Values and Virtues in the Military. Nadine Eggimann Zanetti

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Values and Virtues in the Military - Nadine Eggimann Zanetti Studies in Military Psychology and Pedagogy

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7.3 Results

       7.3.1 Primary analyses

       7.3.2 Factor structure of military values

       7.3.3 Five military value factors

       7.3.4 Relations of the five factors of military values to universal values and personality traits

       7.4 Discussion

       Study II: Assessing the Structure of Military Virtues

       8 The structure of military virtues and the relation to the five factors of the VIA-IS

       8.1 Introduction

       8.1.1 Five factors of character strengths measured by the VIA-IS

       8.1.2 Research on character strengths and virtues among military samples

       8.1.3 The psycholexical approach towards the structure of virtues

       8.1.4 Aims of the study

       8.2 Method

       8.2.1 Participants and procedure

       8.2.2 Measures

       List of 42 military virtues as part of the MVVC

       VIA-IS (Peterson, Park, & Seligman, 2005)

       8.3 Results

       8.3.1 Primary analyses

       8.3.2 Factor structure of military virtues

       8.3.3 Four military virtue factors

       8.3.4 Relations of the four factors of military virtues to the five factors of character strengths

       8.4 Discussion

       Study III: Investigating the Criterion Validity of the Five Military Value Factors and the Four Military Virtue Factors

       9 Can the military value factors and military virtue factors determine organizational citizenship behavior and motivation to lead?

       9.1 Introduction

       9.1.1 Factor structure of the MVVC

       9.1.2 OCB and MTL as validation criteria

       9.1.3 Aims of the study

       9.2 Method

       9.2.1 Participants and procedure

       9.2.2 Measures

       Independent variables

       Criterion variables

       9.3 Results

       9.3.1 Primary analyses

       9.3.2 Universal values, military values, and military virtues as determinants of OCB and MTL

       9.3.3 Incremental validity of military values and military virtues for determining OCB and MTL

       9.4 Discussion

       General Discussion

       10 Main results and conclusions

       11 Strengths and limitations

       12 Implications for research and practice

       13 Open questions and further research

       14 Final comments

       List of Figures

       List of Tables


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      Expressions describing values and virtues (e.g., honesty, security, loyalty, integrity) have always been a top priority within the military context of leadership, training, ethical commitment, and psychological research. Values and virtues are qualified as morally good, positive characteristics of personality (De Raad & Van Oudenhoven, 2011). Likewise, concepts of positive psychology such as character strengths, values, and virtues are regarded as highly influential on work satisfaction, individual performance, motivation,

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