Chinese Kung-Fu (Kenpo). William D. Scott

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Chinese Kung-Fu (Kenpo) - William D. Scott

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at about 7:30. The right-rear Forward Stance has your right foot at about 4:30.

      This "clock" will be used throughout the lessons to describe where to place your feet. The starting position will always be in the center, and the movement always to a certain time on the dial.


      Before each lesson or practice session, teachers and students greet each other with a Horse Stance Salutation. The Salutation is also given at the end of each lesson.

      Slide your left foot out to a Horse Stance while raising your right fist, elbow bent, to a position in front of the center of your chest, as in fig. 6. (This fist signifies power.) Now, cover your fist with your left hand (signifying peace) as in fig. 7. Draw your left foot back to your right, drop your clasped hands to your waist, and bow forward with head and eyes pointing downward. In this way you show respect for your fellow students and for the ancient art that you are about to practice.


      The Reverse Punch is one of the most elementary hand strikes taught in Kenpo. To learn the punching technique, first assume a Horse Stance. Make fists (fig. 8) and place them in tight against your hip bones, palm-side upward (fig. 9). Your point of focus (the area you wish to punch) is located one arm's length in front of your solar plexus, which is the soft area just beneath your breastbone.

      As you begin the right reverse punch, your right fist leaves your hip, angling upward toward the focal point. As your elbow reaches your side, rotate your fist counter clockwise to a position with your knuckles pointing upward (fig. 10).

      The punch is now "focused" — there is one solid line of bone stretching from your knuckles to your right shoulder. (You should focus the blow in your first two knuckles — a smaller area of concentration increases the force of the blow.) Your shoulders should remain square and level.

      You are now ready for a left reverse punch, which is thrown in the same manner as the right, while drawing your right fist back to your hip (fig. 11). Repeat the punches, right, left, right, etc., until you learn the motion.

      In order to practice, have your partner shout "Punch!" Punch with your right hand, leaving it in the extended position until he shouts "Punch!" again. You then punch with your left, pulling your right fist back to your hip. These punches should be practiced for about five minutes.


      Inward blocks are used to protect the solar plexus, chest, throat and head from a punching attack.

      Assume a Horse Stance with fists at your hips. Swing your right arm up to the position in fig. 12. This is the cocked position for the right inward block. Keeping your upper arm parallel with the floor, swing it across in front of you, past your face to the position in fig. 13. This block is used primarily for a right punch.

      The left inward block is performed as a mirror image (the same, but opposite) of the right inward block. Pull your right fist down to your hip as you change blocks from right to left. One hand is always near to or in front of your face.

      Practice inward blocks for about five minutes.


      Now to put the punches and blocks together. Start by standing in your Horse Stance with fists clenched at your hips. Pretend an attacker has thrown a right punch to your head and respond by throwing a right inward block. At the point the block is in the finish position (fig. 13), throw a left reverse punch to the focal point, drawing your right hand back to your hip. You should now be in a Horse Stance with your left arm extended.

      Draw your left arm up to the inward block cocked position (fig. 14), throw the block, and upon its completion, a right reverse punch (pulling your left fist back to your hip).

      Cock once again for a right inward block, throw it and then another left reverse punch.

      Practice this sequence until you can perform it with some speed.


      Stand with feet together and hands down at your sides. Draw your right knee up directly in front of you, toes bent back as in fig. 15. Now, swing your foot out to approximately knee height (fig. 16), return to the position in fig. 15 and replant your foot on the floor. Repeat the motion quickly and powerfully with your right foot kicking to knee height. Once your knee is raised, your foot should snap out to the focal point and whip back so that an attacker could not grab it.

      It is important to note that you kick with the ball of your foot and not your toes. The ball is located just behind the toes and is tough.


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