Worship Anthology. S. Craggs

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Worship Anthology - S. Craggs

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comfort and compassion. It was where you discussed the latest fall-out with your best friend at school and where you discussed, in confidence, your first crush!

      The table was all these things and more, for it was also the place that we as a family held hands, and said grace, and gave thanks for what God had provided.

      And so, as we gather here this evening, I am ever mindful of how this humble table is symbolic of our Church, and of the Guild. Each, places where people gather, where there is a sense of community, a sense of belonging and sharing. Places where meals are served. Places where the Word is read and prayers are said and hands are held. Places where the heart can be opened and there will be no condemnation. Places where the community can be themselves and experience the sense of love and fellowship – and, in the stillness, sense God’s presence.

      Well, what then is our role? What are we expected to do when tending this symbolic table? Chief cook or bottle-washer? Yes, sometimes, but perhaps more importantly we are each called to serve.

      Serve the table, clear the mess, listen to the conversations and offer whatever assistance is required. Of course, we can join in with the moments of laughter and tears too, but we are also there to enable and to encourage the growth of this family. And we must also make sure the family offers a sincere welcome to all who come.

      This table may not be made of acacia wood. The cup and plate are not solid gold. But this humble table is central to this community – this community of people who have a sense of God’s presence.

      It is a place of fellowship, a place where people not only have a relationship with one another but also have a living and personal relationship with God.

      The gathering therefore becomes a place where people are united and nurtured – and, more than that, a place where they are fed and rested and strengthened by God’s presence.

      And, as we sit round this table this evening, always keep in mind that everyone gathered here is basically just the same. Each of us on a journey with God, each of us led by the Spirit, and each of us inspired by the teaching and actions of Jesus.

      A family of people on a journey of faith.

      Welcome, welcome to this table.

       After the table was set, a simple Communion liturgy was used, and the minister served each person personally.

      A Baptismal Hymn


       This hymn, set to a familiar tune, celebrates, in ordinary language, the significance of baptism and also the blessing of children. This is one woman minister’s attempt to create a hymn that is meaningful and understandable for all!

      ‘As the Church, the family of God’ (sung to the tune – Sussex Carol)

      As the Church, the family of God,

      We gather round the font today.

      To welcome, pray for, and baptise,

      this child into the Christian Way.

      We come with joy to celebrate,

      the love that brings this little one.

      We come remembering Christ our Lord,

      Baptised himself God’s chosen Son.

      And here responding to his life,

      by water’s sign this child’s made one,

      With God, through Father, Spirit, Son;

      In God, new life is begun.

      Together as the Church, we pray,

      for this child’s future from today;

      For health and happiness and joy,

      for new life as a child of God.

      Help us to share peace, truth and love,

      Gifts of God, given from above.

      The Baptism Liturgy


       This baptism liturgy was put together using parts from Common Order (Saint Andrew Press, 1994 edn, pp. 83, 84) but other original words too. Theologically, the act has demonstrated that this sacrament is about what God does for us regardless of what we do for God. It is a declaration of his unconditional love.

      We hear these words from the Gospel according to Matthew 28:18–30 (NIV):

       Jesus said:

      ‘Full authority on heaven and earth has been committed to me. Go therefore to all nations and make them my disciples; baptise them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teach them to observe all that I have commanded you. And I will be with you always, to the end of time.’

      And, in the Gospel according to Luke 18:16–17 (NIV), we hear of a time when some people brought their children for Jesus to bless and the disciples scolded them, but Jesus called for the children and said:

      ‘Let the children come to me; do not try to stop them; for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you: whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.’

      Jesus Christ is with us in this baptism today; it is he himself who baptises us, and by the Holy Spirit we are brought into his Church.

      In this sacrament, the love of God is offered to each one of us. Though we cannot fully understand or explain it, we are called to accept that love with the openness and trust of a child.

       Let us pray:

      Loving God, you are the maker and giver of life, and we thank you this morning for the journey of all our days where we can learn more of you and begin to experience your great love for us. We especially thank you today for little N . . . and for the joy and blessing he/she has brought to the whole family circle. At key moments in our life, we are often more fully aware of your presence, and today we come together because we recognise your hand at work bringing us beyond anxiety and confusion to deep joy and meaning. Father, we confess this morning that at times you have not meant all that you should to us because we have closed ourselves off, focused on other things and chosen other ways; but you give us a fresh start through your gracious gifts of water and the Holy Spirit in baptism.

      Throughout time, you have communicated your love and blessings through water, and on this day we come to touch your child N . . . with water that is a visible sign of a new beginning in you. Father God, we thank you for family today, for support and care, acceptance and the feeling of belonging, because we affirm our belief at this time in your family, Christ’s body the Church: where all are welcome, where small beginnings lead to firm commitments, where promises are made on the basis of potential, and love abounds through your goodness and grace.

      May the sacrament of your grace and visible signs of your goodness today lead us all into a deeper realisation of your love ever waiting for us and your power beyond our understanding.

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