Arts of China. Hugo Munsterberg, Ph.D.

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Arts of China - Hugo Munsterberg, Ph.D.

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19. Bronze pole rest with gold and silver inlay. Late Chou period. Fogg Museum of Art, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 58 20. Bronze kuei. Late Chou period. Brundage collection, De Young Museum, San Francisco. 58 21. Bronze hu. Late Chou period. Brundage collection, De Young Museum, San Francisco. 59 22. Wooden figure of dancing-girl. Late Chou period. Fuller collection, Seattle Art Museum. 60 23. Wooden figure of man. Late Chou period. Fuller collection, Seattle Art Museum. 60 24. Jade pi. Late Chou period. Nelson Gallery of Art, Kansas City. 61 25. Lacquered wooden winged cup. Late Chou period. Singer collection, Summit, New Jersey. 61 26. Glazed pottery jar. Late Chou period. Singer collection, Summit, New Jersey. 62 *27. Jade ceremonial blade. Early Chou period. Munsterberg collection, New Paltz, New York. 63 28. Rubbing of stone tomb picture. Han period. Sickman collection, Kansas City. 73 29. Painted tomb tile. Han period. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. 74 30. Impressed and painted tomb tile. Han period. Caro collection, New York. 74-75 31. Bronze horse. Han period. Hart collection, New York. 76 32. Head of clay grave figure. Han period. Falk collection, New York 76 33. Bronze lien with gold and silver inlay. Han period. Minneapolis Institute of Arts. 77 34. Bronze mirror. Han period. Nelson Gallery of Art, Kansas City. 78 35. Pottery jar with hunting scene. Han period. Hammer collection, New York. 79 36. Pottery model of watchtower. Han period. Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto. 80 37. Bronze Buddha Maitreya. Six Dynasties period. University Museum, Philadelphia. 97 38. Bronze Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara (Kuan Yin). Six Dynasties period. Stocklet collection, Brussels. 97 39. Stone Buddha. Six Dynasties period. Yün Kang, Ta-t'ung, Shansi Province. 98 40. Stone relief carving from Lung Mên. Six Dynasties period. Nelson Gallery of Art, Kansas City. 98 41. Stone head of Bodhisattva from Yün Kang. Six Dynasties period. Morse collection, New York. 99 42. Stone stele with Buddha Maitreya and two Bodhisattvas. Six Dynasties period. Morse collection, New York. 99 43. White marble head of Buddha. Six Dynasties period. Morse collection, New York. 100 44. Wall painting of Buddhist paradise scene. Six Dynasties period. Tun Huang, Kansu Province. 100 45. Kondo (Golden Hall), Horyu-ji. Asuka period. Nara, Japan. 101 46. Model of interior of Horyu-ji Kondo. Nara, Japan. 101 47. Stone engraving on base of Buddhist stele. Six Dynasties period. University Museum, Philadelphia. 102 48. Stone engraving. Six Dynasties period. Yamanaka collection, Kyoto. 102 49. Stone chimera from a Liang tomb. Six Dynasties period. University Museum, Philadelphia. 103 50. Clay tomb figures. Six Dynasties period. Singer collection, Summit, New Jersey. 104 51. Stone Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara (Kuan Yin). Sui period. Nelson Gallery of Art, Kansas City. 113 52. Stone Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara (Kuan Yin) from T'ien Lung-shan. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. 113 53. Stone guardian figure. T'ang period. Lung Mên Caves, Loyang, Honan Province. 114 54. Marble Lion. T'ang period. Nelson Gallery of Art, Kansas City. 114 55. Bronze seated Buddha. T'ang period. Private collection, Japan. 115 56. Bronze eleven-headed Avalokitesvara (Kuan Yin). T'ang period. Private collection, Japan. 115 57. Fragment from Tun Huang wall painting. T'ang period. Fogg Museum of Art, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 116 58. Stone engraving of temple. T'ang period. Tz'u-en Temple, Ch'ang-an (Sian), Shensi Province. 117 59· Brick pagoda. T'ang period. Tz'u-en Temple, Ch'ang-an (Sian), Shensi Province. 117 60. Chou Fang: Ladies Playing Double Sixes. Sung-period copy of T'ang-period original. Freer Gallery of Art, Washington. 118 61. Clay tomb figure of horse. T'ang period. Alsdorf collection, Winnetka, Illinois. 119 62. Plate with bird-and-flower design. T'ang period. Falk collection, New, York. 119 63. White-glazed cup. T'ang period. Falk collection, New York. 120 64. Silver stem cup. T'ang period. Singer collection, Summit, New Jersey. 120 65. Li T'ang: Sages at Waterfall. Sung period. Koto-in, Kyoto. 137 66. Kuo Hsi : Autumn in the Valley of the Yellow River. Sung period. Freer Gallery of Art, Washington. 138-39 67. Mi Yu-jên: River Landscape (section of scroll). Sung period. Free Gallery of Art, Washington. 138-39 68. Li Kung-lin (Li Lung-mien): The Realms of the Immortals (section of scroll). Sung period. Freer Gallery of Art, Washington. 140 69. Ma Yüan: Fisherman in Boat. Sung period. Tokyo National Museum. 140 70. Hsia Kuei: Summer Landscape. Sung period. Iwasaki collection, Tokyo. 141 71. Mu Ch'i: Bodhidharma in Meditation. Sung period. Seikado collection, Tokyo. 141 72. Wooden seated Avalokitesvara (Kuan Yin). Sung period. Morse collection, New York.

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