Arts of China. Hugo Munsterberg, Ph.D.

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Arts of China - Hugo Munsterberg, Ph.D.

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142 73. Kuan Yin Hall, Tu-lo Temple. Sung Period. Chi-hsian, Hopei Province. 142 74. Ting-yao dish. Sung period. Falk collection, New York. 143 75. Ying-ch'ing bottle. Sung period. Falk collection, New York. 143 76. Chiin-yao flower bowl. Sung period. Seattle Art Museum. 143 77. Chi-chou tea bowl. Sung period. Falk collection, New York. 144 78. Tz'u-chou jar. Sung period. Seattle Art Museum. 144 *79. Celadon jar. Sung period. Seattle Art Museum. 153 80. JênJên-fa (attributed): Horse and Grooms (section of scroll). Yüan period. Fogg Museum of Art, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 159 81. Arhat (one of a set of paintings). Yüan period. Hammer collectic New York. 160 82. Ch'ien Hsüan: Doves and Pear Blossoms. Yüan period. Cincinnati Art Museum. 161 83. Ni Tsan: Autumn Landscape. Yüan period. C. C. Wang collectior New York. 162 84. Wu Chên: Bamboo in the Wind. Yüan period. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. 163 85. Blue-and-white dish with lotus-flower design. Yüan period. Falk collection, New York. 164 86. Tz'u-chou stoneware jar. Yüan period. Fogg Museum of Art, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 165 87. Wooden seated Avalokitesvara (Kuan Yin). Yüan period. Meltze: collection, New York. 166 *88. Jade horse. Ming period. Morse collection, New York. 179 89. Kuo Hsü: Fisherman (section of scroll). Ming period. Detroit Institute of Arts. 181 90. Shên Chou: section from scroll entitled A Scholar in His Study Awaiting a Guest. Ming period. Freer Gallery of Art, Washington. 182-83 91. Lü Chi: Birds on a Flowering Tree. Ming period. Morse Collectioi New York. 184 92. Portrait of a Korean gentleman. Ming period. Fogg Museum of Art, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 184 93. Ivory Arhat. Ming period. Singer collection, Summit, New Jersey. 185 94. Porcelain Avalokitesvara (Kuan Yin). Ming period. Morse collection, New York. 185 95. Wu Mêng Gate, Imperial Palace, Peking. Ming period. 186 96. Hall of Annual Prayers, Temple of Heaven, Peking. Ming period. 186 97. Blue-and-white plate. Ming period. Falk collection, New York. 187 98. Porcelain box with dragon-and-bird design. Ming period. Fogg Museum of Art, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 187 99. Lacquer box with design of dragons, clouds, and lotus flowers. Ming period. Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto. 188 *100. "Powder-blue" porcelain vase with gold decoration. Ch'ing period. Morse collection, New York. 193 *101. Yellow porcelain dish with dragon design. Ch'ing period. Morse collection, New York. 199 102. Wang Hui: Landscape After Ni Tsan. Ch'ing period. Morse collecion, New York. 201 103. Sages in a Landscape (section of scroll). Ch'ing period. Freer Gallery of Art, Washington. 202-203 104. Shih-t'ao : Landscape. Ch'ing period. Private collection, China. 204 105. Chu Ta (Pa-ta Shan-jên): Lotuses. Ch'ing period. Mi Chou Gallery, New York. 20s 106. Chi Pai-shih: Frogs and Tadpoles. Period of the Republic. Morse collection, New York. 205 107. Chi Pai-shih: Cottages in a Cypress Grove. Period of the Republi Morse collection, New York. 205 108. Tseng Yu-ho: Sung Landscape. Twentieth century (1958). Collection of the artist, Honolulu. 206 109. Walasse Ting: Two Eagles. Twentieth century (1965). Lefebre Gallery, New York. 206 110. Woodcuts of birds from the Mustard Seed Garden Manual of Painting. Ch'ing period. New York Public Library (Spencer collection). 207 111. Woodblock folk print of tiger. Ch'ing period. Meltzer collectio New York. 207 112. Famille verte porcelain vase. Ch'ing period. White House collection, Washington. 208 113. Jade incense burner. Ch'ing period. Morse collection, New Yor 208 *114. Porcelain pilgrim bottle with molded dragon design. Ch'ing period. Morse collection, New York. 209 *115· Imperial dragon robe. Ch'ing period. Morse collection, New York. 215


      I wish to express my gratitude to colleagues of both the East and the West whose research and writings, both supplementing and complementing my own study, have made this book possible. Some are mentioned in the text and some are listed in the bibliography. Still others remain unmentioned, but to each and all I extend my thanks.

      I am also grateful to those who furnished the photographs which contribute so much to this book. Especial thanks are due to Mr. Earl Morse of New York, who provided most of the color plates and a goodly number of monochromes, to Mr. and Mrs. Myron Falk, also of New York, who kindly permitted photographic reproductions of Chinese ceramics in their private collection, and to Dr. Paul Singer, of Summit, New Jersey, who graciously supplied me with photographs of objects in his collection.



      (c. 3000 B.C.-c. 1500 B.C.)

      CHINA CAN look back upon the oldest continuous artistic tradition existing in the world today. Other civilizations predated the Chinese—ancient Mesopotamia, dynastic Egypt, Minoan Crete, Jomon Japan, and those of prehistoric Iran and the Indus valley—but only in China does a current civilization extend back in unbroken continuity

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