Your Majesty Immunity. Eduard Iskhakov

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Your Majesty Immunity - Eduard Iskhakov

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and activity of the immune system must be optimal and balanced.

      There is incorrect over-activity of the immune system then allergy (consequently it is insufficient activity of the immune system – but it is not about allergy).

      What the allergy is caused?


      There are substances (allergens) and our body reacts to them.

      The same substances make allergy of people but another people don’t receive.

      Why it is happened?

      It depends on condition of the immune system of body and level of the allergenicity of the substance.

      The high allergenicity substances do exist – they cause allergy for all people (or at least among mostly people even among people who has normal (non allergic) immunity.

      There are some substances which cause allergy among a few people.

      And should probably mention about allergens which I called “seldom meeting for us”.

      For example, black caviar of some fish which consuming is not for us.

      I remember the end of 80-th years in the Soviet Union where was lack of food and everything (0,5 kilo sugar on one member of the family in one month, one peace of soap for one face, people run to shops to buy something to eat).

      In these days of the deficit for us who were the students of the medical institute was showed the boy at the hospital who had allergy to black caviar.

      Poor boy!

      Most of the students at that time not only did not tasty but didn’t see it.

      Simplified classification of the allergens (what kinds of the allergens are divided) identifies home (domestic) allergens, drugs, food and etc.

      For example, the most prevalent natural allergens will be street dust, pollen tree and grass, domestic (home) fungus on the walls and ceiling, pet dander, bed bugs.

      Another example, home (domestic) allergens are represented pets (our favorites), bugs of household dust, bed bugs, flowers, household chemistry, toys (made incorrectly) and etc.

      We will be talking about bad ecology (exactly about plastic) sooner but bad ecology gives us not only allergy and such negative consequences of organism what some diseases develop (immunity damaged too).

      What damages immunity?

      What damages the immunity for development different negative conditions and allergy too.

      Destroyed immunity:

      Bad ecology.

      Ponds of all countries have drugs including antibiotics.

      Netherlands’ researches counted the concentration of two popular drugs in rivers and lakes and made the conclusion that these drugs are in the water of the every corners of the World where people live.

      Their conclusions were demonstrated in journal “Environmental Research Letters” and describe two types of drugs – antidepressants and antibiotics.

      They right that at the last years the scientists reveal antibiotics in the sewage constantly which get to ponds and killed plankton and causing anomalies in brain activity and fish behavior and other animals.

      How showed their calculations, for example, level of concentration antibiotic Cyprofloxacin was raised in 10—20 once in average in the rivers during past two decades.

      While its concentration in big cities even bigger.

      The result is that for drinking goals we use water with different drugs.

      When we drink this water our immunity receives hard blow as in boxing but we can not protecting normally.

      Frankly the good news is – no these drugs in water in poor countries Equatorial Africa (by the way there are no rivers and sewage in these countries), no these drugs in the Central regions of Amazon and in Asia desert areas.

      Bad ecology has plastic which is placed everywhere and all spaces around human.

      Plastic is made of phthalate

      According results of the scientific researches which were presented in framework of the medical forum in Ufa-town (Russia) 2—5 April 2019 phthalate increases the amount of eosinophil and level Immunoglobulin E i.e. cause as minimum allergy of organism.

      Toxic chemistry penetrates immunity and it fails with growing oncology cells.

      The biggest chemical-pharmaceutical company “Bayer” has begun to pay billion dollars compensation to patients in the USA at 2019 which proved in court that they have cancer diseases because chemical “Rowndup”, which produced that company.

      Even such definition as “chemical AIDS” was created and utilized by journalists after that was cleared that some substances (like polychlorine diphenyl – sorry me chemistries) use for producing plastic, transformers (and certainly robots transformers also), furniture via waste untreated water get to fish and after to our food and consequently in our body and begging to work destructively for immunity.

      (It is concerned the question eat or not eat Baltic smoked sardines).

      Allergy on domestic chemistry.

      It is history about allergy of the domestic chemistry which was said by Angela Stepus physician from Tolyatti town (Russia)

      “One boy 12-years old had bronchial asthma and asthma attack began very quickly after when father took boy from the school on his car.

      With the most expressed by attacks took place when father come on the car right after attending car wash – on the very good cleared and washed car.

      Even they have agreement – if father goes for sun by car right after car wash – father calls to sun and sun before coming into car uses broncho-dilatation inhalers (boy has inhalers in all his pockets).

      Than more time is spend from carwash moment than less the bronchial attack of suffocation was.

      If the car didn’t receive washing so the child had not bronchial attack after being inside car and accordingly the child didn’t use the inhalers for stopping breathlessness.

      Physician in my face decided to know what’s the matter and went on own car to carwash, was looking the process of washing and noticed that after car washing the smell of fresh bananas was inside the car.

      So, it turns out the staff of car wash wipe by cleaning liquid the front panel of the car and liquid disseminates bananas frankincense. Because naturally this liquid produced not from banana juice so chemical substances as flavoring of banana smell is allergen which causes child’s bronchial attack.

      Now the car is washed outside only, no domestic chemistry onside and the boy don’t have bronchial attack in the car or after being inside car”.

      It is very good that the physician is concerned, attentive and an enquiring.


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