Relationships and Sex Education for Secondary Schools (2020). Samuel Stones

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Relationships and Sex Education for Secondary Schools (2020) - Samuel Stones Practical Teaching

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and Ryan were both aged 15. They were friends. Simon wanted Ryan to break into a garage to steal a bicycle. At first Ryan refused. Simon persuaded Ryan to drink some alcohol to give him some courage to carry out the break in. Eventually Ryan agreed to carry out the crime.

      Ask the students to discuss in pairs whether Ryan had given his consent to break into the garage.

      Explain to the students that although Ryan agreed to break into the garage, his capacity to give consent was impaired by the alcohol. This is an example of coercion within a relationship.

      Provide the students with a range of scenarios. Ask them to decide whether consent was given for the specific actions described in each scenario. The focus should be on consent within friendships and families rather than in intimate relationships.

      Go through each of the scenarios and ask the students to justify their decisions.


      Lesson 6

      In this lesson the students will learn how to support others who are exposed to unsafe relationships.

      Remind the students about the characteristics of healthy and unhealthy relationships.

      In this lesson the students will respond to fictitious letters that people have written to a problem page in a magazine.

      They will be asked to read a letter and discuss it with a partner. Each partner will have a different letter but both students should be given an opportunity to discuss their letter with their partner.

      The students will then compose a letter as a reply to the problem. They will provide clear advice to help the person to resolve the problem.

      At the end of the lesson the teacher will read out some of the responses that the students have generated.




      A secondary school planned to roll out a whole-school approach to LGBT inclusion. The school was a faith school and the decision to implement the whole-school approach was in response to recent incidents of homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying.

      The bulk of the curriculum work would take place in Year 7. School leaders initially developed a policy in partnership with parents to address LGBT inclusion. A gender-neutral uniform was immediately introduced and changes were made to the physical infrastructure of the school. All the toilets were converted into gender-neutral toilets with separate cubicles and dividing walls that went from the floor to the ceiling. The Year 7 curriculum was modified to ensure that all subject areas addressed LGBT identities and experiences. The history curriculum was modified to include a unit of work on LGBT history. Homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying was addressed through drama, and in art students used a range of media to explore the links between mental health and LGBT identities. In science, students were introduced to the work of famous LGBT scientists. In geography, the unit of work on geographical migration explored the migration of LGBT people from rural areas to cities. In maths, students analysed data on the experiences of LGBT people in a unit of work on statistics and data handling. In English, texts were carefully chosen to address specific LGBT themes. In physical education, the department supported the rainbow laces campaign and also developed a broader range of physical activities that had greater appeal to LGBT students. The school library was enhanced and texts that explored LGBT identities were purchased. Notices were placed on noticeboards to communicate the school’s zero tolerance policy in relation to homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying. In Relationships and Sex Education, students were introduced to same-sex relationships and same-sex marriage. An LGBT student group was introduced to influence whole-school change.

      Before any of this work took place, parents were consulted and invited to attend a briefing event at the school. The leadership team ensured that governors were present at this meeting so that parents knew that the governors were in support of the developments. Several of the parents raised objections on the grounds of religion. These parents were invited into school to meet with school leaders who provided them individually with an opportunity to share their concerns. The leaders listened to their views but explained that the school was meeting its legal obligations to students, citing the Equality Act (2010) and the Relationships and Sex Education statutory guidance (DfE, 2019a). Some of these parents chose to remove their children from the school. Curriculum plans, including unit plans and lesson plans, were made available to any parents who requested to view them.


      This chapter has considered the importance of teaching students to understand that different types of families and relationships exist. Specifically, it has outlined the importance of schools and school staff, recognising that students within the school community will themselves have different experiences in relation to their family structure. It is essential that teachers consider this in their planning and delivery so that there is a sense of inclusion among all students and so that they are supported to recognise the different experiences of their peers. It is important to understand whether students are currently taught to recognise the different types of families and relationships that exist so that any gaps in current provision can be identified and prioritised. The chapter has also provided guidance to support you to teach students about marriage. Again, it is important to recognise that students will have different experiences of marriage in their own families. Some students may not understand that same-sex couples are able to marry, and it is essential that students recognise that their peers may live with same-sex parents.



      Public Health England has published learning resources and teacher guidance to support your teaching in relation to the nature of friendships. The materials also guide teachers through the delivery of learning activities that focus on the challenges that may arise in social relationships and the role of peer support in overcoming these. The resource pack includes lesson plans, written guidance and a presentation as well as links to case study videos. The pack, called Forming Positive Relationships Lesson Plan Pack, can be found at (accessed 6 February 2020).

      In addition to Public Health England, the PSHE Association has also published a wide selection of teacher resources to support the teaching of issues relating to friendships and relationships. These include:


      PSHE Association (2016) Railway Children Resources: Lesson Plans on the Risks of Children Running Away. [online] Available

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