete looked her in the eye. “What did you think?”

      “Of the meeting?”

      Pete nodded.

      Bird paused before she spoke, weighing her thoughts. “I’m worried. People are really scared and angry. I just hope nobody does anything stupid, you know?”

      “Perhaps they just needed an opportunity to blow off steam. Get things off their chests. Keep the cops on their toes. I hope that’s so.”

      “I hope so, too,” said Bird.

      “Well, good evening, dear,” said Laura as she closed the door of the truck. “We don’t want dear Hannah and her lovely beau to see us.”

      “Good night!” Bird waved. “And thanks again!”

      “We’ll be at the show on Friday!” Pete called out as the truck rolled away. “We wouldn’t miss it.”

      Bird smiled. She loved the Piersons.

      As she turned toward the house, Julia burst out of the front door followed by Lucky. “I was so scared! Lucky barked and barked and I was sure that the wild man was walking around the house trying to get in! I’ve never been so scared in my life. I’m so so so glad you’re home!”

      “I’m sorry! I didn’t stop to think how scared you’d be or I wouldn’t have gone.” Bird hugged her little sister tightly. “You’re shivering.”

       A man was here! A man was here! I scared him away!

       Good dog!

      As they hurried together up the walk, Bird checked for signs of the intruder. There! Under the living room window. Footprints. Several of them were clearly embedded in the new loam that Hannah had put in the gardens that very morning. And under the dining room window, too. Julia and Lucky hadn’t imagined things. Not wanting to frighten her sister further, Bird said nothing.

      Once inside, the girls locked the door and turned on all the lights, even though the sun had not yet set. To keep busy until the adults returned, they decided to make hot chocolate and oatmeal cookies. They went into the kitchen and got out all the ingredients. Bird stirred the cocoa on the stove and Julia mixed the eggs with the vanilla, butter and brown sugar. As soon as the electric beaters started up, Bird yelled,“I’ll be back in a sec! Keep it going for three minutes!”

      Bird went into the hall and dialed 911. She instructed the police operator to come immediately—a person had been looking in the windows around the house and might still be there.

      “Will someone be here soon?” she asked.

      “As soon as you hang up, I’ll pass it along.”

      “Thanks.” Bird hung up without delay and entered the kitchen.

      “That’s enough, Julia!” Bird said over the noise of the beaters.

      “It’s not three minutes!”

      “It’s enough anyway.”

      The cookies took twelve minutes to bake. By the time Julia took them out of the oven, sniffing the delicious aroma, both Hannah’s truck and a police car had arrived at Saddle Creek.



      Out of breath, Tan reached his campsite and darted under the rigged-up canopy, his back to the rocks. In one hand he held tightly to his slingshot and with the other he grappled for a heavy, large stone. That coyote had followed him, for sure. It was small but fierce. Tan distrusted all coyotes. They were sly and persistent and brave around people. They also stole his food from under his nose and killed rabbits before he had a chance. But this one was worse. It seemed to have a personal vendetta. Tan must not fall asleep tonight. Again.

      THE TWO VEHICLES STOPPED in front of the house at exactly the same moment. Bird and Julia watched the action through the window. It was nine-thirty and the sun had just set. Hannah and Paul spoke with the two police officers, one male and one female. Bird guessed that Officers Paris and O’Hare were still at the meeting.

      Hannah’s gaze followed the beam of the female officer’s flashlight to the footprints under the windows. Paul put his hand reassuringly on her shoulder.

      Julia gasped as she realized why the police were there. “There really was somebody trying to get in?”

      “Yeah. I called 911 when you were running the beaters.”

      “And you didn’t tell me?”

      “You were already scared enough.”

      “Bird! You should’ve said something!”

      “And had you screaming in the corner until the police came?”

      Julia frowned. “Okay, maybe, but still ...”

      “I should tell them where I really was tonight,” Bird whispered.

      “They’re going to freak if they find out I was alone!”

      “But I can’t lie to the police.”

      “They won’t ask! And I lied, too. When Aunt Hannah asked me where you were, I told her you were in the barn with the cat. I don’t want to get in trouble.”

      “You’d be in far less trouble than me, Julia.”

      “I guess.”


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