Water Margin. Shi Naian

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Water Margin - Shi Naian

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it may well be that Jin preferred not to continue the typical process of a further ten or fifteen years of scholarship necessary for success in the advanced degrees of the Imperial examination system. There is no reliable evidence of Jin having ever held public office, the goal of Confucian scholars, even at the county level to which he was qualified.21 Far from abandoning scholarship per se, it was in this time that Jin began his literary career, beginning work on The Water Margin which had enthralled him since the age of eleven. Additionally, it is also noted that Jin turned his vast knowledge of orthodox Confucian classics, as well as his extensive knowledge of historiography, popular literature, Buddhism, and Taoism against noted public lecturers, hectoring and ridiculing them to the delight of gathered crowds.22

      The Water Margin and the “Red Bandits”

      The Water Margin featured amongst the influential works read by a young well to do Hunan peasant boy named Mao Zedong in the final years of the Qing Dynasty. Mao later revealed to Edgar Snow in Red Star Over China (1937):

      As the young Mao grew to adulthood, he fell into the radical intellectual revolution of the New Culture Movement following the establishment of the Republic in 1912 and later the May Fourth Movement of 1919. With his eclectic blend of peasant roots, traditional literature, and modern scholarship, Mao Zedong became

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