Chinese Kung-Fu (Kenpo). William D. Scott

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Chinese Kung-Fu (Kenpo) - William D. Scott

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raise your left knee to the position in fig. 17 and extend to the knee-height position (fig. 18) as you did with the right snap. Pull it back and place your foot on the floor. Now kick with the same whipping motion that you used for your right kick.

      Practice both the left and right kicks twenty-five times.


      The term "off" refers to the foot doing the kicking. In this case, assume a left-rear Forward Stance. Draw your left knee up to the cocked position (fig. 17), kick, and replant your foot in the Forward Stance. Repeat this kick twenty-five times and try to maintain balance and good feet positioning.

      Now assume a right-rear Forward Stance and perform twenty-five right front snap kicks.

      Practicing these kicks will help your coordination and balance.



      (Attacker's arms are straight and he is pushing you backward, fig. 19.)

      Step back about two feet with your left foot and countergrab your attacker's left wrist with your left hand, as in fig. 20. Note that you must press your forearm tight to your chest, trapping both his left and right hands. Now swing your right forearm up underneath your attackers elbows (in order to sprain or break them) (fig. 21). Circle your right arm clockwise over your attacker's arms to break his hold and pull your right hand into your neck (fig. 22). Form a right knife hand (fig. 23). Using your elbow as a mid-point, strike your attacker in the throat with your right knife hand as in fig. 24. (This strike is called a knife hand chop.) You have now completed the defense technique.

      You need not practice with a partner, but instead pretend his hands are on you and practice the motions of the defense. This defense technique will be elaborated upon in a later lesson.


      Your attacker has placed his left hand on your right shoulder as in fig. 25. Simply circle your right arm around and behind his (fig. 26). When you've completed the circle, punch upward in order to sprain or break your attacker's elbow (fig. 27).

      This is a simple but effective technique and should be performed with great caution if practiced with a partner, as should all the techniques in this book.

      Introductory Lesson I has ended. Practice all you have learned for fifteen minutes a day for three days, and then move on to Introductory Lesson II.


      As you approach Introductory Lesson II, I stress that you should fully understand Introductory Lesson I. As the program builds, you must learn each technique in order, so that at the end of the training program you will have mastered the first step of the art. This lesson builds on the last, and if you have any trouble with the old material, work with it until you know it.


      Since you have learned the inward block and the knife hand chop, it is time to put the two together. Stand in a Horse Stance and have your practice partner throw a right punch toward your head. (Practice punches should be thrown slowly in the beginning and gradually increased in speed.) As your partner throws the punch, he should yell "Go," alerting you that his fist is on the way. You will respond to this attack by throwing a right inward block, followed by a right knife hand chop toward your partner's throat (figs. 28, 29 and 30). It is wise to have your practice partner hold his unused hand in front of his throat, offering you a practice target (focal point) and also protecting himself against accidental injury.

      After practicing the right block and chop for a few minutes, have your partner punch toward you with his left fist, once again shouting "Go," and perform the motion from the left side.

      When you have learned the block and chop technique from both the right and left sides, put the two together by alternating the right and left for a period of about thirty seconds.


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