Mystery at Saddle Creek. Shelley Peterson

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Mystery at Saddle Creek - Shelley Peterson The Saddle Creek Series

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put down the receiver with a worried frown. “That’s all we can do tonight. Let’s try to get some sleep.”

      Tan watched as the neighbour left the house, and the lights in each window were extinguished. He’d hidden himself in the horses’ walk-in shelter in the paddock across from the front door, armed with his slingshot. He could trust the girl. He knew it. Adults could never hear what he said, and they never knew what he meant. That was always the trouble. Nobody understood him. But the girl would understand. She might even give him food. He would find a way to get to her tonight. He had to. Nothing would stop him this time. He could see that an upstairs window was open. This would be simple. All he’d have to do was climb up like Spider-Man, remove the screen ...

       All at once, hot breath whooshed across Tan’s neck, and he spun. A huge creature was standing in the dark, so close that Tan couldn’t even make out what it was. He screamed—a muted, harsh, stunted sound—but the creature didn’t budge. Tan’s eyes flicked around. There was nowhere to run. He was trapped in the shelter with a monster.

       Sundancer moved a little closer. He contemplated crushing the man, then rejected the idea. This human was going nowhere. Let him sweat. He stomped his front foot hard, inches away from the man’s legs.

       Tan jumped in agitation and flattened himself against the wooden boards. He had to think of a way to handle this. Fast.

       Sunny snorted. He leaned his neck forward and licked Tan’s chest.

       Tan fell to the ground. He’d made his decision. He would play dead.

       Sundancer lifted his upper lip and shook his head. Yuck. The man tasted disgusting, even with the salt of his sweat. He tossed his mane and walked out into the cool night. The grass in the paddock was delicious.



      Tan awoke with a start. Where was he? He had to get back to his tent ... it was already morning and he would be seen.

      BIRD AWOKE THE next morning. It was Wednesday. With all the goings-on the night before, she hadn’t slept well, and her head felt thick. She lay in her bed and opened one eye. Julia had deserted the futon and was sprawled across her bed.

      Outside, the sun was shining through the bright green leaves and the birds were chirping cheerfully. Without disturbing Julia, Bird slid out from under the covers, picked up her clothes from where she’d dropped them the night before and tiptoed downstairs.

      In the kitchen, Lucky thumped his tail. His handsome brown face wore a sheepish expression.

      Let me guess. Bird gave him a look. I’m too late?

       One minute too late. I couldn’t help it.

       Lucky, you’ve got to tell someone when you have to go out.

       I don’t like waking people up.

       We’d rather wake up than clean up.

      Lucky hung his head.

       Bark or whine like other dogs. You’re too polite for your own good.

       I’ll try.

       Where is it?


       The mess.

      Lucky looked under the kitchen table and Bird’s eyes followed. She sighed. And do you still have to chew things? Your baby teeth fell out long ago. No more excuses.

       I’m ashamed, girl. Let me out?

      Bird patted him on the head. The little guy was worried. I’ll clean up everything, never fear. And Hannah won’t miss the oven mitt. She opened the kitchen door and Lucky bounded out. But instead of heading for the bushes like usual, he tore off across the field sounding a sudden, shrill bark.

      Bird followed his streaking form and saw what was causing his panic. A human figure was slinking away along the fence line, followed by Sundancer, prancing tensely with flattened ears. It was the wild man. Cody was stalking him, too, from the other direction.

      With a clutching in her gut, Bird ran across the lane to watch. The small coyote was creeping out long and low. Step by step he neared the far corner of the field where the man was heading. Cody wouldn’t hurt anyone unless he was attacked, but he sure wouldn’t hesitate to scare someone. Bird watched as Cody sprang, and she cringed at the man’s scream.

      Sunny reared at the far corner of the fence, then spun and kicked out. Cody reappeared from the woods a moment later, and Lucky came bounding toward her. Bird took a deep breath. The man was gone.

      Hopefully, he wouldn’t come back, but that man had been around far, far too much. Who was he? What was he up to? Why did he keep showing up? And was he harmless, or harmful? Bird thought about it for a moment. He did such odd things, but for some reason she wasn’t totally afraid of him. Should she be? She considered her reaction. He was creepy, and she was suspicious of him. She didn’t like him lurking around, but she was more curious than afraid. Bird shook her head. This needed more thought.

      Lucky reached Bird, wagging his tail wildly. I scared him away, girl! I’m a good dog now!

      Yes, Lucky. Good dog! Bird gave his chin a firm scratching.

      Sunny trotted up to the fence. The wild man. He was here all night. In my shed. I licked him.

       You did what?

       Never mind. He’s scared, but he’ll be back.

       Why do you say that?

       Just a feeling.

       Is he dangerous, Sunny? Does he want to hurt us?

       Maybe. Maybe not. He’s crazy. You can’t tell what he’ll do.

       He’s weirding me out.

       Me, too, Bird. Are we jumping this morning?

       Good idea.

      Bird went back inside the house, cleaned up Lucky’s messes and grabbed her helmet and chaps. Cliff was in the barn when Bird arrived to get her saddle.

      “You’re up early, Cliff. It’s only six o’clock.”

      “I couldn’t sleep. Thought I’d get moving.” Cliff spoke quietly, much more so than usual.

      Bird stopped in her tracks. “What’s wrong?”

      “Ah, nothing. I don’t want to worry you.”


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