Your Majesty Immunity. Eduard Iskhakov

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Your Majesty Immunity - Eduard Iskhakov

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style="font-size:15px;">      Not only poor food is in ration of the adults children ration has poor nutrition also.

      The research which was published in journal “Questions of nutrition” in 2018 N 5 estimated that children tinned meat have N-nitrosodiphenylamine.

      This harmful substances caused the growth cancer cells in body should not to be in children nutrition ABSOLUTELY.

      But it detected in food for children (poor children) and children immunity is not good and another systems also just they receive “chemistry” in tinned meat.

      By the way frequency diathesis among children it is children imperfect ferment system of digestive tract which can not dissolve child food components normally.

      Inadequate nutrition caused allergy accordingly and mean to damage the immunity.

      Generation which grown up in the Soviet Union (former country in the territory where Russia) remember testy of the sweets and cakes – all of them were produced from natural and high quality row materials and food products without chemical coloring and preservatives.

      At that time we knew nothing about any flavorings, E-substances – we had jam which was made was from natural food and tasty too.

      Now the consistency of most candies look like plasticine (and no difference in appearance).

      The list of chemical adding substances (exactly flavorings) including in food remembering any textbook for students.

      Mindful about lucky childhood when candies were good and welcome gift now we go to relatives and familiars with children and take these “chemical bombs” in colorful wrappers – with our hands we destroy children immunity.

      Remember about former Soviet period of my childhood.

      Our family was living on the Nord where Polar circle and on the south where warm sea in Georgia.

      Citrus fruits were on the North before New Year only and in gifts – 1—2 very tasty and fresh mandarins in pack.

      In Georgia where citrus fruits were grown and harvesting began in September and in February its no more on the market.

      Now we see fruits in the markets all year – from where they were brought in?

      They are transported from very long distance and indirect shipment to supermarket.

      Why they are very good and have appetizing view after delivering via three seas and don’t rot.

      The right answer is – they are processed by special agents and these agents are from chemistry text-book and not convenient for health.

      I remember dried fruits from that period – punch from their was delicious and useful (as physicians said) but the appearance of dried fruits were not good for presentation exactly dried fruits from Middle Asia (with sands and particles of hair of camels or donkeys) but its were natural, without chemistry, grown and dried under Asian sun.

      In now time no difference between fresh and dried fruits on appearance – how managed to keep them?

      Simple answer – chemistry penetrates deeply to human deals! I translate for human language – we ad chemical preservatives and fruits will be as live and wonderful forever!

      I remember that in our Soviet school that milk is very useful for children. Even cartoon is there words of song “Drink children milk and you will be healthy”.

      That we have with milk products now?

      The Department agro-control of Russia in Tumen, Yamal-Nenets and Khanty-Mansyisk regions checked all milk products in 2018 years which entering to different organizations (hospitals, kinder-gardens, boarding schools) of the regions.

      Investigation showed that were falsification all milk and sugar milk, 82% of butter, 67% of cheese and 50% of cheese.

      As told in this department such milk production is low-quality and dangerous for consuming.

      By the words of former General sanitarian physician of the Russia Gennady Onischenko “we lose the culture of nutrition when eat any rubbish – sugar gas water, sweets, crisps” (it was pronounced on the scientific conference in Ufa, Russia 2—5 April 2019 year).

      On this conference a lot of time presentation of the scientific research results about influencing of the preservatives to human body organs and systems.

      The conclusion – influencing of the preservatives to people health have not investigated to end but that investigated everything is very badly.

      The shelves of our supermarket have a lot of products long term storage, semi-finished products, food of very bright sometimes unnatural color.

      What is inside food? It is difficult to read by unarmed eye on the label – may be under microscope?

      But who of us goes to the supermarket with microscope in the pocket?

      There are such preservatives as Sodium benzoate (E 211), potassium sorbate (E 202), ascorbic acid (E 300).

      The most harmless (and sometime useful) it is ascorbic acid (vitamin C).

      Remember by the way very widespread opinion about benefit to take vitamin C – it helps from all diseases, protects from virus infection during winter, relieves stress and so on.

      Nut the problem is that ascorbic acid don’t use as preservative separately.

      The preservatives are putted in food several.

      If such preservatives as ascorbic acid (E 300) and sodium benzoate (E 211) are used in the same time the result is very harmful chemical substance which destroys the tissues of organs (exactly kidneys).

      Scientists made experiment with rats.

      Rats are added preservatives in their typical nutrition and their behavior is changed – they began to wash less (it is bad). The main (and so sad) problem is instead to go as typical rats (on their four legs) they have become to leap on the hind legs – it is the sign damaging behavior as aggression.

      The result is the preservations have pressed to brain and brain activity become damaging its behavior is changed.

      May be it explains the increasing of people aggression – they eat a lot of tinned food, ready to cook food, long term storage of food products.

      Practical conclusion about preservatives.

      If people eat something where are ascorbic acid and together something where is preservative E 211 so problems with health will be sooner.

      Buying oranges (where ascorbic acid is) and cheap chocolate you will be “I am feeling not good!”

      From this another practical conclusion about preservatives – look attentively to the label – if your child eats that include something where is ascorbic acid and in time preservative E 211 so wait for problem with health (if not in this year but sometime further).

      No eating together ascorbic acid and E 211!

      By the

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