Worship Anthology. S. Craggs

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Worship Anthology - S. Craggs

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God, send your Holy Spirit upon us and this water through Jesus Christ our Lord, and hear us as we pray together the family prayer that he taught us:

       Our Father . . .

      Parent(s) or sponsors are invited to bring the child forward.

      Full Name . . . I baptise you, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and with the Christian name/s . . . The Lord bless you and keep you.

      N . . . for you Jesus Christ came into the world, for you he lived and showed God’s love, for you he suffered the darkness of Calvary and cried at the last: ‘It is accomplished’, for you he triumphed over death and rose in newness of life; for you he ascended to reign at God’s right hand. All this he did for you, N . . . though you do not know it yet. And so the word of Scripture is fulfilled: ‘We love because God loved us first’.

      God’s love does not depend on anything we do; it is unconditional. We love because God loved us first, and so in response to that love we all have a part to play in N’s . . . baptism today.

      N . . . and N . . . as N’s parents will you please respond to these questions:

      Having presented your child for baptism, desiring that she may be grafted into Christ as a member of his body, the Church, do you confess your faith in God the Father and in his Son Jesus Christ as your Saviour and Lord?

      I do.

      And do you promise, depending on the grace of God, to teach your child the truths and duties of the Christian faith and by prayer and example to bring her up in the life and worship of the Church?

      I do.

      Your child now belongs to God in Christ. From this day, she will be at home in the Christian community and there will always be a place for her here and in the wider Church throughout the world.

      As a sign of all of this, N . . ., the family elder, will now come forward to welcome N . . . into the arms of the Church, and as a congregation we make our promise to N . . . and to God.

      Could the congregation please stand? Could you repeat after me:

      N . . . , we welcome you into our church family,

      We are members together of the body of Christ.

      We are children of the one God.

      We affirm our faith in God our creator, in Jesus our saviour, in the Holy Spirit our guide.

      We accept our responsibilities to encourage you, and all other children in our midst, to grow up in the knowledge and love of Christ.

      N . . . , we welcome you.

      We sing the blessing ‘The Lord bless you and keep you’ (hymn 796, CH4).

      Please be seated.

      N . . . , one of our children from the church family has flowers from the Sunday school for N’s . . . mum on this special day for the whole family.

      Let us pray:

      God of love, we rejoice again to receive your grace in word and sacrament.

      We have heard your call and are made new by your Spirit.

      Continue to guide and guard N . . . all her days,

      may your love hold her, your truth guide her, your joy delight her.

      Bless her parents N. . . and N. . . and big brother/s/sister/s; wee brother/s/sisters

      that he/she may grow up in a secure and happy home

      and give to her/his godparents N . . . and N . . ., and to the whole family, wisdom and courage,

      laughter and peace, and love that endures all things.

      God of grace, in whose holy catholic Church there is one Lord, one faith, one baptism,

      help us to acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord,

      to profess with our whole lives the one true faith,

      and to live in love and unity with all who are baptised in his name,

      through Jesus Christ our Lord,

      who lives and reigns with you, Father, and the Holy Spirit one God for ever and ever. Amen.

      Thanksgiving for the Gift of a Child



       (Parents and baby, along with any other siblings, join minister on chancel)

      Today, we are glad to have with us in this service of worship baby N and his/her parents X and Y Z, who are part of this congregation.

      Having come to our Church family from another tradition of the Christian Church, and having given careful thought and consideration to bringing their new baby for baptism, they have concluded that they want to leave the decision about baptism to be made by their baby once he/she is old enough to make his/her own response to the love of God in Jesus Christ.

      Today, X and Y have not brought N for baptism,

      But they have brought him/her

       as an act of thanksgiving to God, recognising that he/she is a precious gift, entrusted by God to them.

      They have brought him/her

       to receive God’s blessing, as mothers long ago brought their children to Jesus, who took them in his arms and blessed them.

      They have brought him/her

       to be among God’s people in this place, where together our Christian witness creates a community of faith in which children can learn to know Jesus Christ.

       Scripture says:

      Jesus called for the children and said, ‘Let the children come to me; do not try to stop them; for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you: whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.’

      (Luke 18:16–17, REB)


      Let us pray.

      Gracious God our Father,

      We praise you for all your gifts to us.

      Especially this day, we give thanks for your gift of baby N to his/her family, and now to us, his/her family in faith.

      We thank you for giving us the honour and responsibility of caring for young lives and teaching them about you. We thank

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